Bergoglio the Macchianera award, 2013, the Oscar Italian Network,
delivered to Blogfest of Rimini.
Fiorello defeated by a few votes
Into Papa Francesco has also conquered the web: he is, in fact, the person of the year, winning the award Macchianera, 2013, the Oscar Italian network, delivered to Blogfest of Rimini. Into It is a momentous victory, since the network has always been wary and full of sarcasm against the Church and its institutions. Over the last few days to the vote (the Macchianera Award is bestowed with the votes of users) was a head to head between the Pope and Fiorello, with the latter in the lead up to the last and passed by a handful of votes (less 5 thousand votes difference). Together they raised over 52% of the preferences of users of the Web The Pope went 32% of the vote, to Fiorello 23%.
to win the favor of voters Pope Bergoglio, especially the use of your Twitter profile pontifex `@ ‘. The papal tweets had already been inaugurated by his predecessor Ratzinger, Francesco she played with her style revealing a fairly regular user but, above all, very casual.
Into It pierced since its debut, with this simple and effective “Dear friends I thank you and ask you to continue to pray for me. Papa Francesco, “he used the hashtag, took advantage of the medium during the World Youth Day in Rio. And has received a huge following especially in the last month with his appeals for peace in Syria. His cry of “No more war, no more war,” has received over four thousand retweets. Into His profile Italian has over a million followers, to which you add up the three million in English, Spanish, and 3.7 million in hundreds of thousands in those in French, German, Polish, Portuguese and Arabic. And there are 167 thousand people that the Pope’s tweet read them in Latin. Into Not to mention that the spread had on the social self-timer published by some young scouts from Piacenza who met him at the end of August in St. Peter’s Basilica. Into That `Best of character ‘is one of over thirty categories of work under the` Macchianera award’. The other winners, including that of best site for information, will be announced at the awards ceremony tonight at Blogfest of Rimini.
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