Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day dedicated to renewable energy in Rome -

Yesterday October 26 Rome has hosted a fair amount of public in Via dei Fori Imperiali the event “Italian renewable – for a clean future, environmental innovation, the building renovation and research.” The event was promoted by Legambiente, WWF, Greenpeace, Kyoto Club, and it was a day of celebration dedicated to the different production technologies of renewable energy, such as sun and wind, but also energy efficiency.

Into Italian-renewable

Into The stands were allowed to associations and companies of the Italian renewable exhibit their products, along with organic and sustainable produce stand, workshops of all kinds for children and teens, Ciclofficina, tracks for go-carts and so more.

Into “In the square for a future Italian energy focused on renewables and efficiency. Because the energy revolution begun in recent years, with more than 600 thousand plants distributed in our country and more than 30% of the electricity needs met, should not be stopped. Because today it is possible to greatly reduce the dependence on fossil fuels, which are bad for people’s health, damage the environment and aggravate the economic crisis. And because this is where the interest of Italy and of all citizens, and the unique perspective of development that allows you to stop climate change, reduce poverty and ensure peace, “reads the press release.

Into According to the organizers, the day is required, as a sort of outcry peaceful, to “react to an attack on renewable sources by those who would stop them to keep alive polluting coal and fuel oil, yet another injustice, benefiting even billions of euros taken in the bill or by general taxation. “

Into No one could miss the Greenpeace activists who demonstrated against the exploitation of the Arctic and reminded activists still in Russian prisons.

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