A mix between service and streaming radio show with a strong attention to editorial content. This is the new direction of the music service TIM with the artistic direction of Alessio Bertallot.
(Photo: Riou / Getty Images)
The latest figures on the Italian record market at the end of 2014 rather speak for themselves: the streaming is the 22% of the total music market with a growth of over 80% year-precent, while the entire segment digital (download + stream) is 38% of the 122 million of the total market revenues (data for Deloitte Fimi 2015).
Furthermore, the latest evolution of Spotify and the recent launch of Apple Music make us realize that streaming will be, at least for the next few years, the way of listening to music more relevant, especially in mobility and between Millennials (in Italy 70% of the guys ta 11 to 19 years using the phone as a device for listening to favorite music and 1 to 2 using streaming services). All the music in the world available on your smartphone, huge choice, whether galvanizes some, in most cases can generate a feeling of vertigo and total confusion.
Today so the challenge by all the main actions re industry is finding new services added value, curation (custom playlists and recommendations) and other tricks to make the ‘ listening in streaming a new and unique.
In Italy Tim dedication, through TimMusic, its own service music streaming (about 20 million songs Italian and international) to its customers Premium : in 2014 were more than 2 million with 260 million streams. But for 2015, which also saw a growth of 60% of the stream in the first half compared to last year, he has decided to meet this new market demand: by content, then, but not assigned to an algorithm, but competent people in music, DJs and musicians, led by Alessio Bertallot , also a musician, DJ and musical adviser, who assumes for TimMusic figure of artistic director.
” The objective is to add a technology platform element humanistic of musicians and DJs who give good service to the music , “said Bertallot to Wired:” Today we are faced with a crucial moment: is rapidly consolidating the transition of music from asset held to service and to ensure that this becomes a good service it is important that people not only live music as a commodity but to continue to love it. To do this we have decided to bring in a streaming service the cultures good of the radio and the knowledge of those who attended the music in person . “By the end
July will come out a new release of the app of TimMusic on all platforms that will include a series of Additional services : the sections devoted to genres will be cured by experts who will select playlist where each song is preceded by an exposé by deejay-curator and users are free to choose whether to listen to just the music selection or even the voice comment that explains the musical choices: “ a sort of hybrid between radio show and playlist with an important editorial care “adds Bertallot. “ The second is called before TimMusic: the artists that are going to release an album recorded here are a kind of interview by listening almost complete album, commenting on the pieces. This show is put online temporarily, even before the release of the disc . “
In the future we will be launched other innovations, such as the streaming some performance , from DJ sets to live, there is also the opportunity to assign the temporary care of the various sections to artists that will give them an investiture and imprint artistic staff.
“ were years that expect this type of reality to become mature and feasible ,” said Alessio Bertallot “ is changing around the world and we need to find new models to try not to throw away what’s important is, for example, the history of the dissemination of music, and all this we can not delegate it to an algorithm . “
The service in the new release will continue to cost, only for Tim, 4 € per month (for those who have subscribed to the Tim Young & amp; Music dedicated to under 30 the service is free ) and hallmark of TimMusic, streaming does not consume GB of Internet traffic for customers who access Tim in Italy through the 3G / 4G network.
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