Tuesday, March 17, 2015

News Aused 2015: innovation lab and academy – MilanoToday

The observatory ICT Governance AUSED directs some initiatives to develop the new strategy of the association which aims to become the reference point for the “community ICT” also recognized by the institutions, in Italy and in Europe.

In his thirty-ninth year of activity, AUSED proposes to all its members with an ambitious plan that essentially aims to invest in young people, do research and innovation and generate value for the member companies. This program, created by the Observatory ICT Governance AUSED is developed in part with the help of the School of Management – Politecnico di Milano and SDA Bocconi School of Management .

“One of the priorities of AUSED – said Joseph Ingletti , Director,” Corporate ICT Systems “Fiera Milan and coordinator of ICT Governance AUSED – is to strengthen the bridge between knowledge (school and theory) and its application (practice and experience) and communicate at the same time, with the institutions to be heard and become a recognized landmark. “

To achieve these objectives, AUSED fielding l ‘ AUSED Innovation Lab , which will handle the research, young people and the creation of value for companies and l ‘ AUSED ACADEMY , or an activity targeted training, dissemination and communication.

“These innovative projects – said Ingletti – are designed to collect and enhance our efforts in research and dissemination / training on all topics that working groups will want to develop associative during 2015, with the collaboration of the SoM of the Polytechnic of Milan and SDA Bocconi, who have enthusiastically to our call. “

The AUSED Innovation Lab , where research and development dell’AUSED thus promotes the path Digital Innovation and adoption of ICT solutions in companies. Will be responsible for research, benchmarking (with special working groups of the practice , with indicators and results in relation to the key issues for the development of organizations) and Open Innovation Workshop , or seminars for innovation and development of technological scenarios that facilitate the identification of opportunities and approaches to digital innovation. The work carried out within dell’Aused Innovation Lab will be preparatory to communication and dissemination activities of the results of the “laboratory”, to promote the generation of innovation ideas favoring the comparison between the shareholders, the network of sympathizers, the World University and stakeholders in the sector, but also to increase the communication initiatives and ensure visibility to the group and associates, with the aim of increasing the authority of the association and become increasingly influential in institutions and demand.

“The priorities of the association – continued Ingletti – are the following topics:

  • opportunities for prudent management of licensing agreements: the novelty of the software used to the benefits of negotiating the terms unfair, team coordinated by Stefano Perfetti – IT Manager – A2A;
  • To outline the paths of transformation “Digital & amp ; Cloud “, identifying new roles ICT and becoming ourselves agents of change: [view Organization & amp; HR-ICT], team coordinated by Giuseppe Ingletti – Director, Corporate ICT Systems – Fiera Milano Group;
  • investigate new ways of outsourcing of digital services (cloud computing services) and new ways of acquiring IT products and services: [view Legal], team coordinated by Gabriele Fagg – Adjunct Professor of the MIP;
  • To study the impact of new digital technologies on products, methods of communication and adoption services “Cloud”: “new business opportunities” [view Technologies, Products and Marketing], the team coordinated by Luigi Pignatelli ICT Manager – Carl Zeiss Vision;
  • Experience the digital evolution of the administrative, management and related processes operating team coordinated by Alessandro Caleffi Group Software Application Manager – Falck Renewables). “

As for the ‘ AUSED ACADEMY , it is intended as an educational initiative of high-profile, large, multidisciplinary, which combines classroom lessons with numerous experiential activities on the field, integrating training as part of a larger project for the development of skills and innovation for the management of ICT management in organizations.

“Specifically – commented Ingletti – the purpose for which it is born the Aused Academy relate to bridge the cultural divide , integrating training as part of a larger project to develop culture and skills for the management of Innovation Digital in companies, and set up a training center and qualification permanent, supporting the theoretical and methodological contribution to moments of confrontation and experiential activities, allowing managers to accompany the ICT in a process of evolution and empowerment . “

They will be identified and designed, in collaboration with partners and in synergy with the research dell’Aused Innovation Lab, development paths ad hoc to the new professionals that meet the needs of organizations and the development of ICT. Are included in this catalog, with access granted to the members, even the courses in ICT area MIP & amp; Management and SDA Bocconi.

“The training program dell’AUSED ACADEMY – concluded Ingletti – will be enriched by opportunities for discussion with several managers and opinion leaders in the field of ICT management in Italian and international level, evidence of Manager of the member companies or from the network of sympathizers and supporters with a significant role among stakeholders industry, as well as Company visit designed to observe field experience of organizing work, laboratories or innovative ICT services in organizations of members and / or brought by those who come from the network of sympathizers in the world University and all stakeholders in the industry. “

The target dell’AUSED ACADEMY Manager is primarily aimed at operating within the Departments and figures technical and operational considered high potential within the Departments ICT. The collaboration with leading business schools and universities Italian lets give participants access to the largest pool of training on management and innovation management ICT on the national market.

Note – This information has been published in its entirety as an external contribution. This content is therefore not an article produced by the editors of MilanoToday


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