LJUBLJANA. Be careful, if you come stopped by a police patrol in Slovenia everything could be filmed by a camera, more specifically from bodycam the agent wears on his chest. Nothing secret, the same agent, if you have the camera, will tell you everything that happens and is said to be filmed and recorded. with the red had declined to be identified. No punishment for a servant who would act according to the law, but the poor lady is still clasped personal apology from the police and the Interior Minister Ranko Ostoji “.
For now the police of Slovenia has supplied 30 of these personal cameras and will mainly adoperate during law and order at sporting events or in case, always of public policy, in case of demonstrations. But also some patrols emergency will be equipped with the new technology.
The bodycam for police officers is not new, the other police forces already endeavor in the world and in Europe, but for Slovenia is absolutely a new tool, it is the intention of the leaders of public order, should ensure greater security to the work of the agents and, above all, avoid the plethora of lawsuits against the same agents for too violent behavior or that exceed the legal deliveries. According Revelamedia, supplier of cameras to the police in Slovenia, the allegations of inappropriate behavior at the expense of policemen decreases by as much as 90%. The Slovenian police will provide a total, he explains the spokesman, Robert Ferenc, 120 bodycam. It is clear, precise, the Slovenian official, the agent must give notice that is using the camera and is then filming what is happening in real time. “The first period of use of this technique – explains Ferenc at RTV Slovenija – is very positive because we recorded a lot less fights against the police and a lot less complaints of abuse suffered at the hands of the same agents.” Movies are paid to the agent’s membership of the police station in a computer with a special program and remain there “saved” for 45 days, the period within which by law can file a complaint for alleged acts “inappropriate” by law enforcement. If in the meantime there will be some complaint is logical that that movie will remain in memory.
But if the other police forces around the world use to post the videos obtained by bodycam agents to document their work this will not be possible in Slovenia where you absolutely do not want to violate the right to privacy and where it is not considered appropriate for images where they can be publicly disclosed also it is portrayed people outside the facts of the movie. The use of bodycam is strictly regulated by the Slovenian legislation therefore, explain to the police, they will never be made public images of the individual actions of the police, we say in cases of intervention for murder or for other cases let’s call them “individual”. Otherwise, the situation in which you can find if you join a public rally where he knows that there are cameras in its function to ensure public order.
We recall the sensational case occurred in Croatia, where a policeman with bodycam had handcuffed a 66 year old that after crossing the walkway
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Slovenia agents with the camera – The Small
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