We publish an excerpt from the book you will end: the background of the reform and the future of television by Roberto Faenza. Foreword by Gian Antonio Stella and Sergio Rizzo, prologue of Franco Battiato. Published with the platform of self-publishing and ilmiolibro sale from Wednesday, March 11th (4.99 digital edition, 15 euro for the printed version)
Meet an executive Rai who knows of this book and says we criticize , but then you do films with us. I reply that the opposite is true: because I want to make films more and more brave with Rai the critic. As the pages of this volume may be experienced as a harsh attack on the public service, it seems right to make a clarification.
I see this work as the contribution of a provocation well documented, so if anything more next in an act of affection. After all, how could I hate a company that was a kid allowed me to spend whole evenings of its unforgettable protagonists fall in love, as my favorite, Lea Massari Captain Smashes? In short, the Rai for those born in the last century can be harshly criticized, but not hated. I would say that as a whole has always been superior to those who have managed. And whatever you put in dubio pro reo.
L'azienda public for decades has played an important role in spreading of knowledge and entertainment, reaching sovereign respect to the universe of communication. Where he failed was in the political, siding always close to the power and becoming the megaphone in a more servile than required. Just ask around what people think of Rai and the answers will be almost all of this content. Although the leaders of the first band of the company and the heads of the news have been appointed to political affiliation in 90% of cases, the majority of middle managers, journalists and editors has demonstrated professionalism and a desire for independence on which the company is straight for decades. In recent times, this balance is shattered. Technological innovation and the descent into the field of new players have expressed a desire for pluralism that viewers perceive as their right. In this context, it exploded the intolerance for political suffocation no longer tolerable.
With its current 14 channels, the public service could play the card of innovation and offer a range of content more articulated all the other competitors. Even with its flaws, the company still remains the “brand” more recognizable, a strong heritage accumulated over more than sixty years. Just think of the wealth stored in its display cases, which preserve the contemporary history of the country. In recent years, however, Rai has made mistakes not just, such as the loss of identity of individual networks, which have lost their. Sensational is the descent of Rai2: game from an audience close to 15%, has lost nearly ten points in a few years. To recover a little had to change identities. For its part, RAI-3 tried to innovate without success, often forced to cancel the news after a few nights of programming. Rai1 resists, but not enough. As we will see later, the dramatic is the burden of a bloated staff, which was unable to retrain or upgrade. It is finished to mimic calcium, buying programs and formats abroad without ever invent one, such as clubs, who swept the foreigners, with peaks of 73%, instead of growing new recruits. Result: The National falls apart.
Let us assume that Rai no longer existed. What would happen? Along with the three major networks, would be less channels dedicated to culture, art, history. There would be no more archives with their heritage. Exist only TV commercial or a fee. It would be good or the country would lose something? It is a bit ‘as if they were deleted schools and public universities, leaving the field to private. It is true that pay channels like Sky can offer the most innovative programs and courageous, but also very successful when they reach barely one-tenth of the audience Rai.
It will be difficult to impose that much, considering that with the advent of the Internet the younger audience is not willing to pay or to inquire or to have fun. On the Mediaset things are not better. The group is in a crisis of identity. The commercial networks give sign of fatigue and seem the first not to believe in the general television. They realize that the future is elsewhere and in fact tend to look for new synergies.
The reform of Rai is on the agenda. All are preparing to evaluate the content, but they forget that the most important thing is to predict what will change in the medium and long term. Television, even with all its limitations, it is still an important training agency, for better or for worse often in lieu of school and family. It must therefore strengthen its resources, giving instead of taking away. If you decrease the resources, inevitably you will have a diminution of quality of the programs. Knowledge, but also leisure, measure the heart of a nation. It is there that pulse the present and the future. Everything else, including the economy, comes after. I hope to be wrong, but if the slope of the reform is that which appears before our eyes, in the space of a decade Rai likely exclusion or privatization. There is no sense of what is to be truly public service. There is no overview of the future. The pages that follow, therefore, tend to sound the alarm. Happy reading.
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