It’s 10 days at Wired Next Fest. Discover the program
From 8 to 11 September back to Camogli the communication Festival, which this year will mainly network and Umberto Eco’s thought. We asked three of his colleagues
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for and against the web . So should have been called the keynote that Umberto Eco , who died last February 19, he began to prepare for the communication Festival . The appointment of Camogli , the first without his Godfather , this year is scheduled 8 to 11 September . They will be rotated more than 130 Italian and international guests: from Claudio Magris Piero Angela , Samantha Cristoforetti Roberto Benigni , which will be awarded the first Prize Communication. Will Wired , media partner, the director Federico Ferrazza .
The Network will be at the center of the meetings and workshops of four days , free and free participation. How he wanted to Eco explained the creator of the show Danco Singer and Rosangela Bonsignorio . In the sixties the semiotician had anticipated many of the new changes brought by the Internet in his book Apocalyptic and integrated . Later he had never ceased to follow the evolution of the media, and tic habits of those who attended, on his column The packet of Minerva , published in L’Espresso.
also for this reason, he says those who know him well, it was very bad because of the controversy that followed his statements made on the occasion of the honorary degree in Communications and media culture to ‘ University Turin .
was June 2015, and Eco, the same University where in 1954 he graduated in Philosophy, he said among other things that “social media entitle the legions word stupid that before only spoke to the bar after a glass of wine without damaging the community “. Umberto Eco thus became the defender of the traditional and the enemy of web culture.
We asked three university professors, guests in their turn of Camogli communication Festival, what Umberto Eco he could tell the Italian public.
Stefano Bartezzaghi, journalist, writer and professor of semiotics and theories of creativity to IULM
very knowledgeable about Eco, who was the director of his dissertation at Dams in Bologna. “I think he wanted a little ‘make out the question” , he says. “The one on the web and its alleged idiots who populate it was a joke and was also the theme of the last Packet, published posthumously in the book Pape Satan aleppe . Eco looked for an opportunity to make a serious debate on the amplified words, due to the reasons reported by the same: the forms of stupidity that run through the quick read. More and more often you think you know already what you are reading “.
the author of the name of the rose , it would not be an opponent of the Net. in fact underlines Bartezzaghi his role as precursor of the Internet. “Already in the sixties, at the time of Open Work , put great emphasis on the labyrinthine structures and the idea that culture was a Network in the hands of everyone and no one. All my life has worked on the theme of the false : a civilization in which he predicted would be more difficult to distinguish what is true. It seems to me that we have: now we question even the doctor’s prescriptions and seek online alternatives. According to Umberto Eco, and not give him wrong, the web offers notoriety opinions without control “.
Umberto Eco two years ago in Camogli (photo: Silvia Malnati)
Richard Fedriga, philosopher and historian of ideas of ‘ Alma-Mater university of Bologna
“in our society is shrinking the distance from a point that is established between the experience of the present, its past and future. Everything is compressed into a present that never fails, in which to store things in an unsustainable rate, with no choice of criteria or selection order of things: a timeless present, who almost lost the human characteristic of waiting and planning the future from the memory of the past of a community “. It begins like Fedriga . In Camogli, not without a subtle taste for provocation, will talk about the web and the “ dictatorship of this ” .
“The new paradigm is very obvious online: you live a ‘ eternal today , where everything is at hand. Paradoxically, the web is perceived as the most flexible, where you can register everything, and you do not think about the flip side: what is written remains forever, nothing but digital Lightness ! So we live in, that there is anything or not, in this eternal Presentism in which the ‘ Do it now he says.
the destruction of the traces of the past and the emergence of a time dimension encompassing that prevents it from acting differently, then adds Fedriga, it is characteristic of the totalitarian regimes. I like to create their own story based on their mind, destroying the traces of the past, as did the Isis in Palmyra, and project into the future almost entirely invented traditions.
“Everything it is filed, without there being even have time to experience it, and select the relevant content to memory: it is exchanged the immateriality of the digital with the absolute freedom to subscribe and unsubscribe. I’m not a catastrophic: I do not want to demonize the web, which is full of interesting and fundamental things, I will only take note that your timelessness allows us not to use it for what it is: a tool to our service and witness of our time, human, and not a present immutable and bulimic technological haven “.
Umberto Eco , which Fedriga oversaw a fundamental History of philosophy to Laterza, would agree? “He noted that the web is a great tool to easily find information. Following is useful, and necessary, also use other sources or qualitatively authoritative sources on the web itself. Otherwise always he wins those who already know the things and not those who want to learn. Especially to help out the younger, would need a Supervisor , human and non-algorithmic, information. Often the net, unless you do not already know before where you’re headed, you might not see why everyone is talking about: there’s too much noise in the Digital room , and the risk of flattening all in an indistinct sound , which prevails who can do it, it is high. ”
Maurizio Ferraris, a professor of theoretical philosophy at ‘university of Turin
says Ferraris : “Eco alluded, for example, you and me – people curious to know the lives of others, but lazy in the correct own – as saying Augustine . People ready to say that mankind is perfect and is perverted by technology, the alien and rimbecillisce. But the technique is the revelation of what we are, beyond the dreams and deceptions. That is, by the way, ready to spread and perpetuate the worst nonsense with tools that allow us to know who we are, notifying urbi et orbi our imbecility , which is, let’s not forget, the distinguishing characteristic of human “.
For this reason, a Camogli , where he will speak Friday, September 9, Ferraris will be looking for” a practical reason the web . “
” In one of his last books, the conversation with Jean-Claude Carrière Do not expect to get rid of the books , Umberto Eco pointed out that there a bit ‘of hens took generations to learn not to get run over by cars. The hens ended up under the car because mistook for coaches and that is what happens to us with the web, which many consider a super-television. But it is not a passive instrument of communication, but of a recording active tool , an archive, a system of construction of social reality and of individual and collective intentionality mobilization “.
key is the concept of documedialità , a neologism born from the combination documentality and mediality. Without registration , concludes Ferraris, there are trees and chairs, but not weddings or noble titles, economic crisis or Nobel prizes. “It is always so: the documentality, even more important than Governmentality mentioned by Foucault, because it is the condition. No power without registration. The novelty is that the web brings to light of the sun that in other times was a arcanum imperii . I call this situation Documedialità, the state emerged with the widespread dissemination of the Network, and of which we have not yet taken the steps: it is between us, but do not know what it is, and you think maybe it’s the dream of a mad scientist “.
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