Friday, October 30, 2015

Niel rises further in Telecom holds a 15.1% stake – The Republic

Milan – Xavier Niel rises to 15.14% of Telecom Italy. And ‘what emerges from Consob communications: the website of the Commission states that the French announced that it has increased on 27 October, the participation and hold now “a total long position equal to 15.143% of the capital.” Yesterday it was revealed the episode billionaire transalpine in the capital of the former monopolist of TLC: between options for the purchase of securities and derivatives had spoken dlel’11% of Telecom. Niel operates through its indirect subsidiary, Rock Investment.

The news of yesterday made the jump title at the Milan Stock Exchange, which closed in advance of almost nine percentage points; repeated a rally today, with the news of Neil that consolidate the rise of Telecom at the highest since 2008. The new composition of the participation of Niel, we learn from communication to Consob, is composed of a holding potential equal to 10.033% of the capital , with voting rights, arising from the execution of six different contracts “call” option (the option of buying the actual securities in a given period of time), in addition to “other long positions equal to 5.109% of the capital stock vote. “

The entrance of French tycoon feeds speculation around Telecom, the capital of which is already present in the majority (about 20%) the transalpine Vivendi, led by Bolloré. The episode of Niel is not read as a move to support the French presence that already exists, because if you were to lead to an agreement between the Bolloré and Niel, with a 35% stake in his hand and a line of action would require a ‘ Opa society. Vivendi has the same except that there is an agreement, but there are some analysts who see can support each one of the two members strong. By Consob, as usual, is conducting an investigation to check whether it’s market operations within the limits of the rules. Niel is the owner of Iliad, the Internet Service Provider operating in France with Free, as well as social and other adventures in the world of technology and editorial ( Le Monde ).

The new communications Consob also allow you to set the dates for the possible exercise of options by Neil, who will own the securities true only from the second half of next year. In detail, a contract for a 4,889% required by Regulation on 21 June 2016, then other contracts have as windows in January 2017, then again in September, November, March and June. It also has other long positions equal to 5.109% of the share capital with voting rights.

Telecom Italy
TLC companies
Xavier Niel


Naples, agreement De Magistris-De Laurentiis on stage: “We are … –

The mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris, is optimistic on the restructuring of St. Paul: “I have spoken with De Laurentiis, tomorrow approve an important decision.”

Naples flying in the league and the fans Neapolitan begins to believe they can fight to the end for the Scudetto, but in the blue house is holding forth the question stage. In this sense, the mayor intervened Luigi De Magistris , announcing important news.

Speaking to the microphones of ‘Marte Sport Live’, the mayor of Naples, announced the news after ‘meeting with the patron blue: “ I spoke yesterday with De Laurentiis . Tomorrow approve a resolution to come very important that enters for the first time on the substance of the theme restructuring stage. There will be a motivation very articulated. After signing the agreement will open the final sprint to check the times and procedures for the agreement on the restructuring of the San Paolo . “

De Magistris goes into detail of the resolution:” Another new feature is that, from the moment the times of the law 147 are not very fast, as the municipality of Naples we have activated the possibility of funding from 15 million to begin work immediately on the baths and other technological systems “.

Regna optimism for an agreement that only a few days ago it looked cool, “ We will reach an agreement that will safeguard the needs of the team, but also our company. We are on the right track. Certainly the stadium can not go on like this for too long yet . “


Thursday, October 29, 2015

News from CAM: get prenatal testing to assess the risk of … – MBnews

News from CAM: get prenatal testing to assess the risk of fetal abnormalities

After the introduction in Italy of NIPT, which occurred with the CAM in March of 2013, the non-invasive prenatal tests offered today on the market are critically numerous, and many are sensitive positions in this regard and exponential number of women seeking more information on the topic, given the statistic that about 1% of the fetuses has chromosomal abnormalities .

In this context, the CAM, thanks to its European network Labco, he has made a big jump yet scientific, introducing neoBona, a testing of new generation , which provides increased reliability, speed and precision . Developed incorporating new technologies Illumina -leader world in DNA-sequencing and the experience of Labco -reference European Union’s Prenatale- diagnosis, the test is a radical evolution of the previous methods to detect the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus .

Thanks to new technology, unlike other NIPT with neoBona sample analysis is provided by massive parallel sequencing with readings DNA type paired-end (readings coupled) instead of reading single-end . This technological evolution, in addition to a new algorithm in the study bioinformatics data, improves the reliability of the test. Only neoBona, in fact, adds to massive sequencing the definition fetal fraction , distinguishing the DNA of the unborn child from the maternal with this innovative method and exclusive, that ensures a higher reliability of the final result. Without risk for the mother and fetus, since it is based on a small sample of maternal blood obtained through a traditional pickup, neoBona displayed from the tenth week of gestation and runs Also in the case of assisted reproduction , including in vitro for egg donation, and in the case of twin pregnancy .


NeoBona detects the risk of most frequent trisomies Fetal – trisomy 21 or Down syndrome, trisomy 18 or Edwards syndrome and trisomy 13 or syndrome Patau-, allows to detect the sex of the fetus and the risk of possible changes in the sex chromosomes . Than traditional screening test allows avoid a large number of invasive depth (with risk of miscarriage) unnecessary because it has a false positive rate of less than 0.1% (compared to 5% of the combined test).

In places CAM (32 in Monza, Brianza and Milan hinterland) and in the other group centers Labco Italy (SDN Institute in Naples, The Bulwark in Genoa and in different cities of Liguria) pregnant women can be tested from the tenth week of pregnancy, getting result in 7 working days .


* This content is not an article produced by the editors of MBNews, but it is a statement coming from an external source (Press CAM Monza) and published in its entirety.

Photo courtesy by the Press CAM Monza.



Curtain on Cup, visits and examinations booked by family doctors – the morning of Padua

 VENICE. Digital medicine is an expression that may sound pompous, more suited to spot self-celebration that the daily needs of the “common people”. Yet its effects promise to facilitate patients, removing them to exhausting expectations, and to ease the costs of a health plagued by repeated government cuts. We talk about the project “Beyond the Cup” that will offer users the possibility to book directly from the surgery of the family doctor specialist visits and diagnostic tests and laboratory, avoiding to go personally to the offices of the centers unique booking hospital.


 The novelty, wanted by the Region, will be tested in December nell’Ulss of Belluno and the Veneto region-wide by 2016. To illustrate the details today at the Fair of innovation and health technology in Vicenza, will be the engineers of Arsenàl.IT consortium headed by manager Claudio Dario: a team of 45 professionals for ten years the digitization of health care in the Veneto, is working from the headquarters of Treviso in 21 Health Authority, consortium members like the two Hospitals.


 The starting point – experts say – is the spread of the digital recipe (now covers 89% of the total Italian record) that allows access to the white coats of the assisted electronic health records (sensitive data, medical records, pathologies and therapies in place) and accredits them to the network system. What does it mean? It is the direct access to the Digital Agenda of the hospitals and the options available for visits and tests: “When choosing the patient will not be alone,” says Dario, “but will rely on the evaluation of the doctor who is able to say, for example, if the proposed date is suitable to its therapeutic needs. The goal we work is a health 0 km, more suitable for the city. ” We will see. Innovation is not trivial but appears modeled on the medication group (the UTAP) increasing rapidly but none at all in small towns, which calls for a tune-up during construction.


 “The computerization of the health of the Veneto makes the unthinkable reality and simplifies people’s lives,” says the governor Luca Zaia, a proponent of the agreement with GPs that enabled the launch of the project ‘greet with satisfaction the ‘excellent work done by Arsenàl.IT and with equal dismay the incredible choice of the government that has cut and 50% of the funds to computerize the public administration, one of the cornerstones of the spending review. But we will not give the inevitable and “Beyond the Cup” it is one of many demonstrations, because technological progress improves service and lowers costs. ” How much? “Once fully operational”, he tells the commissioner Luca Coletto “guarantee about 10 million a year in savings, which will add to the 19 million that will save some time with the possibility of

download reports directly from computers or smartphones, and 3.3 million of lower costs resulting from the entry to the scheme throughout the digital recipe. The income amounted to 32.3 million a year in savings for the administration and lower costs for our people. ”


New Audi A4 arrives Nov. 9 – Tuttosport

New Audi A4 arrives Nov. 9

End the Italian tour of the new generation A4. Longo, Managing Director Audi Italy: “With her successful return to the”

ROME – It is going to end the Italian tourné the new Audi A4 , which started on October 19 from Vicenza with a grand finale on 30 October in Turin, which arrives in concesisonarie on November 9. A pattern expected, but a brand whose splendor is temporaneamnte tarnished by the scandal known as Dieselgate emissions. In light of recent events in the debut of renewed bestseller it takes on greater value and stressed the general manager Audi Italy, Fabrizio Longo, during the presentation at the Hangar Bicocca in Milan: “We were exposed to the honors of the chronicles to expect not belong to the experience of the brand and we live this time taking away from a reprehensible fact. With the new A4, however, we return to the essence of who we are, that is a success story that will not be tarnished “.

The exterior style does not change, or rather evolves what made A4 a model able to sell 400,000 copies in career only in our country. Inside and “under”, instead, the news are many: the car is lighter, less than 110 kg (and 120 on the Avant) and has more efficient engines all it combined with a ‘ optimized aerodynamics . The combination of these elements, say from Ingolstadt, has reduced consumption even by 21%. Even in technology there are the innovations: for the first time it is available as an option on the virtual cockpit, digital instrument panel 12-inch, combinable with the infotainment system plus with MMI screen 8.3 inches with voice commands. Wide, as always, the choice in terms of engines, combinable with the four-wheel drive and automatic transmission Tiptronic: starting from the entry level petrol 1.4 TFSI 150 hp (33,800 euro), to get to the top of the range 3.0 TDI with 272 horses which costs 50,300 euro .

Tags: audi, Audi A4

All News News Motors


Porsche 911 R – The first images of the forklift – Quattroruote

Even before the official launch might be already sold out: it is the Porsche 911 R , long been the focus of a series of rumors and that finally shows up in some detailed photos spy. What at first glance looks like a 911 GT3 without rear wing it should in fact be the ultimate object of desire for collectors and fans of the brand in Stuttgart.

Motor 3.8 475 hp. Porsche no longer used the initials “R” after proposing a model of lighter 2 911 liters in 1967 designed for competitions: the parallel with the current technological GT3 seems difficult but according to information gathered, the new car could be something unique especially for technical choices. A simplified equipment should in fact be combined with the 3.8 engine 475 hp and manual transmission, not available on the current GT3 and offered within the Porsche GT solely on Cayman GT4.

Lighter than the GT3. 911 R could then offer a lower weight than the GT3 contribilanciare same for the lower performance of transmission and are not excluded other “goodies” and finishing techniques to make the lightest of R 911 to the price list. The spy photos, unfortunately, does not support these elements: the car only shows bumper and alloy wheels identical to the GT3 while the rear grille with horizontal bars is similar to that adopted by the 911 50th Anniversary of 2013. These elements lead to think that R is not so aligned with the redesign presented on the other 911 with new engines turbocharged. To emphasize, just at the rear, the presence of a diffuser with diverters positioned under the engine, an absolute novelty that could supperire the absence of the large wing normally used by GT3. L.Cor.


Renzi, Puviani and the fee in the bill, last illusion financial – Il Sole 24 Ore

Let’s start with the good news hopefully next January will not be marred by painful spot with which, for years, Rai has recalled the impending expiry of the outstanding balance. Undoubtedly, this grotesque pounding helped make the tribute more hated by the Italians, was mocked by the ambiguity of advertising it as the price of a service freely chosen by the consumer and not a tax, as such, detached from any possibility of enjoyment. Horned and taxed.

It has been much discussion of the dilemmas and practical repercussions that the government’s decision to replace the electricity suppliers to levying the tax brings. How to adjust and coordinate the pricing schemes? As reward operators for that chores Junk? How to share the risk of non-payment? Of course, these questions – that affect the system as a whole – are flanked by those closest to the concerns of taxpayers. It will ensure continuity of the exemptions? There will be tools to prevent undue incidents of double taxation? There is a risk that acquiescence to the new pick mechanism proves to be a Trojan horse for a finding that the failure to pay past?

At the discontent of the power companies, turned into esattrici spite of themselves, and taxpayers, forced a paradigm shift that reserve their only disadvantages – considered that even the tiny benefit of rescheduling is lost in the succession of drafts – is in contrast to the obvious satisfaction of RAI, pocketing a lavish compensation (recurring) against the deduction of 150 million sanctioned ( one-off ) with the last Stability.

According to a simulation organized by I-Com and recovery from our sister blog Info Date Blog, the collection of the fee in the bill to the extent of 100 € per year identified by the executive, it will imply an increase in revenue of 700-800 million compared to the anomalous result of 2014 and 550 to 650 million compared to 2013. Considering, for excessive caution, a rate non-payment of 10%, would be enough for a fee of € 80 to keep overall revenue at the level of 2013 – reflecting the fact that to “buy for less pay for everyone” is a principle rather malleable.

Compare receipts fee Rai

The aspect that is being investigated is less than that of the political-economic conditions and the impact of the measure. The institution of the fee goes back to 1938: a period, that is, when television for the Italians was still an exotic hobby. It went through the different stages of development of the television phenomenon, essentially unchanged in the letter, but profoundly innovated interpretation: the original configuration as payment has been exceeded by accreditation of its fiscal nature (tax, first, and finally d ‘ sets). The cyclical attempts to adapt the system to the changing technological scenario have consistently aimed to beef up the revenue from the levy – imaginatively extending the scope: memorable diatribes on smartphones and video – rather than to rethink the overall function.

In particular, it is always considered apodictically that he could not keep himself in public service television without fee: hired denied, without wandering too geographically and ideologically, from the large patrol of the EU countries that have opted for alternative funding methods (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia , Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Hungary).

Even more upstream processing matters has invariably spot the raison d’être of public service television too often overlapped with the protection of the dealership. So much so that today the government is anxious to reformulating financing and governance , while the company operates without maintenance for almost three years and the impending deadline for the renewal of the concession – an ideal opportunity for a ‘wide-ranging reflection on the prospects of our television system – takes second place.

What kind of tax is now the canon? What exactly is funding? A public good? Of course not, because the technology to exclude non-paying audience is widely available. A meritorious good? Opinion bold, if it is used to support productions edifying as “A Place in the Sun” and “Voyager”. A guarantee of pluralism? Labilissima justification, in the digital terrestrial, satellite, internet. A redistributive mechanism? Hard to argue that possession of a television manifest a significant ability to pay, especially if we compare the average value of the unit and the amount of the tax.

And if indeed the government is of the opinion that the public service TV still makes sense and that its funding should be placed against an audience as wide as taxpayers, why not put it to general income taxation? Simply because this would impose to raise those resources elsewhere, cutting spending or increasing taxes by a corresponding amount. Much better to take a tax visible and hated, couple it to a tariff with the first has no relation, bury it in a document already rather abstruse, reduce the amount of a fraction to flaunt magnanimity and hope that taxpayers they soon forget .

With this operation, Renzi demonstrates that he has internalized a great tradition of government: that of ” financial illusion, “masterfully unveiled by Amilcare Puviani early twentieth century. Even earlier, Jean-Baptiste Colbert remarked that “taxation is the art of plucking the goose to obtain the largest amount of feathers with the least amount of screaming.” The outline of the fee in the bill is not new, but is also found as this is measured civilization tax of a country.



Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Renzi, Puviani and the fee in the bill, last illusion financial – Il Sole 24 Ore

Let’s start with the good news hopefully next January will not be marred by painful spot with which, for years, Rai has recalled the impending expiry of the outstanding balance. Undoubtedly, this grotesque pounding helped make the tribute more hated by the Italians, was mocked by the ambiguity of advertising it as the price of a service freely chosen by the consumer and not a tax, as such, detached from any possibility of enjoyment. Horned and taxed.

It has been much discussion of the dilemmas and practical repercussions that the government’s decision to replace the electricity suppliers to levying the tax brings. How to adjust and coordinate the pricing schemes? As reward operators for that chores Junk? How to share the risk of non-payment? Of course, these questions – that affect the system as a whole – are flanked by those closest to the concerns of taxpayers. It will ensure continuity of the exemptions? There will be tools to prevent undue incidents of double taxation? There is a risk that acquiescence to the new pick mechanism proves to be a Trojan horse for a finding that the failure to pay past?

At the discontent of the power companies, turned into esattrici spite of themselves, and taxpayers, forced a paradigm shift that reserve their only disadvantages – considered that even the tiny benefit of rescheduling is lost in the succession of drafts – is in contrast to the obvious satisfaction of RAI, pocketing a lavish compensation (recurring) against the deduction of 150 million sanctioned ( one-off ) with the last Stability.

According to a simulation organized by I-Com and recovery from our sister blog Info Date Blog, the collection of the fee in the bill to the extent of 100 € per year identified by the executive, it will imply an increase in revenue of 700-800 million compared to the anomalous result of 2014 and 550 to 650 million compared to 2013. Considering, for excessive caution, a rate non-payment of 10%, would be enough for a fee of € 80 to keep overall revenue at the level of 2013 – reflecting the fact that to “buy for less pay for everyone” is a principle rather malleable.

Compare receipts fee Rai

The aspect that is being investigated is less than that of the political-economic conditions and the impact of the measure. The institution of the fee goes back to 1938: a period, that is, when television for the Italians was still an exotic hobby. It went through the different stages of development of the television phenomenon, essentially unchanged in the letter, but profoundly innovated interpretation: the original configuration as payment has been exceeded by accreditation of its fiscal nature (tax, first, and finally d ‘ sets). The cyclical attempts to adapt the system to the changing technological scenario have consistently aimed to beef up the revenue from the levy – imaginatively extending the scope: memorable diatribes on smartphones and video – rather than to rethink the overall function.

In particular, it is always considered apodictically that he could not keep himself in public service television without fee: hired denied, without wandering too geographically and ideologically, from the large patrol of the EU countries that have opted for alternative funding methods (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia , Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Hungary).

Even more upstream processing matters has invariably spot the raison d’être of public service television too often overlapped with the protection of the dealership. So much so that today the government is anxious to reformulating financing and governance , while the company operates without maintenance for almost three years and the impending deadline for the renewal of the concession – an ideal opportunity for a ‘wide-ranging reflection on the prospects of our television system – takes second place.

What kind of tax is now the canon? What exactly is funding? A public good? Of course not, because the technology to exclude non-paying audience is widely available. A meritorious good? Opinion bold, if it is used to support productions edifying as “A Place in the Sun” and “Voyager”. A guarantee of pluralism? Labilissima justification, in the digital terrestrial, satellite, internet. A redistributive mechanism? Hard to argue that possession of a television manifest a significant ability to pay, especially if we compare the average value of the unit and the amount of the tax.

And if indeed the government is of the opinion that the public service TV still makes sense and that its funding should be placed against an audience as wide as taxpayers, why not put it to general income taxation? Simply because this would impose to raise those resources elsewhere, cutting spending or increasing taxes by a corresponding amount. Much better to take a tax visible and hated, couple it to a tariff with the first has no relation, bury it in a document already rather abstruse, reduce the amount of a fraction to flaunt magnanimity and hope that taxpayers they soon forget .

With this operation, Renzi demonstrates that he has internalized a great tradition of government: that of ” financial illusion, “masterfully unveiled by Amilcare Puviani early twentieth century. Even earlier, Jean-Baptiste Colbert remarked that “taxation is the art of plucking the goose to obtain the largest amount of feathers with the least amount of screaming.” The outline of the fee in the bill is not new, but is also found as this is measured civilization tax of a country.



Four companies of La Spezia to Rimini Ecomondo – Citta della Spezia

                          La Spezia – The green economy and circular economy are domiciled trade fair in Rimini, where from Tuesday 3 to Friday, November 6 will be held the 19th edition of ECOMONDO, International Trade Fair on Material & Energy Recovery and sustainable development.
They enrich and complement ECOMONDO: KEY ENERGY Energy and Sustainable Mobility in Italy; KEY WIND, the Italian event of reference for companies in the wind industry, organized with Anev; KEY ENERGY EVOLUTION WHITE, on energy efficiency; SAL.VE, the biennial exhibition of the vehicle for the urban hygiene, organized by ANFIA; H2R Mobility for Sustainability, with the big car brands and their models at the forefront: cars powered by natural gas, LPG, electric or hybrid; COOPERAMBIENTE, the salon of the cooperative system linked to the environment (Legacoop); CONDOMINIUM ECO, with technological solutions for residential real estate.

‘The green technology expo’ accompanying the Communication of the event, summarizing the worlds of reference of more than 1,200 exhibiting companies organized on 16 pavilions: the core sector, treatment and enhancement Waste with a focus on the biobased industry and pushed the green chemistry, until the proposed new Global Water Expo devoted to the integrated water cycle, the sewerage and efficiency technologies, the sector expected to grow rapidly.

Among the companies present at the rallies also 16 Ligurian, especially 10 in the province of Genoa; 4 La Spezia (BA Marine, Sarp industries, services and Mirror MTU Italy) and 2 of that of Savona.

Confirmed the special project of Rimini Fiera de The Sustainable City dedicated to the “City of smart grids” which will be completed with new areas IBE GREEN, local public transport and the area on Urban Renewal. Among the new features, the Park of Innovations, which will present products, systems and innovative solutions selected with the support of Environmental Park.

At the opening, the Report on the state of the green economy in Italy that contains a photograph of green companies and an analysis of the strategic sectors of the green economy, the main novelty of the States General of the Green Economy in 2015, came to the 4th edition, to be held on 3 and 4 November. Organized by the National Council of the Green Economy, composed of 64 associations of green companies, with the support of the Ministries of Environment and Economic Development, enjoying the support of the Foundation for Sustainable Development.

The Report , which will be presented on the opening day, the presence of the Minister of Environment Gian Luca Galletti, will offer the results of a survey, the first of its kind, the Italian green companies.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

BQ Open Day, many technological innovations from Spain – Tom’s Hardware

BQ is actually a Spanish company specialized in technology and of which we have already spoken at the launch of BQ Aquaris 4.5 EU , the first smartphone with Ubuntu installed as standard. The company, to celebrate the fifth anniversary of its foundation, has organized the “BQ Open Day”, an event dedicated to conferences, workshops and, above all, to the presentation of six new products.


The first smartphone Aquaris X5, the first made of metal from BQ . The device has only a slim 7.5 mm, sufficient space to integrate a large battery 2900 mAh . The SoC that equips the smartphone is a Snapdragon 412 quad-core 1.4 GHz, supported up to 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of memory in the most complete version, while the display is a 5-inch IPS HD. Aquaris X5 will be available in the online shop of BQ and authorized outlets from November to 249,90 € .


BQ also presented Aquaris M10 , a lightweight and compact tablet whose main characteristics are independence and balance between aesthetics and functionality. Aquaris M10 is equipped with technology Dolby Atmos , for superior listening experience, while computing power is entrusted to a MediaTek MT8163 and 2 GB of RAM with 16 GB expandable memory. The display is 10.1 inches and the tablet will be priced 259,90 € . The company then announced a commercial guarantee of five years with retroactive effect for the new smartphone and the range Aquaris M .


Halu is an intelligent lamp whose design consists of a hard acrylic diffuser optical mixes colors evenly without creating shadows and improving the passage of light. The intensity and color of light are controlled by an app from your smartphone, tablet or computer. Also it is an open technology, so any person can interact and develop new options on the API Halu.


Zowi is instead a robot educational for the children, who can program, check with an app, disassemble and reassemble. In addition, they can create their own projects and share them with other children. BQ, through Zowi, to promote technological education transparent, open and fun. It will be available in November in € 99.99 .


Finally, there are Witbox Hephestos 2 and 2 , two 3D printers for home use. While the first is aimed at professional use, Hephestos 2 has an educational vision, because it is the user to mount. Both feature a new user interface with graphical LCD and hardware improvements: new extruder, new electronics and a new self-leveling system. Witbox Hephestos 2 and 2 will be available in the online shop of BQ and authorized outlets from November to € 1,690.00 and € 799.00, respectively.


Squinzi: “An industrial policy for growth” – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on Oct. 27, 2015 at 8:16.
The last change is the 27 October 2015 at 10:19.

He began by recalling that Confindustria has always wanted the Expo, an event on which it is spent personally. And focusing on the legacies that will leave the World’s Fair, one in particular: the awareness of being “an extraordinary country of transformers, makers, innovators, able to deal with a season in which dominate the market who will be able to meet the new needs” . Giorgio Squinzi is the meeting of Assolombarda, Confindustria Monza and Brianza, the Expo.

“Our value is recognized us every day, increasingly competitive markets. The problems are in our country, culture unfavorable to the company, in its high debt, the domestic demand that is struggling to recover, in the stagnation of sectors such as construction and distribution. ” In short, “we are bright, but afflicted ancient evils, from which we struggle to heal.” It is on these evils and how to get out of the Confindustria president insisted in his speech, from the low productivity, the question “underestimated but crucial to grow in a robust way and produce good work.” There are favorable conditions, determined by the devaluation of the euro, the low prices of energy, the liquidity provided by the ECB. The pressure of Squinzi is to exploit this potential. Requires an industry policy, revised: “Today the industrial policy integrates a unique insight productivity, overall profitability of investments, economic and social sustainability, constant innovation and creativity.”

There is a need, he urged the president of Confindustria, of a policy for innovation and industry, “Now, not only in Italy in Europe.” If the government acted with the same vigor and determination used for reforms in the field of industrial policy “benefits for Italy could be substantial.” Industrial Policy, continued Squinzi, is back in the West after a long absence and ‘with some reflection rightly critical. ” The economic policies have yielded disappointing results, so much so that Germany Launches Industry 4.0, Britain pushes on programs reshoring, France offers the system approach on major projects to the country. Europe, he added, trying to follow their own path going towards a new growth model that seeks to combine efficiency and productivity, social cohesion and excellence in sustainability. An economic model, said Squinzi, who needs a strong manufacturing base but also an environment conducive to innovation, adequate infrastructure. Concepts contradict the logic of ” expansionary austerity “and with the heavy territorial differences that there are in the EU. “We have been pro-European, even in a time when it’s hard to believe the Union. But today we have to think first to Italy, the recovery of growth. “

You can not, however, deal with” the new paradigms of global competition “with the approaches of the past. Therefore it is appropriate to define what should be the kind of government intervention in the economy. “The first action that must be asked the state is to free up the market and the competition.” Reason: “Politics did not give beautiful manifestation of himself in some economic aspects of public life. I only remember a sort of undue occupation of the spaces that opened the State and the Regions when entrepreneurs are made or when emergencies were chased badly, see Ilva ». We must raise the technological challenges, focus on innovation, digital, innovate business models. Finally boost domestic demand, with a stimulus to the construction, tourism and distribution: a look “vital” because the country can not stand long with an approach lead export.

In this scenario, the president of Confindustria appreciated the efforts made by the government on some important reforms like Jobs Act, education and Pa. Another important step will be the law of stability: “Expect to take a more comprehensive – concluded Squinzi – also as a result of the choices that will be made by the Commissions and parliamentarians from the Chamber. ” Conviction of the president of Confindustria is that the recovery of the economy and the work is made with the reforms, “but is realized only with the policies.” This phase was characterized by a strong reformist drive, some results are important, “but you have to defend and extend the strength of discontinuity which breaks the crust of the conservative Italian society.” At the same time Italy needs a policy for industry and innovation, to recover growth and accelerate and qualify our expertise, productivity and efficiency. “This – he concluded – is the real issue to attack and solve. Before us there is a world that is moving, trying new, quality, creativity. It is as if he said that made-in look, that look Italian. It’s up to us to respond. “




House Microsoft with Intel, the oasis ongoing technological Vercelli until … – The Day

Milan, October 26, 2015 – In the heart of Milan’s technological oasis in which to live the latest news : we are talking about House Microsoft with Intel , which will remain in Milan, Corso Vercelli, until Christmas. The inauguration of the location, in front of over 300 guests and the presence of the CEO of Microsoft Italy, Carlo Purassanta, was also cheered the musical performance by Saturnino and the violinist of the quartet Iris .

“Milan was chosen as the most innovative city in Italy,” said Purassanta. House Microdoft Power with Intel is in fact a reference point for countless events and workshops, but also provides entertainment and children’s activities. E p er those interested installation of Windows 10, one specialist is available daily from 18 to 19 . A step forward for Microsoft, which this year celebrates forty years since the birth and thirty after entering the Italian market with a number of new technologies and devices.



Subscriptions unsolicited cell phone, flake countermeasures – The Republic

COOL Antitrust fines, mobile operators are launching new systems to protect its users from unsolicited subscriptions on mobile. Those services – so to speak – that subscribe tricked you into ringtones, games and other content. We can now count on new ways to defend ourselves and even simplified procedures for obtaining refunds, it appears in the . We can consider the first concrete results of the war that Antitrust and AGCOM are conducting (years) against the phenomenon. The Antitrust Authority has fined the four operators earlier this year for a total of 5.1 million euro and in October – uncovering repeat offenders – they had fined again for 1.7 million euro. The fault: do not do enough to protect customers from unsolicited subscriptions, which bring money to them is both suppliers of that content. In December, the NRA should intervene with a decision to make impossible subscriptions not required: a step in this direction is also the last bill Competition.

In short, pressed, operators are rushing to remedy. And it’s useful to know how, because some of the new products launched are not automatic but require the user to know and active (specifically, those asking for repayment and block premium services).


Tim . October 26, Tim will introduce the system of double-clicking, already used by Vodafone (from 15 October) and 3 Italy (October 1). Means to trigger the subscription, the user must make a double action on the phone. And then – hopefully – the purchase will be more aware. “Unlike the other operators (Vodafone and 3 Italy), the buttons do not overlap in any part thereof to prevent the customer inadvertently face repeatedly click subscribing” to ensure Tim. Repayments easier: “Tim, following the conclusion of the proceedings on Antitrust premium services introduced a new procedure for reimbursement based on the simple request of the customer who complains or deprive a charge for such services.” In particular it is entitled to reimbursement of the amounts paid to all customers who request it within 12 days from service of omitting any verification about activation. When Tim does not provide for reimbursement through the app, “but assessments are underway in this direction.” Tim also enables you to block these services only call to customer service, but it is going to offer this possibility also in the self site.
Vodafone . The operator has shown a lot in communication, this week, the launch of services of defense against fraud in the app My Vodafone. Here the user can do two things: seek reimbursement for the charges of the previous 90 days and activate the blocking of premium services. This second measure – provided by all operators in different ways – is radical because it blocks the ability to subscribe to any service (including those potentially interesting). Vodafone already protects users with a system of double-clicking. To confirm the purchase, you have to pass two stages. The first is to confirm that I have read all the features of the service; the second is a separate page where it needs to definitively confirm the activation.

Wind . The operator will activate on October 26 (the same day of Tim) Double-click the system (see above) which protects the user from unwanted activations. “The reimbursement may wonder whether the customer service is through social channels. For a few months you can also use the new app Wind Talk (chat),” say from Wind. Refunds are valid for 90 days of charges. In the same way you can lock the premium service.

3 Italy . “H3G is the first operator to introduce – as early as Oct. 1 – the page with a double click on the activation of premium services. This ensures a double explicit operative and voluntary action on the part of the customer. Such action is directly controlled by the technology platforms to H3G to greater protection of the client with respect to the phenomenon of computer fraud. The customer activates the service so only after having viewed, understood and confirmed all information related to cost, higher charges and off, “said the operator. To get the refund, you can contact the call center, the channels email, Facebook and Twitter; but only for the last seven days “because unlike the other operators send a text message a week to report the charge for the premium service.” The total blockade of services is available from the call center, while the app can see the individual active services and disable them.

3 Italy
telephone operator
telephone scams


Monday, October 26, 2015

Michele Serra: “I love the land. I hate to be called radical … – The Huffington Post

“I want to defend my books by myself, from that person often becomes more important than the text. They write to me that most of the book, but this is offensive first of all for the book, is a fake that certainly does not help. When I write, I feel free. To save the books there are always readers, because the author, once finished, never knows well what he wrote. Talk to your readers is a tremendous comfort even when they are critical, and this happens often. They are the ones that help you better understand what you meant or was trying to say. ”

Words Michele Serra, journalist and successful writer, who can not bear to tell him the same thing, based, mostly, on boring clichés.

We talk about it at lunch, in a typical Roman trattoria in the Prati district, a short distance from the house (a relative) when its host is away in the capital. It ‘a city that gave birth, who loves and knows very well, but that is “more and more crushed and pulped”.

Today is divided between Milan, where he grew up, and Piacenza, which has a land of many hectares, who likes to cultivate when he has time. “I do not shop for the farmer; I take care of the earth in his spare time but always with great passion and dedication to the job that is very tiring and respect, “says Huffington Post. The thing that bothers him the most? “Being called a radical chic, without a doubt.”

That expression invented by Tom Wolfe in 1970 after being a party to the New York home of Bernstein, is now used far away from its true meaning, always just so insulting and derogatory to indicate quell’incoerenza (alleged) people who define themselves politically “left” (assuming that there are still today), but then have income greater than that of ‘militants’ of the same political movement and they do things that they can not afford.

Why are scandalized as if those people (wealthy) can spend their own money to buy food, clothing or to do something of quality, while on the other hand, nothing is said, for example, when other loans are not rich and files kilometers to win the latest model of a mobile phone?

What Serra, are assured of the usual ill-thinking, he bought at the Dubai airport, but is not that brand. In his new book, Everyone might , just published by Feltrinelli, calls egòfono, inspired by the idea of ​​Joshua Ferris in his novel speaks of “my machine”, “but in this case the sin is all about ego, “he says.

He decided to give the new word to Julius, his protagonist, often arguing with his girlfriend Agnes, because he is still with the phone in hand, even when she is with him. Like many, is suffering from “looking down syndrome”, a state of psychological dependence that is manifested in the inability to look away from their egòfono, dangerous because it makes you distracted and does not make you become aware that there may be a danger to road or by car: the keyboard is attached to continuous light to see if you got an email, to check email or a notification of one of the many social networks.

“My book is not against technology, God forbid, but the intention was to point out a certain amount of autism technology”, the author explains that with his previous book, The lying – the story of a father who does not speak with his son, the story of the prevailing sentiment of a generation of parents that is the confusion – has sold four hundred thousand copies with translations in nine languages.

Everyone might ‘ puts at the center of the story Giulio Maria, a thirty-six born to elderly parents who live in the country of Capannonia, “not a place” of the post-industrial north indeterminate but still recognizable. With his friend and colleague Ricky Giulio studies the celebrations of the players after the goal, small gestures that tell humanity increasingly narcissistic. Is an anthropologist, but “of course still lives with his mother,” a community that somehow they “unites”: a widow in great shape which travels to the eighty and a bachelor who is going to bring to forty, “two old brothers “aware that the condition on the one hand has its advantages, the other helps that time has lost its pace and almost stopped its flow.

With his father, Julius had almost never taken: “He was a quiet man who spoke only the words necessary logistics family”, makes him say Serra, and the few times he spoke, in his voice always felt a certain weakness. Still he has within himself the searing memory of the slap received that one time, at the table, for using too many ‘I’ in a sentence. “It was not a dirty word, but none of us could have imagined that it would become.” “I felt that I despise you and choose, from the heart, the spirit, contagious restlessness of my mother,” he said. “A woman always in the grip of a lust for novelty, it is not known if animated by boredom or by precise intentions of marital infidelity.”

Julius is taciturn, one of those who in school always took less than six, accustomed to standing on the sidelines is puzzled about the world, is lost, while the friend instead is an eternal optimist. And ‘biased and sarcastic against almost everything that surrounds it, is not happy with himself and did not like it, “is a pain in the ass stable”, as would his girlfriend.

Look and judges from the inside, plays a part in the disorder of the landscape and people, suffering diseases describing. He feels responsible for the ugliness in which they live that has worsened since they built round (“the still manufacture because our destiny is the wrong way”?), The same one as Giorgio Bocca, “the old Mouth”, hated by all himself when he had to make the journey by car from Milan to Courmayeur and vice versa.

“sorry for the conditions of a place is equivalent to just hear him, to say that this place belongs to us. Everyone could make a gesture that can heal the ugly surroundings “, explains Serra. “That aspect of Julius I particularly cared. His bad mood is not detachment, but tell a membership. It ‘sad to as the landscape surrounding it and because it knows that it can not escape from there. ”

“I do not speak on behalf of a thirty-six, but those years are representative of a passage, a kind of suspension of time,” says the author. “The shed his father’s the only thing he has left, is the hero of unused book, her subject forgotten, the true protagonist of the novel”, but this you will understand just by reading and – believe us – nothing is taken for granted and the ending will surprise you.

Before leaving, we pause even to speak of human beings in general (“they are bulky, as claimed by Giulio in the book, and this is a small phobia that sometimes I too”) women ( “I grew up in a matriarchal family, like their pragmatism”), the character of Greek mythology, Narcissus, and defined it as a guide known to him in Pompeii (“one sciémo total”, an expression that henceforth It became part of the lexicon family home Serra), and Gipi (“is his art and nothing else”), who designed the cover of the book, a man with the head of a boar, obviously not by chance.

Finally, we take a photo together, but not a selfie, because, as written and as we reiterated in voice, that word has been around for a long time, is an old slang term for American teenagers . “Being a selfie means getting a pugnetta: as we know here, hard workers, we report everything to the tooling. Even the activities to be done by hand, the meccanizziamo “. From today, make a selfie never be the same. You are warned.

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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Mushroom Festival Cardoncello 2015, summary of the first day – – ​​The electronic journal of the city of Minervino Murge

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Mushroom Festival Cardoncello 2015, summary of the first day – ​​The electronic journal of the city of Minervino Murge Once time events targati Beli3ve prove forefront (in this case technology ) and aimed at an ever-increasing number of users. In addition to the many new above, all the way to the organized exposure is
