Sunday, September 8 – agg.1: 35 Technology The Messenger > Technology > Hi Tech > Apple iPad 5 more narrow, thin and … | FURTHER READING  apple, ipad, tablet, ipad5, iphone Into Into Into the Web Editor Into Thinner, lighter, narrower than about an inch and a half but with a screen that remains unchanged in dimesioni. In a nutshell more like the Mini version. It will be so, in terms of design, the Apple iPad5 that works? In a video from Unbox Therapy, the hypothetical prototype of the new tablet of Cupertino is shown in detail and the clip was immediately taken from the websites of U.S. technology, who point out that it corresponds to rumors published to date the appearance of the new iPad intended to be launched in October or so. Into Into Saturday, September 7, 2013 – 11:37 Last update: 17:39 Into © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Into Into WOULD YOU RECOMMEND THIS ITEM TO YOUR FRIENDS? Into Into Into BECOME A FAN OF THE MESSENGER | | OTHER ITEMS | class=”c55″> iPad 5 coming in September? Tablet lighter and with new chip A7 Into Apple, the future is big: test of wider screens for the iPhone and iPad Into Apple working on an iPhone size extra large Into iPhone 5S, a new rumor: it will be faster than the 31% | | 0 comments class=”c66″ cellpadding=”5″ THESE COMMENTS ( 0 ) | View all comments | Post a comment | order to send a comment you must be registered. If you are already registered please enter your username and password or register now | | Into class=”c59″ - ROME
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