Thursday, June 2, 2016

Zurich relaunches on smart working and involves all employees – Il Sole 24 Ore

The smart working gradually makes its way also in the insurance sector where unions are discussing with Ania the renewal of the national collective labor agreement (June 16 there will be the next meeting from which they are new expectations). The last agreement was signed by Zurich Italy and provides “the ability to adhere voluntarily to the smart working, understood as provision of work performance outside the premises of the company headquarters of belonging and according to the time of its flexibility SW, compatible with the contractual working hours and in accordance with business organization – says the text of the agreement -. The employee, therefore, will work outside of the assigned work location, in the manner and limits defined by the Agreement, at home or in alternative place to your home. ”


Oliviero Bernardi, head of hr Zurich Italy says that the agreement with the union came “after a job that lasted at least a couple of years on leaders and managers. Gradually we changed the organization by increasing flexibility, trying to make people work well on the content not on hours. We requested a skills more effort than in the past. Fewer meetings, more powers, stronger empowerment of people. ” Then came the acronym with the union of a memorandum of understanding to experience six months the smart working. “The trial – explains Bernardi – involved 100 people and it went very well. We have seen a reduction in absenteeism and increased productivity. ” Hence the decision to extend the instrument to all the figures that can perform work remotely and are about 1,000 out of a total of 1,300 employees. The performance in SW “will not exceed two days per week, staying mainly traditional methods of execution of the service in place,” says the agreement. “The physical presence of three days a week is more than enough for the work, but it must be said that the presence in the office is important because it facilitates the ability for people to continue to maintain a corporate and social life that would risk losing if they worked only remotely, “says Bernardi.

The agreement holds your working hours to a total of 37 hours per week, to be held in the time period from 7.45 to 19.30, with no impact on payroll: therefore same salary, the same rewards and incentives and even the ticket restaurant. The day of the smart worker will, however, characterized by the absence of a rigid schedule and autonomy in delivery. “To work remotely workers provide the necessary technological equipment. The standard equipment includes laptops, telephone software installed in PCs, headsets and Internet connection, but also the possibility of networking with archives and information services, “says Bernardi. The agreement personal note it is clear that “allows people to be able to save transport time and to be able to work while physically closer to their personal lives,” Bernardi plays, while the organizational note is that “the smart working calendar is It agreed considering the needs of all employees and the office. ” The explanatory statement concerns the fact that this agreement leads in the insurance sector, the issue of age of the labor organization too closely tied to the time control and less with productivity that is not always proportional to the amount of hours that you spend on workplace.

“A deal that also leads Zurich, after Axa and Sarah, on the route of a productivity-based performance and flexibility of trust between company and worker – added the Secretary General of the Snfia Marino D’Angelo – towards sustainable and efficient organizational model. ” Luca Manenti of Fisac ​​Cgil believes that “it was essential to adjust the smart working collectively through a union agreement, particularly in light of the legal vacuum in the field. In this way, we were able to provide safeguards for workers might wish to join voluntarily, first of all the insurance coverage in case Inail contexts and does not recognize any accident at work during the smart working, waiting for us both due clarity in the matter. “

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