at the Expo of 2020, the Emirate of Dubai is planning to use the technology “Mvmant ‘to illustrate to the world a” new automobile mobility system. ” The EU Commission has elected among the top 28 innovative companies (out of 600) in the project frontierCities (nearly 4 million euro of funding in depth lost to the best ideas on the future of mobility). Daimler (Mercedes) strongly wanted to become a sponsor, promoting an experimental tour of the app in Italy and Europe, from Dubrovnik to Berlin, in a route that has also just reached Milan, where the ‘Councillor Pierfrancesco Maran has observed on the smartphone, inspiring the future “taxi sharing”, perhaps to replicate the unique number 7777.
The intelligent algorithm
This is an app based on an algorithm developed by a group of Catanese researchers – physicists and computer scientists gathered in Edisonweb team – designed to solve the problems of urban mobility: traffic, parking, pollution, even large weather events. As? Through the filtering of a set of statistical information needed to evaluate the displacement flow of citizens, thus providing an offer of public transport in line with the actual demand. In fact, the name “Mvmant” originates from the English word “motive”, movement, and “ant” ant, namely the living symbol of efficiency and organization. Modern radio taxi, is defined as the “synthesis between buses and taxis”, being a service on predetermined routes, booked via app .
Taxi sharing
for the commissioner Pierfrancesco Maran, was an opportunity to see it on Smartphone a project that has long been in the head of the Mobility sector officials: the shared taxi. An idea closely related to the new municipal unique number 7777 – that is, the system (managed by Fastweb) by which the municipality has replaced the columns at taxi ranks – just “rehabilitated” by the State Council after the stop at the Tar following the use of the radio taxi. “Now that the judgment gives us full reason – says Maran – we can start with the advertising campaign of 7777. After that we are also considering other initiatives, including a shared taxi system,” just as that of the app Mvmant, “for which we estimate reduced rates by 70% compared to taxis” explains to Riccardo D’Angelo.
Beyond the ‘sharing’
hell of words and concepts borrowed from English which in recent years have revolutionized (and overrun) urban mobility, the ride sharing is distinguished both by the car sharing of Guide me, car2go, Enjoy or Share’ngo (which is the same car to be put into sharing) is the carpool Bla Bla car (where the driver it is a suite that offers a smooth transition gain purposes). It takes place, therefore, the public transport service involving professional drivers, taxi drivers and chauffeurs NCC (chauffeur), thus avoiding the hitting in ” illegal ‘ ride sharing of Uberpop, illegal on the Italian territory from June 2015. So much so that Edisonweb was invited to participate in the national assemblies of the taxi.
Route Italy- Germany
innovation comes from Catania, or, more precisely, from Mirabella Imbaccari, agricultural country from the 50s became basin operari emigrated to Germany (to work in German factories precisely the Mercedes), whose third generations are now in the Mvmant staff, in a sort of nemesis or “good-natured revenge.” The novelty has indeed aroused the interest of Daimler always on the technological frontier when it comes to new mobility, as evidenced by the moovel companies, car2go and app of MyTaxi taxi drivers.
April 26, 2016 | 07:26
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