from this moment, all the Italian Members of the European Parliament will receive regular and comprehensive updates on the position of our government on the main dossier agenda of the Union. Not that before they were completely in the dark. But unlike, say, their French colleagues, regularly flooded by the Quai d’Orsay in position papers on the Paris priorities, Italians elected were hitherto subject to little systematic information and surely not strategic from Rome. And ‘one of the commitments that Carlo Calenda, the former deputy minister at Foreign Trade commissioned by Matteo Renzi as a representative in Europe, took last Tuesday in his meeting with our MEPs.
Where ‘fists on the table “and its voice , who loudly (and unnecessarily) accompanied the fall and winter of discontent Italian, seem to want to change now a more systemic approach, important innovation of which is the control room every Friday sees Calenda in Rome make a point on the European agenda with his counterparts of Economy, Foreign Affairs and Palazzo Chigi. The double technical quality and policy of neo representative and his direct line with Renzi fact prevent some steps and simplify management of the various fronts.
“The visit is a sign of a new method, which aims to build a country position at an early stage of the dossier and then pursue it consistently, instead of groped to patch when the proposals are already defined without taking the right account Italians interests “, explains Roberto Gualtieri, deputy of the Parliament of the Democratic Party that presides over the EU economic and monetary Affairs Committee. While discussing
fact of today, our government is committed with some first result in complex negotiations with Brussels (whether aid to banks or budgetary flexibility) and emergency migrants, superimposed on that of security, it seems to suck all attention and energy, great matches in the future you are playing in the European Union. Stay inside, to touch a ball as the national system, be present with ideas, priorities and proposals at all levels of the process – the Commission, Parliament, Council – that is, to all the tables that lead to the decision, it is an existential question for Italy.
are at stake among others the Digital Agenda for creation of the European Silicon Valley; any, controversial (and for us fatal) decision on the status of market economy for China; the fourth railway package that should further liberalize the tracks of Europe; TTIP negotiations with the US to create a single Atlantic area of trade and investment; the difficult launch of the regulation on ‘made in’, which would allow for traceability of products essential for a country like Italy that focuses on quality; not least the revision of Ets pollutant emission standards and the strategic energy Union.
But it is the enormity of the challenges and the delay accumulated over the years in the map of European power, to fuel doubts about the real possibility to make inroads. “Calenda is a great choice, has industrial vision, competence, but it is only a card, although very important, a larger mosaic, still to be built,” said Antonio Tajani, member of Forza Italy, Vice-President of Parliament and former European Commissioner for Industry. Should be “a total mobilization, a presence and a more diligent work of all ministers in Brussels, we should engage and raise the awareness of Italian officials in institutions as they do regularly Germany and France, have consistently un’interlocuzione between the government and the Commission, where instead we record that the Italian member, who is also High representative for foreign policy, almost no one speaks with President of the Council. ” But above all, adds Tajani, ‘we should have a strategy in an Europe, which goes beyond the political spectrum. We must protect our national interests, in the more general European interest. But the issue here is ancient, it is not only the Renzi government. What we are aiming? We want one of the future technology parks both in Italy? We can not just complain and say that Merkel is bad. ”
Examples of how to make the other big countries abound. One for all, in the distribution of Commission portfolios Juncker, without ads urbi et orbi, Germany has focused on the digital agenda, the so-called Generation 4.0, making sure the place for Günther Oettinger, called now shape the future IT Europe, mobilizing immense resources.
“Teaming up is decisive, with closer coordination the Italian position can get more strength, but you have to work together already in the definition of proposals,” says David Sassoli, a member of the Democratic Party and vice-president of the European , rapporteur of the fourth railway package, now in its decisive phase of the ‘trialogue’, conciliation on the final text between Parliament, Commission and Council of Ministers.
The general impression is that the Italian universe in Brussels Consider that of Carlo Calenda “a choice in the right direction.” But the problem is pointed out, it is the way in which Italy will work in the institutions: ‘The Commission – say authoritative sources – can not be considered a foreign body, we are part of. The rules may not please us, but we accepted. The point is just to be present with ideas and positions at the stage, because one thing is lock down a proposal that would have helped formulate, another groped as adjusting the one that we have now. ”
April 22, 2016 (modified April 22, 2016 | 10:32)
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