Friday, July 31, 2015

Technology, robots from the Renaissance to the present here is the evolution … – Weather Web


477 695


Technology, the robot from the Renaissance to now here is the evolution of humanoids

From animals steam metal humanoid robots able to “feel” the emotions, the incredible evolution of robotics development of robotics has produced currently large and important news with stunning results. Erroneously, often the genesis of the robot is to turn a period of technological revolution, identified as the years between the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. In fact the very first invention which can be properly identified as robots, of which we have written records, is the dove steam created by Archita, greek philosopher and mathematician, considered the father of rational mechanics. Also they were found some notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci, which were explained in the detailed designs of knights metal, able to perform some basic movements like getting up, sit, move your arms and head. The first toy robot that was developed in Japan, in the thirties, was Lilliput: it appeared with a little man metal of just 15 cm high, driven by a mechanical system of charging. In the late 40 Wstinghouse created ELEKTRO, a humanoid robot capable of walking, talking and smoking. To speak of programmable robots really we have to wait until the mid-’50s, when George Devol designed the Unimate, later used as the assembly line of the [...]

31/07/2015 18:28:32

nasa, robot, humanoid robot, robotics, robot rover


The development of robotics has produced currently large and important news with stunning results. Erroneously, often the genesis of the robot is to turn a period of technological revolution, identified as the years between the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. In fact the very first invention which can be properly identified as robots, of which we have written records, is the dove steam created by Archita , greek philosopher and mathematician, considered the father of rational mechanics.

 600px-Leonardo-Robot3 also were found some notebooks Leonardo da Vinci , where they were shown the blueprints for knights metal, able to perform some basic movements like getting up, sit, move your arms and head. The first toy robot that was developed in Japan, in the thirties, was Lilliput: was presented with a little man metal of just 15 cm high, driven by a mechanical system of charging. In the late 40 Wstinghouse created ELEKTRO , a humanoid robot capable of walking, talking and smoking. To speak of programmable robots really have to wait until the mid-’50s, when George Devol designed the Unimate, used later as the assembly line of the famous General Motors. The first anthropomorphic robot of the modern robotics appeared in the 70s, with Ichiro Kato, called Wabot I , planning a decade after the first robot capable of moving in an almost dynamics.

 p3-asimo The main technological innovations of the 90 increased from RoboTuna, created by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a robot fish-shaped devised to study the fluid dynamics of some species; to Pathfinder designed by NASA for exploration and the study of the atmosphere and the Martian surface; concluding with ASIMO robot equipped with a facial recognition system and running skills.

Our century is characterized by innovations such as advanced robotic NASA robotic rovers Spirit and Opportunity, to finish with the space robot Robonauta 2 , humanoids to use as support / substitute for extra-vehicular activity in space. As can be seen the evolution of robotics has had enormous progress over time and seems to have no arrests, producing an important perspective for decades to come.

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Rai, cda to 7 and the superpowers to: so changing governance – The Messenger

A Board to 7 members and superpowers to the CEO. Here in a nutshell the main innovations of the bill passed by the Senate and now goes to the House.

The current Board of Viale Mazzini has 9 members, 7 of which are elected by the Supervisory Board and two designated by the Treasury. It will pass two chosen by the House, two from the Senate, two from government and one from the employees of the company (novelty). RAI President will be elected by the board but will need to be ratified by two thirds of the Supervisory Board.

Currently the chief executive is chosen by the executive and has no voting power. With the reform, to get a real indicated by the government, appointed by the Board (to which it belongs in all respects, with voting power) and who shall hold office for three years.

Especially important powers of the ad. Appointment of directors of the network, tested, the channel and second level managers. The board can only give an opinion (required but not binding). For managers tested the opinion becomes binding if the 2/3 (ie 5 out of 7 members) of the board are opposed. The CEO also has the power to sign contracts independently up to 10 million euro.

Another new key: the livenziabilità vertex of Viale Mazzini. The board members are removable on a proposal of the shareholders of the state television (Ministry of Economy and SIAE) and following “favorable opinion” by the Supervisory Board. The ad will be removed by the Board that appointed it felt always the shareholders’ meeting. In case of dismissal (before the expiry of the mandate which lasts three years) will be entitled to compensation equal to “three twelfths of the annual remuneration.”

The introduction of the ban to sell more than 10 percent of Rai to private capital, if you want o maintain concession of the state. Within one year of the entry into force of the reform, the government will also adopt a “consolidated broadcasting”, envisaged by the law Gasparri and never implemented, setting out “criteria of reorganization and simplification of existing legislation, the definition of the tasks of public service with respect to the different technology platforms, taking into account the technological innovation and the convergence of distribution platforms. “

             Friday, July 31, 2015, 10:51 – Last Updated: 11:29


Cryolite, the favela to the stars: “Without the people of bairro my rap … – The Republic

Cryolite is in Italy for two concerts. Roma 31, Oristano on 1 August. He tells the hellish cradle of his music. “In Sao Paulo I saw and I see things I do not wish anyone to see.” One thing for groped to imagine, but without going near nemmen: 56,000 people killed only in 2012. Mostly in the endless suburre despair endless calls favelas. Where he was born and raised and which sings the dead of so-called Crackolandia or a slum of 2044 with young criminals whose only novelty are the technologies with which they are condemned to kill. Worlds locked in their invisible yet colossal tragedy of injustice total and absolute misery. Only four years ago the prince strong and wise, but not yet well known, Brazilian hip hop, had decided to leave the music. Then, his closest friends and musicians, Ricardo Costa, Daniel Ganjaman and Marcelo Cabral, the Han gave a hard surprise. With the ten pieces that cryolite had intended to use only family, thanks to a father and mother which owes so much, and also, of course, for the three sisters and brothers. It was 2011. A hard and very mature – indeed started in eleven years but has never sought a career, and in his very rare case are not just words – that is called No na orelha , a node ear. Turn triumphant and international, who blessed the already bountiful harvest of awards was added, and the Brazilian gem Ainda have time , 2006, there is still time, a title that at the time he made sure to think ‘ abandonment that the artist had in mind shortly. He was born a star, but that star was not nor ever will be. He, voice of the voiceless, capable of responding to a horror senz truce with the optimism of a priori “think positive”, but with that of poetry that is the reality experienced with your eyes and heart wide open, engaging every moment to change it. With an applicant, scathing humor that never hurts. They do not lack opponents, just pottering about some blog rap green gold. Founded or not, allegations are made in account cha van, now that cryolite shines even from a distance. All the world is sometimes really country, and slander and jealousy are everywhere a breeze …
The power of the collective. Hard to hear him say “I”, is almost always “we” the subject of his sentences. Ideal detector genetically collective pulse of his art. That without his bairro, its people and the formidable factory grown up with him, simply it would never have been. It is indeed with Ganjaman (keyboards), Cabral (bass), Sergio Machado (drums) and Guilherme Held (guitars), who returned to Italy cryolite riding the superb Convoque seu Buda , (invokes your Buddha , be understood as “calls into question your best”), the album that, from December 2014, has successfully imposed the world’s attention the African esperanto of a knight (with a few spots and some healthy fear), independence, talent and commitment. After the successful appearance at the Crane in Milan on July 21, it’s up to Rome on 31 July for the festival Eutropia, where it joins the expert and beautiful voice of Rosalia de Souza acid jazz with his quintet X, while on August 1 will be Oristano for the Dromos and then leave, destination France that have long loves. “I had a spiritual apprenticeship with my mother and one of friendship and vision with Dj Dandan, Ganjaman and Cabral. From the two of them I have learned a lot about the importance of technology to facilitate the communication of feeling, as well as the creation of jobs and work. Marcelo is a spectacular musician, Daniel is a master with huge technological knowledge inherited in family, Takara, who with his father and two brothers Claudio Daniel are the second generation of great music, for which they created a unique work environment in Brazil with the best equipment, both vintage and new. With them, it’s critical contribution to the mounting of Fernando Sanches, who always finds the right tone to suit all circumstances. Generally without my people, from those who beat the drums for musicians to those who deal with mail or phone and maybe a board of life, nothing of music out of my belly would have existed. “

A family Special. Or rather two. That of cryolite, narrow version of the bairro, was decisive nell’educarne the precocious talent. “My relationship with music in general and the song in particular, is the love of my mother for the arts, especially poetry and popular song. As a child I sang a lot with her, trying to imitate his voice and interpretation. It was the radio songs from the period immediately after the dictatorship, it was 1980, I was 5 years old. At home he listened to everything: Martinho da Vila, Elis Regina, Agnaldo Raiol, Caetano Veloso, Milton Nascimiento, choro of Agnaldo Timothy, the Xororó Moreira da Silva. And then everything went on TV and my mother and my father felt good, I sang. Family I have also learned a great love for vinyl, which to me is an eternal present in a reserved seat for the future, things that are on his side, for me, the affective quality and listening. And thanks again to my family, I really love the music of the Nordeste region, an immense treasure whose influence is heard here and there in what I compose. The other half of my training has been developed with the strong belonging to the family of rap and hip hop of St. Paul: a great school even life, to which I have cultivated an apprenticeship without a specific purpose, in friendship and in respect of the text you want to share with the world. ” And out of the house, the perfect reverse shot which widens the frame, zooming in on the volcanic rap scene paulista “Ganjaman Daniel is one of the most respected figures of rap Brazilian genius and the respect of the many who have worked with him. Even more, for the support he has always given to young people and not just rap. Like the ones I hear from time to Seleta coletiva, a meeting collective born to do this ten years ago, it became the space par excellence of plural musical life of St. Paul. But also a great challenge contemporary very important for the Brazilian scene. As the house hip hop Diadema, for years one of the few areas in the state of Sao Paulo to welcome the boys who have chosen that lifestyle, involving the arts and an awareness in tune with a social and political vision of Brazil and the world. In such spaces, which help to create thinking and live music, I realized the importance of going on stage. The rap has great value in our lives, and it is also the expression of an art that makes possible a dialogue on what is the real country of all, and not just one or the other part of society. More and more young people are organized and think of solutions to solve the problems of living together in our daily lives and of building a better society. The bailes funky (large gatherings recurring over time and usually outdoors, often by the sea, which for twenty years have become crucial socio-cultural laboratory of music that blends traditional and electronic, ed ) and meetings related to this beautiful expression, not only serve to dismantle the dominant aesthetic, but they are also very a way to know how people are, what he thinks and feels, how we can do our part in a society extremely repressive, racist, dominated by false appearances, inequality and economic egoism “.

That rap son of the blues. And of the people. gangsta Neither Bentley nor trimmed, gold chains, Adidas and guns. Hip hop and rap splendid forty cryolite, born Kleber Gomes Cavalcante from Sao Paulo, Grajau favela, extreme south of megacities more active and ferocious South America (ergo the world), embodies the spirit more noble black. What follows directly from the blues, from the narrative sad and made slaves, and located in the samba, equally syncretic son of the African diaspora tragic, his twin tropical. As are the endless forms of Cuba, the calypso of Trinidad, the morna of Cape Verde, the Portuguese fado, tango origins, black too. Yet the atavistic challenges blows of improvised poems, Mays for the crops and the Madonna and the rhymes in the eighth of our countryside, which in Brazil are so called, “Otava rhyme”. All stuff that comes, then as now, the collective, between the poor and on their roads, where if there is af-trusts the word, if you do not fight expressing die alive. Even cryolite, came into the world in a family from the state’s northeast of Roraima, which sentirgliela tell you would want for himself, grew up in a house without water and the mud floor. But his late “surrender” is not what the success is that of someone who after almost lost confidence in himself, he began to seek best to live up to serve his people. There is even the Gramscian in its determination to shed Socratic culture to bring out the best from them. Which he doubles as a teacher in music schools, historic refuge, as the gyms of capoeira, the street children: “You can not expect the people that they have never been given. I perceive with growing gratitude the poor people of Roraima, which nevertheless continues to worry that things will be better for everyone. In them you do not really have anything, I see the same desire for justice and emotions, of things done with the heart for the heart, which is what worries us, excites and pleases. The same feeling that links young people in the aspiration to a better world. In my bairro there are many artistic collectives that have to fight for access to art as to the improvements to education, health, urban mobility: it is they who always inspire our work as musicians. “

A long work over time. If, besides them that tells how a storyteller by modern information and belief, cryolite has been able to seduce the glamor of the Brazilian edition of Rolling Stone and MTV, winning three awards in 2011 with No na orelha – one was for the single Nao existe amor em Sao Paulo the occasion sung by Caetano Veloso, his great admirer – Ney Matogrosso, Milton Nasciminento, who asked the text for one of his songs for the last disc of Gal Costa, Gilberto Gil, Chico Buarque and Spike Lee, who wanted to interview for his Go Brazil Go , will have a reason to be there. It is, simply, that cryolite, epithet not exactly kind to “negro”, which seems to have chosen to punish the pride of having been summoned by young rapper “Duido”, sort of enlightened right, worked over time, without haste. But a lot and seriously. From that clear militant love of the world and of life that is. And that brings free download on its website that keeps track of everything and filming in the studio and live, that as a boy loves vinyl and uses it regularly. Who always believed in random times that life called for the outputs of the discs, without caring too much about the market strategies. And it uses always the individual, outdated industry in rich countries, but there accessible messages in the bottle for a marginalized community, however large and willing to be there and try to change. All choices that have regularly awarded the slow growth of the mighty esperanto of African beats, funky, reggae, electronic smart, regional styles, in which cryolite is writing present and the future also the Musica Popular Brazileira.

The Best of Youth of St. Paul. Why pure song and melody han deep roots in the history of mystical fighter for a planet less indecent, who live kindled in a titanic physicality. Able to bring 180,000 people to Bairro Santana St. Paul for the concert with Ivete Sangalo in tribute to legend Tim Maya, last May. And if it is normal at home, they are far less than the five bewitched Central Park in spring 2014. Or those that more and more we have followed from 2012 the regular tour in Northern Europe. Up to one in January for the launch of Convoque seu Buda . Waiting, next to Kassim, Moreno Veloso, all’Orquestra Imperial and Santtana Lucas, along with the crowd of talents that every day face the scene of perhaps the richest land, Brazil has now another irresistible ambassador of sounds, dreams and life . You spend willingly to put in view homegrown talent: “Brazil for music is a country-continent of boundless wealth would be unwise to choose one or the other name. So I just St. Paul, I know a little ‘better because I live and see. And there still are born each day from a large MC rap scene in continuing strong growth. A few names: the loud and wonderful Jussara Marçal, the genius of Thiago França, Black Alien and Kiko Dinucci, rap mutant Emicida, the sweet voice of Tulipa Ruiz, who sang with me in Convoque seu Buda , the musicality of Rael by Don L and Rima, the vocal versatility of Barbatuques, to the tradition of giving Onete and Dona Ina “.


“So the TV has overtaken cinema” – The Time



 “A real man does what he wants, not what they must.” Our interview with Jo Champa, American actress of Italian origin, Calabrian wanting to be parochial, begins a sentence cult of “Games of Thrones” and not from his biography, that now everyone knows, by Ettore Scola and films with Bernardo Bertolucci in Sofia Coppola, with Hollywood and the passion for the cinema and for Italy. She, who has mixed fantasy and acting, working on body language, stopping him in the photographs of Helmut Newton – portraits of the spirit of the times, in black and white – these days is in Italy, in Maratea for an international film festival where will be the godmother and the star. “Today – says Jo – something has changed and creativity is released in television rather than cinema. I talk about HBO, Netflix, American networks that produce documentaries and TV series of great value. Their language and the quality of packaging exceeds, in many cases, that of the cinema, the traditional big screen. If I look at the series “Vikings” or “Games of Thrones”, the television series are wonderful, with a narrative writing, a script and a quality of photograph that up to thirty years ago on TV were unthinkable. “



  means that the narrative productions for television today beat cinema?

 “Me, I was a purist cinema, today I tell you that on the network, which I mentioned before, there is a way to develop creativity, to enrich the stories and experience, because you have more courage to do it. The sets, the tricks are important in the story in pictures, some movies will always exist as a language but there was a real revolution. “



  It was predictable that change?

 “I would have been able to anticipate certain changes, 15, 20 years ago, not because of the sorceress Champa but only because living in California, in the heart of this change of language and new technologies, these innovations breathed. The web font, today, the company is a true, another revolution. We take the reality, a genre that I love, a series like “Kardashian” not successful in television, in the US, but on social, Web, Twitter and Facebook are huge. Do you know who most watched Obama, how can media, to the point of getting the cover of Vogue. “



  Andy Warhol would say “fifteen minutes of fame”, or is it something different?

 “You see, once you had to be actors, knowing how to act, now just be people on social, even without talent, no matter. The important thing is to work. Then, you know, the social are easily manipulated through the media and the audience, the less educated, the simple people, it is. Unfortunately today the actress and the actor does not have to know how to act. This has also influenced the star system in Hollywood: the studios, for example, to choose the actors, they go to see how many millions of fans and subscribers. “



  From the US to Italy, his is a nostalgic memory?

 “Culturally Italy is wonderful, I love it, I want my son to discover, learn to know her, you love her. Then that Rome should have a mayor Roman, that’s another story. I, in front of my house in Trastevere, I shit and garbage. So you can not go on. A mayor should make sure that this does not happen. I am proud to be Italian, everybody love an italian girl, but this thing of dirt in Rome is indecent. I was recently in Paris and it is not. You see, I’m the first to love Italy, the United States, to my house, I cook only Italian. I love eggplant parmigiana, as does the Sofia Loren, and the pizza that prepares Maria Scicolone, sister. Italian food is unique. You’re vegan, vegan? No, problem, I’ll tomatoes and grilled eggplant. ” The interview is over, but after this declaration of love for Italy, our thoughts turn to the film “The Third Man”, where the protagonist Harry, played by Orson Welles, said: “In Italy under the Borgias, for thirty ‘years, have had murders, wars, terror and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love, five hundred years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock. “


Massimiliano Lenzi


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Vicenza closed the half in health, fine jewelery event in Dubai – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This entry was posted on July 30, 2015 at 18:16.

They close well the first six months of the year for the Vicenza Fair. The turnover of around 21.6 million euro, reaching the share in the same period of 2014 (21.5 million), despite the absence of the contribution of VicenzaOro spring edition, due to the new strategic manifestations of goldsmith-jeweler of the fair.

Compared to the three editions of the past years, in fact, two of which in the first half, for 2015 the company planned in just one calendar year in the first six months of the year, VicenzaOro January, which is held 23 to 28 January 2015. This new structure is part of the project to rationalize and coordinate the fair calendar of the Italian jewelry industry-gioielliero, supported by the Ministry of Economic Development. The novelty of 2015 is the addition, the two editions Vicenza – the second, VicenzaOro September, is scheduled for September 5 to 9 – VicenzaOro Dubai, organized by Fiera di Vicenza with the Dubai World Trade Centre April 23 to 26 2015 in the city of the Gulf, which refers to the Company DV Global Link, jointly held by the two shareholders.

“The results of the first six months of 2015 – said the President of Fiera di Vicenza Matteo Marzotto – highlight the good health of our society, which has been able to operate stably in particular the new strategic Jewellery of events. ” The positive trend of sales in the first half of 2015 was warranted by the increase in revenues resulting from the introduction of the new exhibition format VicenzaOro The Boutique ShowTM at VicenzaOro January (+4.1 million euro) and revenues generated by Events Lifestyle & amp; Innovation (+1.7 million euro). With the same basis in 2015 – thus excluding the data of the previous year the economic contribution of VicenzaOro Spring – the turnover of the first half saw an increase of 40% over the same period last year.

A other data that highlights the positive management of Fiera di Vicenza is the significant profitability, with operating income (Ebitda) amounted to 3.5 million euro, 16.2% of sales. As for the operating result (EBIT) of EUR 1.6 million, or 7.4% of sales, we note the full operation of the amortization of the new hall and the parking garage, increased by € 677mila over the same half of last year.

“The forecast data on 31 December 2015 – added Marzotto – show significant growth in both total revenue and profitability of the company, in perfect keeping with the plan passed by the board of directors, ensuring shareholders a solid economic structure and equity. ”

As for the upcoming events of 2015, in addition to the edition of VicenzaOro September, four events are scheduled in the Lifestyle & amp; Innovation: Medit and Phatmait (October 28 to 29), shows innovation and technological development in the fields of medicine and pharmacy, and the double-header with the Show-Atelier International manual creativity: Skillfully Autumn (October 15 to 18 ) in Vicenza Skillfully and Rome (5-8 November) in the capital.

Fiera di Vicenza closed the year 2014 with 32.1 million euro net sales, up 2.9 % compared to 2013. With a team of 88 employees, the past year has directly organized 16 national and international events in the fields and Jewellery Lifestyle & amp; Innovation.



Rai, the government in the Senate delegation fee. Tuesday Watch … – The Republic

Rome – The government stumbles on the reform of RAI. The executive went under in the Senate to vote on article 4 of the bill reforming RAI. They were approved amendments minority Dem, FI, M5S, Sel and League suppressive article that gives authorization to the Government on the fee, with 121 votes in favor and 118 against. Vice President of the Senate Roberto Calderoli was at first suspended the session to assess the impact of the vote and then did resume consideration of amendments.

During the examination of Article 2 the new powers and the criteria for appointment of the governance of Viale Mazzini, so far set aside because much disputed, the atmosphere in the classroom has become more heated and the socialist senator Enrico Buemi has resigned as co reform. But then the government has given the availability, to the mouth of the Secretary Antonello Giacomelli, to review the source of the appointment of the managing director of Rai, contained in the article in question. Following this announcement in the classroom, the left dem has withdrawn all its amendments.

The president of the Democratic Party, Matthew Orfini , said that “what happened today in the Senate is incomprehensible. If the vote in dissent from the group becomes not an exception limited to extraordinary cases but a custom, means that you have chosen an improper ground for a political battle. So you are not working to strengthen a party but to dismantle it. “

Exult opposition, first Forza Italy: “Government defeated in the Senate on reform Rai. Verdiniani or not verdiniani majority is gone. Good morning Vietnam-Senate. Hello Renzi” tweeted the parent blue in the House Renato Brunetta . Rejoice even some members of the minority dem, strongly criticized by Senator Pd, Salvatore Tomaselli , who writes on Twitter that it is “shameful that there are senators of the Democratic Party who rejoice in the courtroom and in the media for having beaten his Government “. Deborah Serracchiani , governor of Friuli, instead chirps: “The minority thinks dem to its current, we think Italy”.

scrolling data on the voting, 19 (and not 18 as initially reported by parliamentary sources) of the minority Democratic Party senators who voted in favor of Fornaro, accompanied by two senators Ala, the new group Verdini. Significant absences of verdiniani: in a group of 10 votes in the desert 7. The senators of the Democratic Party who have not participated in the vote were 11 (excluding the the President Grasso).

Go ahead instead in Article 5 with 146 yes, 92 no and 6 abstentions. The article contains the delegation to the government for the regulatory reorganization and was modified after the demands of the opposition and the minority Democratic Party to restrict the delegation, following the approval of an amendment tabled by the Northern League, restated on a proposal by the rapporteur, according which the government has delegated a reorganization and simplification of existing legislation “also for the purposes of the tasks of the public service, taking into account technological and market, no new or increased burdens on public finances”.

In the morning it was approved in the Senate Article 1 of the reform of public television, which provides, among other things, the inability to appoint as member of the board of members of the government in power or who have held this office in 12 previous months. A standard that meets the demands, first of all, the Movement 5 Stars. Also approved Article 3 relating to operations of the public company. Among the changes, it introduces the responsibility of members of the boards of subsidiaries: Article provides that “the CEO and the members of the administrative and control Rai are subject to civil liability.”

Supervisory Board convened for Tuesday, August 4 . Meanwhile, the Bureau of the Supervisory Committee Rai decided to convene next Tuesday for a meeting of the bicameral for the election of seven members of the board Rai within its competence. In favor of the majority and Forza Italy. Have spoken out against M5s, League, Sel, the Socialist Party abstained. Pending reform of the governance of Viale Mazzini, to the Senate, the new leadership will be approved in accordance with the provisions of the Gasparri law. Perhaps next Thursday to elect a new president.

The Board of Directors of Rai expired on 25 May. In recent days he had been the Minister of Economy Pier Carlo Padoan to specifically ask the chairman of the Supervisory Rai Robert Fico (M5S) to proceed with the renewal of the directors with the current law. Contrary to the choice of voting on August 4 the Five Star Movement: “Today’s decision is a block for all procedures of transparency, sharing and evaluation of candidates. It would gather Monday in four four eight nominations, see the availability. We assume that we will give a name anyway, seeing as we have 5 votes in supervision, “said Senator pentastellato Alberto Airola .


“The fate of Rai in the hands of Gasparri” writes Beppe Grillo on Twitter referring to a blog post written by MPs Five Stars : that the Democratic Party is a “law, if possible, even worse than the Gasparri. A law in which all power was in the hands of a super manager chosen by the government as CEO,” write the parliamentary M5S Blog Beppe Grillo.

“The President of the Council – add parliamentarians – has decided that within a few days we should vote on new board Administration of Rai. E ‘in this way they want to identify the people who will lead the public service over the next three years: no transparency, no expertise, nothing about. Only flags to place, so the premier mimics Gasparri. “

The protest of the popular area: rebalance Watch . It bursts immediately grain popular area : the group leaders in the House and Senate party Alfano asked to block the appointment of seven councilors elected by the Supervisory Board Rai until you address the issue of the composition of the two chambers. The letter is addressed to the presidents of Ap Grease and Boldrini.

The leader in the House of Ap, Maurizio Lupi, objected to Force Italy to be over-represented in the Supervisory Rai (where the Azzurri have seven members) at the expense of Ap (of which there are only two). The question is was paid to the conference of leaders a joint Senate-House.

From Forza Italy, however, there are: the blues complain of being sottorapprentati to Copasir and Maurizio Gasparri spoke of “provocation” by Ap stressing that ” or change all the compositions of the bicameral or nothing. ” At the moment there are several problems to solve in dance: in RAI Vigilance missing group Cri Gal Senate and the Senate, in the Children’s missing for Italy and Cri Senate, all’Antimafia missing Sel and Gal, the Waste lack the For mixed and Italy, the Aldo Moro lack Civic Choice and Ala (the new group Verdini), to Copasir Forza Italy does not have a representative.


TIM Trophy, the first time the “Goal-line technology” –

Valid from next season, the debut at the triangle between Inter Milan and Sassuolo

MILAN – New technology for Trofeo TIM 2015. Traditional triangular, now in its fifteenth edition, will take part in Inter, Milan and Sassuolo, who will compete in matches of 45 minutes each and for the first time will also attend the official application in Italy of the ‘goal-line technology’.

The Lega Serie A, who next season will use the technological system designed to check for any episodes of ‘goal-no goal’, has chosen the Trofeo TIM to test its use in the field.

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With digital assistants to communicate with your device becomes … – Weather Web


476 763


With digital assistants communicate with the Your device becomes natural

From Syrians to Google now, there are several digital assistant to trust in the communication of AI Your device E ‘impressive as the technological evolution has already brought in an era in which there can be “full interaction with technology”, the ability to develop software and hardware increasingly powerful and sophisticated opened scenario of endless possibilities. One of the latest is the digital assistance, or the ability to communicate directly with their device (smartphone, tablet, smart TV or PC) through a voice command directly. Not only that, this industry has evolved so that there are several companies that have created their own ‘digital assistant’, applicable to any device of the latest generation. Among these are definitely: Siri, Google Now, Cortana and Alexa; all four are of special characteristics and are already on the market and used by many users, at this point it is to discover what are the strengths and weaknesses of each of them, in order to guide a choice suits their needs. If we start from Siri, the best known of all the ‘digital assistent’, it is the most versatile and one with which the user has a greater ease of dialogue, thanks to his understanding of the immediate demand; Google now, well known, has [...]

30/07/2015 13:25:02

Digital Assistant, Digital Assistant siri siri Digital Assistant


It ‘amazing how the technological evolution has already brought in an era in which there can be ” Full interaction with technology “, the ability to develop software and hardware increasingly powerful and sophisticated opened a scene of endless possibilities. One of the latest is the digital assistance, or the ability to communicate directly with their device (smartphone, tablet, smart TV or PC) through a voice command directly.

Not only that, this sector It is so evolved that there are several companies that have created their own ‘digital assistant’, applicable to any device of the latest generation. Among these are definitely: Siri , Google Now , Cortana and Alexa ; all four are of special characteristics and are already on the market and used by many users, at this point it is to discover what are the strengths and weaknesses of each of them, in order to guide a choice suits their needs.


If we start from Siri , the best known of all the ‘digital assistent’, is the most versatile and the one with which the user has a greater ease of dialogue, thanks to its capacity of understanding of immediate request; Google now , very well known, has a great understanding of your requirements, anticipating what your interests and what to look for. Ortana instead is more immediate and provides a reminder system handy digital, finally Alexa is a system applicable not only to the usual devices and also can receive voice prompts from a distance through the ‘use of microphones, although it does have a role in assisting more downsized.

The interesting thing about these applications is in the nature of dialogue, you can also chat joking, especially with Syrians and google now, breaking the cold report modest request between a human being and a can inanimate. They are, in fact open the doors to the most advanced AI which until a few years ago appeared to be a distant goal futuristic and highly coveted.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

In Venice 72 flavors bright and disturbing – the poster (Registration)

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poster (Record)

In Venice 72 flavors bright and disturbing
poster (Record) .. . salt and the development technology . As for the ‘hole’ which stagnates in front of the Cinema Palace, it will remain there until the City Council did not take over (to build the set designers of Cinecicttà some fake archaeological find?). The News Other & nbsp; & raquo;


Napoli Insigne Show Against The Citadel Sarri Draw Gps – Fantagazzetta

 That between Naples and Citadel is to Maurizio Sarri a friendly one of good confirmations and technological innovations. The Italian team has in fact concluded the summer retreat with a off 5-1 over their rivals . The main protagonist was undoubtedly Lorenzo Insigne , who scored twice in addition to a game so compelling as to make real protagonist of this stage preseason.


  The race starts in the best way for the Blues, that are already in the network to the 5 ‘through un’incornata Albiol on the developments of a corner. Insigne, El Kaddouri and Mertens close their accounts, while Higuain and the new purchase Chiriches remain on the bench.


 The biggest curiosity is not, however, the still convicente game shown by the blue but from ‘ yet another trick technology fielded by Sarri. The game was monitored by the Tuscan coach with the help of detectors GPS made to wear blues players to analyze their movements. The coach will use blue night to study the data collected and cross them with those already recognized by the ubiquitous these days that drone flew over the training of Dimaro.



© FANTAGAZZETTA RIGHTS RESERVED It is allowed Only partial reproduction with quote and link to the source and author.


From now on Windows 10: guide to download between enthusiasm and irony social – The Republic

THE BIG DAY Windows 10 arrived. Starting today, the new Microsoft operating system will be available for download, with a free upgrade to most users. But not all will receive immediately: over a billion computer and install Windows to update them all it will take months. From today, however, the first users, such as those that have tested in its various versions, are installing and trying W10. After the first 5 million ‘guinea pigs’, the download will be possible for those who have booked online and only then to everyone else.

“The release of the new version is going well”, he tells the company. A crucial moment given the problems on which Microsoft has stumbled in recent releases. “It is the first time we try to do a release of this magnitude, but for now everything is ok, there is a lot of interest.” Before we get started then: if the download or installation there is jammed, Microsoft provides some solutions here together with the guide for download. Not everyone can have it right away, though. It’s up to the person who first tested (about 5

> Up to 29 July 2016, upgrade to Windows 10 will be free for those who already have a license for Windows 7, 8 and 8.1, or for those who purchase a new device with one of these versions installed. For the smartphone version of Windows 10 instead, we must wait, perhaps in the fall, according to rumors. For Windows Vista and XP instead have to buy it at $ 119.

Forgot your password goodbye. Our iris is the ‘that is needed to access the new operating system from Microsoft. Among the many new features of Windows 10, one of the most striking is its biometric recognition with Windows Hello, who can read the face, iris, or even our fingerprints. Access should be hacker-proof to kick off, from the words of the CEO Satya Nadella, a “more personal computer era in the world of mobile devices and cloud services”, with two main objectives: the simplicity of ‘use and protection of privacy.

Multi-platform. The main feature of the new product out of the house of Redmond is the cross-device capabilities: mobility, integration of mobile, tablet, desktop with Continuum, a universal software that takes us to use a ‘fluid ‘of our technological devices. The layout is flexible and adapts to the GUI screen of each device.

Apart from the biometric recognition that significantly raises the level of privacy, there is a new browser that has to compete with Firefox and Chrome It’s called Edge and Explorer will replace and their performance, according to those who have tested, it is very good. An interesting thing you can do is show graphically some areas of the pages and then save them or share them with OneNote.

Voice guidance. Here comes the ‘sister’ of Siri, Cortana, the voice recognition software that has made its entry last year of Windows Phone and who is responsible for the role of “personal assistant”. In this case, however, it is the first assistant to make its appearance on the computer and not just on mobile devices. You can give her (or him) commands to the operating system, dictate an email, ask questions, including the weather, directions, the latest news and updates. You can also search for files to your computer, without remembering the title. Just say the arguments contained in the text.

A new beginning. Back also the Start button, which was much loved by loyal users and Microsoft that was gone for no reason in Windows 8 (and partially reintroduced nell’8.1). Now you can go click on the one that has always been the reference point on the desktop, because on that button, go up a bit ‘of everything, there are files and documents, applications and programs.

There will be 11. The developer Jerry Nixon announced that “it will be the latest version of Windows.” Just as there was a Windows 9, as a sign of discontinuity, there will be no Windows 11, because the updates are automatic as well as with the iPhone. A study conducted by Kadence International estimates that the new operating system will be well received: 47% of respondents said they were ready to make the update now. And who are downloading the positive comments on social networks.

social irony. On twitter users already seem satisfied within hours of download. “Outstanding! Microsoft Edge revolutionizes the way you surf the Internet and the new icons that show !!”. This one of the most celebratory tweets, especially for browser Edge, among the new features most appreciated.

Then there are those who say they are excited as children for the arrival of this new ‘Gift’, and there is The irony, of course, the alleged ‘slowness’ downloading the operating system.


The new genetic technologies revolutionize all the ideas on GM – La Stampa

The new genetic technologies revolutionize all the ideas on GM

Here come the editing and genomic cisgenesi and the US prepare deregulation now Italy will be forced to rethink its “no”

The illustrations of the service tell the laboratory research made in Italy that the law prevents experiment in open field

” The current rules are well protected public health and the environment. But the progress made by science and technology since 1992 have changed the landscape. Today the public is difficult to understand how it is evaluated the safety of biotechnology. And for small businesses may be too complex to get permissions for this type of product. ” From these words begins the next turn in the game of GMOs. Words that come from the White House, written by John P. Holdren, science adviser to Barack Obama. Announce and explain a choice that can be momentous: after nearly 30 years the United States is prepared to revise laws regulating methods and agricultural technologies. Opening in a deregulation of genetics. And laying the foundation and example for a global revolution.

Nine types of crops

The US multinationals are the country where they grow more GM crops, 73 million hectares in extension and with nine different types of crops. Yet there is also a distortion: the process of testing and health checks to record a new GM product is long and very expensive. Enough to discourage small businesses and small-scale experiments. “To serve a new GM $ 40 million, a figure that no university and only big companies can spend. It is also why there are relatively few market transgenic products. ” To explain is Martina Newell-McGloughlin, a professor and researcher at the University of California. Which confirms the need for deregulation, especially in light of what’s to come. “In the future – confirmation – we will see crops that circumvent rules. GM, but with brand new methods, leaving no trace. It will be impossible to understand the source of the improvement of the plant and, therefore, label it as transgenic. ”

The Future

The GM of the future will be called GM. Brand new exploit techniques like ‘genome editing’ and ‘cisgenesi “, causing a mutation in the genome of the plants, but they do so without inserting foreign genetic material. The result of the process is what you might get from a normal crossing and natural selection. The difference is that a process will be focused and precise, able to improve a crop up to make unnecessary the use of pesticides or the like.

beautiful country unprepared

It’s a huge news that Italy is likely to be unprepared, as it is still grappling with the battle ideological anti-GMO that has long blocked the fieldwork. “You are brooding and developing new patents, but it is a quest that we risk missing out on,” says Roberto Defez, scientist CNR in Naples and for years in the front line against the stop looking. “The new techniques – he continued – we do not take a risk in terms of security, but economic. Our country, in fact, has already lost its industries seed and will eventually fall behind. We end up scrapping our entire agriculture. Unless we re-open the investigation, after 20 years GMOs have not created even a cold, only one proved to damage someone’s health. ” If you really take to process more streamlined and less greedy for new GM, the move by Obama will be a balm for the competition, a blow to the multinationals, the opportunity to expand the catalog and map agricultural biotech. Already, 20 of the 28 countries where it is grown transgenic are emerging. And, compared to the usual corn, soybeans and cotton, there are already examples of “heretics” such as Bt eggplant Bangladesh and sugarcane in Indonesia. “For Italy agriculture is fundamental for the future, not only for tradition – said Alessandro Sidoli, president of Assobiotec -. We have important resources: a good training school and university, and often have excellent researchers in the luggage experiences abroad. Yet we have become a country technophobic and all ideological reasons we were able – on GMOs as animal testing – to impose laws even more restrictive than the European. ”

The stakes

Inside the GMO issue is a lot at stake, much more than you might think. There is the future of researchers here are plastered and often have to work abroad. There is a need to develop and improve – and then really protect – the native crops, what are often the basis for products made in Italy. There is also the opportunity for lost time, to take advantage of things that we do well, to be an agricultural power based on excellence and diversity. And maybe able to understand that there is no contradiction between technological progress and traditional knowledge. “The first thing to do is remove the absurd ban on field research. It is a closure that has already caused the monsters, like the 350 plants of the University of Tuscia – cherry, apple and other trees on which they experimented for years – burned by law in 2012 “. To emphasize this is Daniele Colombo, President dell’Anbi, the National Association of biotechnologists. He adds: “What worries us is this will unscientific, as we have already written to Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and the Minister of Agriculture Maurizio Martina. All new governments and parliaments, with few exceptions, have shown little interest or outright hostility to innovation and those who try to take it forward. Now serving a new era and a new political class, who want and be able to dialogue and forge relationships with the scientific community. ”

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Piero Bianucci

All that nobody has yet said the “sister planet” Earth

The book of the week
The new novel & egrave ;:
And the Mountains Echoed
of Khaled Hosseini

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 J $ (“# containerArtCorr .ls-boxcontent .ls-box-items-related .ls-boxcontent-body .ls-boxcontent-body-view”). Animate (cssProp, speed,
 function () {
 J $ (“# containerArtCorr #articoliCorrScrollDown”). Attr (‘src’, ‘/ form / new-leaf / img / arrow_down.png’);
 J $ (“# containerArtCorr #articoliCorrScrollDown”). AddClass (‘. Active’);
 if (numArticoli
