Technology Mattress able to unmask the betrayals? It is no longer a utopia so careful traitors.
There is now a smart network, a tech mattress can detect ‘strange’ movements on the bed, pick them up according to their intensity and issue real-time on their smartphones.
the borders of the new technologies are becoming more open to new and ready to meet the many different needs. We are already used to hearing talk of smart appliances, refrigerators able to advise you on the choice of spending to buy or warn the expiry of the products inside them, televisions ‘handyman’ who communicate even with the lock of the garage.
Who lacked controllasse occur and the real presence of a guest fedigrafo home. It lacked a mattress technology that can detect and send all the movements that take place right over our sheets at different times from those of the rest.
This tech mattress can expose betrayal is a product that is launching the Spanish company Dumert . Inside 24 sensors prepared to react to the slightest movement perceived and connect to your smartphone, hence the name Smarttress .
The slogan then says a lot: “ Comfortable by night and by day reassuring. If your partner is unfaithful, your mattress is not . “
The promotional clips of the mattress quickly became viral, despite the actions of the product has been enthusiastically welcomed by all …
Here’s the video.
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