Rome – The organization TOP500 issued the 47th edition of the same name on the list HPC (High-Performance Computing) more powerful movement, a “contest” last petaflops that once again crowns China as the most active nation in the field. Novelty there are also in Beijing, and are very negative and for the prestige that the US business.
The new super-system is called Sunway TaihuLight, a car built by the National Research Center of Parallel Computer Engineering & amp; Technology (NRCPC) that in the LINPACK benchmark (the standard for the evaluation of supercomputers) reached the beauty of 93 petaFLOP per second .
It is a result of almost three times compared to that of Tianhe- 2, supersytem protagonist of past editions of the TOP500 ranking, and also of Chinese origin who now has to “settle” for second place with 33.86 petaflops performance; the third HPC monster is Titan, the US machine (Cray XK7) installed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and capable of 17.59 petaflops.
The TaihuLight exploit is even more significant if one takes into account the technology at its base, that is to say a new type of chips fully realized in the home (Tianhe-2 uses Intel Xeon processors) equipped with 260 computational cores, installed in 41,000 copies for a total of 10.65 million core.
the autarkic chips Beijing are in part a response to the export ban commissioning of advanced technologies by US authorities, and partly to the will of technological independence from foreign products carried out by the communist authorities. Under both points of view, the realization of TaihuLight no news is good news for US interests and ambitions.
Alfonso Maruccia
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