PRATO. They have not spared any pricking, especially about the authorship of some proposals. But in the confrontation it dominated the fairplay and eventually went all three together to take a coffee. In four days to vote and the Tyrrhenian hosted yesterday in drafting a final forum with the three mayoral candidates including, June 5, the Carmignano will be able to choose their mayor, together with the future city council. Three alternatives, each with his words guide but also similarities: Edoardo offering performance, councilor in charge and the candidate of “Ideas for Carmignano”, the list backed by the center-left Democratic Party, Sel, Socialists and Democrats Supportive but not from the PRC, Mauro Scarpitta of “Carmignano – Scarpitta mayor”, or the entire center-right Northern League in Brothers of Italy and Forza Italy, Andrea Bassini of the Five Star Movement.
Throughout the Province of Prato Carmignano is considered the most common tourist but does not take off: What’s missing?
Andrea Bassini (M5s) : “We have a good foundation: farms at the top, local products and quality, some booster parties. The biodistretto under construction is beginning to attract. And ‘the road on which to continue. What is missing is a coordinated program of events and spaces and more functional transportation services. Especially it is lacking communication. Buses also serve to help to move the tourists who arrive without a car. And then we need to invest on the Rocca, the castle of the capital that can become our showcase. “
Mauro Scarpitta (Carmignano – Scarpitta mayor)
“Tourism and gastronomy are important, but the real business is done by the industry. Carmignano is not the kingdom of the hobbits. It must therefore revive the industrial areas of Comeana and Seano, not competing with low-cost Chinese companies but by investing in technological development. Sometimes tourism goes hand in hand with job insecurity: we must instead provide skilled jobs for our citizens. The treasures that we are not much valued, as of the Visitation of Pontormo which dominates all art books: serve better synergies between operators, needs to be improved communication (external and on the official websites). ‘
Edward offering performance: “Some people are afraid of tourism, but in common with a strong tourist vocation of life is good and better than anywhere else. Of course, we should aim for a quality tourism. Carmignano also can not play alone and even individual traders can do. Serve extracomunali synergies, serves a widespread planning of accommodation, you need a brand bringing together the historical and architectural interest, wine producers and other farmers. I’d like a Montalbano (not just Prato) such as Chianti. But it needs a place where you devise common strategies. Today there is the City, the Pro Loco, the Road of flavors, the wine consortium, the biodistretto: we propose a single tourist information that goes beyond the boundaries of Carmignano. ” Merging with Poggio will improve the lives of citizens?
Scarpitta : “First it should be clarified what is to become the metropolitan area and what powers will: otherwise we risk yet another patch of a Harlequin dress. And ‘the wrong perspective. For citizens still see modest advantages: it would be enough to use telematics and you could also simplify many things.
offering performance: “The launched process must continue. Poggio a Caiano agrees and citizens will gain in better services. Of course it will be a gradual approach: first the associated management, then the single common with the last word to the citizens, and as has happened in Valbisenzio could also reject the merger with the referendum. In any case, even divided, you can program policies and strategies: on tourism, geological risk, waste disposal “
Bassini: “We want to better understand and be assured that this will really help streamline the bureaucratic machine. Today sometimes already difficult to work with two of the same common office. Offering performance speaks for a referendum: it makes me smile, because in 1990 the Carmignano said no to the passage under the province of Prato and then ended as we know. “
The citizens are asking for more parking lots and streets safer. but what can you do with the blanket increasingly short of municipal accounts?
offering performance : “You can start with small actions. A Seano enough to prolong via Gadda and Via Elsa Morante to give breath away Baccheretana. With a walking bus project decongestionerebbe traffic in the morning at the entrance to school. A Comeana June 10 already changes everything with a series of unique and one-way alternate ways to improve traffic in the Via Veneto and Via Alighieri. For the bypass via Macia it will take longer. Parking lots and commissioning of Pistoiese via safety are priorities for Carmignano: we are already studying a small bypass to Renacci in Candia. “
Scarpitta : “They came to a head nodes of 30-40 years of nefarious land management. It is built without thinking about roads and services. Our priority will be the minute maintenance. We live in the hills. They need efficient and safe roads to drive on, before cycling. As for the new road to Comeana, some resident already has doubts: if you do not put in defense works of pedestrians, via Alighieri is likely to become the most dangerous highway first. ” Bassini: ‘E’ need constant maintenance and continuous street. I see that many are paved in these days before the vote. But it should be also reviewed the public transport system: the Prontobus (on-call bus that connect one fraction ed) today do not travel in August, creating discomfort to those who have a car, the elderly but also to potential tourists . Well we have already registered concerns about new comeanese road was enough to listen to the people, rather than rely on supertecnici. “
Why Carmignano should vote for you? Fear abstention?
offering performance: “I met people who did not even know that on Sunday we vote. The undecided voters say that our list is the expression of a concrete renewal: some Party (Rifondazione ed) and councilor chose not to be there: the same are ready to present themselves with a civil list supported by the center. We were also the only ones to make the participation a concrete act, writing the program together with the citizens. “
Scarpitta: “ I’ll be frank. About after 5 June did not vote, whatever happens, do not come then to complain. Pd and center have so far been able to count on a majority among the voters, but they are not a majority among voters. A vote to us is a vote for three cornerstones: security, defense and public administration ness on the side of citizens and businesses.
Bassini: “ To talk about renewal say that the real novelty of this election we are: all persons who come from the world of work and that bring their own experiences to the benefit of all.”
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