[CASE] Milano C ‘ is a market to conquer, to SMEs. A reality that represents almost all of the Italian productive system which, unless “virtuous” exceptions, has always had an informal approach, unstructured and sometimes unconscious against the corporate welfare. Because of the crisis? Often cost prohibitive? A tax “enemy”? Unclear rules? Cultural prejudices? There are many causes that have hindered the spread of this tool, underestimated until now. But with enormous potential. This is convinced Federico Isenburg, founder and CEO of Easy Welfare, a company with nearly a decade of experience in the sector, with a client portfolio of over 180 companies of all sizes and industries and with a portal with dedicated support, fully managed in full outsourcing, full of services that embrace all spheres: education, family, health, travel, vacation, mobility, mortgages, cards, boxes and shopping. Isenburg pressed: “There are no right companies to make corporate welfare, but there is a right plan for every company.” And this is the mission that pursues its company from December changed its name to Move to Easy Welfare, just to reinforce the concept that making welfare is simple. In this sense, an important contribution could come right with the new Stability Law which, according to the manager, “has done nothing but put the spotlight
an instrument, until recently considered today, highlighting the potential ‘ . And his thoughts turn to the varied world of SMEs, which, thanks to the many advantages brought about by the government’s maneuver, will be an incentive to use corporate welfare plans. “For this kind of companies or start-ups that want to invest in the welfare of its employees, we developed an ad hoc package,” explains Isenburg. It is called “Easy Welfare SMEs”, and was launched on the market a few days enjoying a great interest right away. “His strength is the simplicity of activation: just a single day of signing the contract,” adds the manager. Who points out: “For obvious reasons, the services related to the family and education are those for which the investment is greater. But we add a whole range of opportunities related to sport, leisure, travel, package holidays and shopping. ” To be even closer to companies, Easy Welfare has also decided to work on a “Welfare Index”: that is, an index to understand what are the new trends in the sector in the market. “Since 2007 we realize complex projects, comparing ourselves with work realities different from each other, not only by product categories – says Isenburg – When I talk about different situations I refer to different needs: over 180 client companies translates into over 180 different welfare plans, since no indifferent”. Hence the decision to make the baggage treasure of knowledge, statistics and trends acquired in the field that allow to direct the most of the client company. Knowledge Easy Welfare wants to exploit using the technologies that today have for the realization of a comprehensive package of services, which can be activated or not. “Every company has its own identity, its needs and its development trend – look at the manager – We first understand who you are and then we make a welfare package which embraces every business need.” Potentially the pool of companies that Easy Welfare can embrace is really large, considering that only SME market occupies over 80% of the workforce in the private sector. But what are the most promising sectors in which to invest? “There are more promising sectors than others, there are only conscious businesses to corporate wellness, and more inclined to believe in innovation,” he says Isenburg, which also explains the reasons that differentiate his company from other operating companies in this sector “we are different from other competitors in the market because we are able to offer a welfare package in the round, thanks to a network of over 2,000 affiliated facilities. In addition, we have a technological and safe solution, qualified and reliable partners and especially experience in the industry. The welfare state is universal and also our offer. ” But mind you, warns Isenburg turning to the world of business, that “corporate welfare always starts from within, from the commitment of every employee and it is from this consideration that comes the enhancement of corporate resources. Welfare is not an innovation introduced by the new regulations – he concludes – The corporate welfare has always existed, today was finally set off by a regulation that can meet the needs of all, in a clear and comprehensive. ” (V.d.c.) Federico Isenburg founder and CEO of Easy Welfare
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