Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tim was born Academy: “Contamination of knowledge will be our … – Corcom

 Develop and spread new skills, contaminate knowledge of different realities, involve new talents and go in a strategic route digital transformation . These are the objectives behind the launch of Tim Academy , the new platform created by Telecom Italy for the training of employees of the Group, presented today in Rome.

 A project based on a “connected” portal that will offer online courses via virtual learning , open Meeting , web training and gamification . But also moments of networking to be realized through hackathon , think thank , Workshop and Seminars . All with a very specific purpose: to create concrete opportunities for technological innovation and business, relying on ‘ professional development , the exchange of know-how and contamination ideas and work . The new project for the formation of People Value , the HR Telecom division, also will focus on the presence of physical locations, with the opening of 17 Tim Academy locations across Italy by the end of ‘ year: the headquarters will be in Rome, while 2 of the 17 planned open in Florence and Naples in early summer.

 “ We believe that physical spaces are still very important. The digital helps to reach many people in a short time and is a core asset of Tim Academy – says Ida Sirolli , Head of Research & amp; Education People Value Tim, interviewed by Corcom -. But we must not forget the importance of physical contact, which is a fundamental moment for the exchange of knowledge between people . ” An initiative that will see the direct involvement of universities ( “ are being finalized framework agreements with two major Italian universities “, reveals Sirolli), research centers, other partner companies of the group and Startups Tim #WCap: market players and public partners with which the Italian telco wants to push its own human capital towards the acquisition of the digital skills of the future.

  Sirolli, how did Tim Academy?

  The initiative comes within the people stategy Tim, that we carry now for 3 years and with whom we expected a change management in the whole range of human resources. This is the result of 18 months of work, carried out with a community of 100 colleagues and the support of external partners. Today we present a new model to address l ‘acquisition, management and the creation of skills Tim. The new corporate university is based on the concept of knowledge sharing in support of corporate strategy to help the organization to acquire new skills, particularly digital ones, to bring in and spread them among our over 50 thousand employees.

  We will launch a Observatory on skills , to monitor the evolution of skills and labor market, and we have defined a partnership model with some important Italian universities, also to do joint research. Today we present a free open platform , that in the coming months will host webinars, open meetings and meetings in person. We open simultaneously a social platform for the exchange of know-how and its spread inside the Tim community. We will also have physical locations, 17 on the whole Italian territory: the first will open in June in Florence and Naples, the other in the following months by October including the central one that will be in Rome.

  How will comprise the teaching staff?

  The faculty will consist of thirty full time teachers, that the social educator digital we have formed in recent months, but also by hundreds of colleagues called as experts, testimonial and teachers on some issues specific.

  From the point of view of the content offered by the platform, there is some segment of the digital universe prediligerete?

  We will use a 360 ° approach to spread the digital culture within the Group, but there are still some very specific lunges we are doing to generate new skills, such as Big date , Internet of Things , cybersecurity and media management .


You will also enjoy the content on the move?
  Absolutely. We have developed a platform in the cloud accessible from Mobile and 50% of the content that we make available today will also be accessible from smartphones and tablets.

  Are you going to get to a fully digital model or feel still important to have the physical space?

  Digital tools help to reach many people and to shorten the time, surely speak of a core asset of Tim Academy. But we must not forget the importance of physical contact, which promotes the direct exchange of knowledge between people. For this we will focus also on physical locations, local readjusting owned by the Group with a new concept.

  What types of agreements you have made with the universities?

  We are going to define the framework agreements that go beyond individual initiatives that allow us to create solid relationships for the future. We are dealing with important academic and soon we will announce important news. But’ll hold agreements also with suppliers, vendors and our ecosystem of startups , with which we are already collaborating and to which we will provide the platform from the end of the year, opening thus also towards the ‘ external.


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