Saturday, September 28, 2013

The most innovative companies? Apple ahead of Samsung and Google - Il Sole 24 Ore

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Into This article was published on 27 September 2013 at 14:06.

Into The most innovative companies? Samsung before Apple and Google, but the surprise is the automotive industry - The top 20

Put Into lined up one behind the other the most innovative companies is therefore not an easy task: the Boston Consulting Group makes annually with the ranking “Most Innovative Companies”, drawn up taking into account the indications 1,500 senior executives (25 per percent of these considers innovation a top priority) and the results obtained from large multinational companies in terms of revenues, profit margins and dividends.

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    a growing presence in the automotive industry
    The automakers are engaged as never before in the run up to the adoption of new technologies (mobile and connectivity) to improve infotainment systems board, are one of the positive surprises in the rankings: there are 14 of the top 50, nine of the top 20, and three (there are Ford with Toyota and BMW) in the top 10. Curious about the fact that even General Motors and Volkswagen (13th and 14th respectively) are positioned in front of the giant Coca-Cola and Hewlett Packard computer science. In 2010 there were only eight car manufacturers in the match but the many projects initiated and carried forward in terms of electrical and cars that drive themselves have given to the industry of a four-wheel high level of innovation. The Boston Consulting Group has rewarded at the expense of very famous names of the technological landscape such as Intel, Dell and Philips. In contrast, other authoritative representatives of the universe hi-tech – and specifically IBM, Amazon, Sony and Facebook – are part of the top 20, confirming that the Internet industry, software and electronic gadgets is always a flourishing basin of innovation.



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