Friday, September 27, 2013

Climate: global warming, the fault is human to 95% - Corriere della Sera

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The IPCC report

Climate: global warming, the fault is human to 95%

The U.S. Secretary of State Kerry: “Yet another wake-up call: those who deny the science or find excuses playing with fire”

Into The global average temperature will rise by between 0.3 and 4.8 degrees Celsius (° C) by 2100 compared to the average from 1986 to 2005, and this warming is due with a confidence of 95% to human causes. Heat waves will be more frequent and last longer, more rain in humid regions and dried ones will become more arid. The alarming data are contained in the first chapter of the report on Climate Change (AR5) announced Friday in Stockholm by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the full text of which will be released next Monday.

RISE OF THE SEAS – Compared with the previous report of 2007 (AR4) is defined with greater accuracy the rise in sea level, which is partly due to the melting of continental glaciers and ice caps polar, and in part to the thermal expansion due to heating of the water itself. The increase by the end of the twenty-first century will be between 26 and 82 centimeters (in the previous report was 18-59 cm). The “fork” of the increase in sea level, as well as that of temperature, depends on the four scenarios identified in the report, the lowest rate if you act right now in a conviction for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the highest if nothing is done.

CAUSES HUMAN – In the synthesis of some thirty pages of the IPCC report, which represents more than 9,000 scientific studies multidisciplinary, global warming can be attributed with a confidence of 95% to human causes, a increase compared to 2007 when this security was “only” 90%, and significantly higher than the ratio AR3 2001, when human influenza had been found with a confidence of 66%.

REACTIONS – Ban Ki-moon thanked the IPCC for its work “impartial”, after which in 2010 had been impeached by deniers of global warming and its human causes for some errors in the AR4 report, in particular the speed of the melting of Himalayan glaciers. “This new relationship will be essential for governments that will work for the creation in 2015 of an ambitious and legally binding climate ‘, which will replace the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012, said the UN secretary-general. In Paris in two years the nations of the UN (110 governments that have found a compromise in today’s report of the IPCC) should be able to reach an agreement to fix to no more than 2 ° C increase in average temperatures overall compared to the pre-industrial, now this increase is 0.8 ° C. “The unfortunate truth is confirmed,” stressed in a joint statement the most important environmental and humanitarian non-governmental organizations such as WWF, Greenpeace, Oxfam and Friends of the Earth. “Climate change is a real and continuing at an alarming rate, and are caused by human activities, primarily by burning fossil fuels.”

KERRY – The U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has called for strong measures to reduce the impact on the environment, after receiving IPCC report. “This is yet another wake-up call: those who deny the science or find excuses to action are playing with fire,” said Kerry, “the cost of inaction goes beyond anything that any being with a conscience or common sense should be willing to contemplate. “

Into the EU – “If your doctor says that 95% have a serious illness, would you start treatment right away or not?” the Commissioner concluded at the European Climate, Connie Hedegaard.

Paul Virtuani

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