Sunday, April 3, 2016

School, NSG at the forefront: 8 thousand students involved in the alternation – Zonalocale

Maria Grazia Angelini Eight thousand students involved for 50 thousand hours in three years . Are the main figures of the project of the NSG / Pilkington San Salvo to meet colleges Vastese that from this year on the basis of the Law 107 (the Good school ) will have to fulfill the obligations regarding the ‘ school-work . Last Thursday, the project was presented by the president Graziano Marcovecchio in the main hall of the High School “Mattioli” Vasto the presence of leaders (as well as the school itself) of the high school Polo “Pantini-Pudente”, the Technical Economic-Technological Institute “Palizzi” dell’IIS “Mattei”, dell’I.I.S. “Mattioli” of San Salvo and dell’I.T.S. Lanciano and the Regional Labour, Marinella Sclocco .

“QUESTION OF SENSITIVITY” – The changes introduced by the law have aroused no small commotion in the school leaders: the alternation this year will involve only the third year students, from ‘ next year, those of the third and fourth to go fully operational in two years, when they are all students of the last three classes have to issue a period in local companies.
Maria Grazia Angelini (leader of “Mattioli” of Vasto) has so positively greeted the initiative of the NSG: “We thank Dr. Marcovecchio who had the right sensitivity in carrying out a project that immediately responded to the law 107, thanks Through this partnership the guys will approach the world of work. “
” i congratulate the schools – added the mayor vastese Luciano Lapenna (San Salvo this Councillor for Culture John Artese) – the territory of the Sangro to Trigno produces 71% of exports of Abruzzo. Today is not enough the historical formation, therefore I have said to the children to take advantage of these important moments. “

 Marcovecchio Graziano, president Pilkington Italy ” A COMMITMENT, DO TOGETHER “ – the President of the NSG in San Salvo, Graziano Marcovecchio, has so described in detail the project citing in its passages of Pope Francis speech to entrepreneurs.
“I started getting requests to host students – he said – even from Campania, Puglia and Molise. This is why I decided to do the opposite: we call schools. The route will be divided into two areas: classroom training (with a subsequent visit of establishments) and on the job training . In this second part we will be involved 60 boys, 60% in the technical area, 40% in the professional one.

The first step is to the Safety work : “in the last year there have been 1,100 accidents at work – said Marcovecchio – to avoid them you need a cultural change which starts from schools “(the first meeting was held last Friday at the” Palizzi “, READ ).
Then comes the turn of ethical code and communication . “the worst business failures – said the president – are due to miscommunication. On this issue I was struck by , an example of good communication in a time when the share gets on bad news. Talk about the good news, making of journalism will help. “
The rest of the program includes meetings on the environment, energy, business organization, interview and resume, total quality, the NSG products, production processes and business.

in conclusion, the exhortations to achieve goals that go beyond voting and profit:” we want people prepared, it is true, but above do not want the slothful . Who does not take a position either for the good or evil is not deserving of punishment. In the company there is no possibility of not taking a position . Do not be spineless people. At the center of every project – he added – there must be the man. Never forget the weaker or different : you young people need to be leaders in welcoming. “

” NOT A SIMPLE OBLIGATION ” – the commissioner Sclocco acknowledged the commitment of the NSG and of schools ensuring to do their part: “Congratulations to the schools and the NSG who do not see the school-work as a mere duty to be performed. For our part we have some tool to be made available. First re-present the Pon funds and the Schools open and inclusive by taking advantage of the European Social Fund. The re-present so that the project can grow with the afternoon opening of the schools that last year has been a great success. Inside there is also a module for the experiences abroad. The goal is to make the world better than we found it through work. “


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