Free of tax to support the productivity wage, unlocking the reform of the Central Guarantee Fund, government subsidies for digital experts to be included in SMEs. The hearing at the House of the Minister of Economic Development Carlo Calenda on “Industry 4.0″ becomes an opportunity to bring forward some policy ideas to be implemented.
The measures to support the plan Industry 4.0 for the digitization of manufacturing, says Calenda in Productive Activities Committee, will be included in the law of stability while the strategy document will be ready before the summer. The “first package of measures” will revolve around five areas: “Investments in innovation; enablers; security interoperability standards and Internet information; labor relations wages and productivity; corporate finance. ” It is mostly the opposite of productivity that intended to dominate the scene for the upcoming stability law. “I believe it is necessary to define an adequate tax treatment, to encourage businesses to resort more and more to the opportunities offered by the productivity wage” the minister said.
manufacturing added value in main European countries (2013, billion euro). (Source: Mise)
On the wage-productivity exchange transformations induced by Industry 4.0 will have a disruptive impact. The interaction between robotics and workforce is set to become closer and more efficient, the litmus test will be the balance between tasks and jobs that will be lost and those that will be created or at least retrained and potentially rewarded in terms wage. The same SMEs, according Calenda, must attach this “unmissable opportunity to boost competitiveness”, without suffering. Questions from MPs on the possible measures to reach this objective, Calenda responds quoting finance package for growth and a possible innovations like “devolepment bond”, corporate bonds issued to finance development projects and revival connected to industrial innovation. The study is also the figure of the so called “digital angels”, experts for the technology to be included in enabling SMEs. In this regard he cites the precedent of Calenda “temporary export manager,” an experiment “that worked.” In the case of various technological skills the operation promises to be more complex, but you could still start with an experimental phase.
Change in GDP and value Added Manufacturing in the South and Center – North [2008 - 2014; %]. (Source: MED)
Generally speaking, it is the Ministry of the line, a series of concessions already in force will be strengthened or remodeled to hook them to digital transformation of the manufacturing system. It applies to the “New Sabatini”, probably for supermmortamenti and the Central Guarantee Fund. “On Fund – says Calenda – will present shortly a restructuring of the roofing system, to move the focus from working capital investments. Moreover, it makes no sense to cover with the same percentage of operations coverage they have a completely different risk level. A reform that creates efficiency could also enable us to further expand the number of beneficiaries, now limited to SMEs. “
As this rearrangement of ministerial incentives will really translate into a lever for Industry 4.0 is all yet to be seen . But on the need to take this path seems to be little doubt. “It’s a commitment to Europe before Italian – sums Calenda -: the potential losses of the non-digitization for EU-17 countries could exceed 600 billion Euros by 2020, a value of more than 10% of mainland industrial base ‘
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