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Over 50 thousand young people involved from training activities and 280 startups blossomed thanks to the program with Microsoft foundations Cariplo and Filaret
(Photo: Corbis)
The third edition of Startup Revolutionary Road , the project signed by Microsoft , the foundations Cariplo and Filaret to support young people through targeted training and real job opportunities in a thick calendar of events spread throughout the country.
The budget of the first two rounds is remarkable: 50 thousand young people touched by training, more than 5,500 boys participated in the Startup School, 280 startups blossomed thanks to the program and 1,500 job opportunities produced.
Even for 2015 Startup s Revolutionary Road ‘fits within the broader range of YouthSpark , the Microsoft program dedicated to the new youth entrepreneurship. Several news. First three new partners that lead to nine hubs network initiative. A ItaliaCamp, Filaret, Techgarage, Polihub, I3P Turin and InnovAction Lab are added Talent Garden, Center for young and family enterprise and Technology Park Po.
“ We will continue to provide thousands of young people in Italy the opportunity to create your own startup through training and mentorship free, developed in collaboration with the best partners in this field – said Carlo Purassanta such Microsoft Italy – The second edition has seen considerable success. In particular, we have seen triple the number of startups born thanks to Startup Revolutionary Road , a sign of how our country is full of young talent that they need to be supported and directed. Once launched, the startup, the boys have the opportunity to join the program BizSpark through which they have free access to the latest technology, useful to grow their business, and also to network of contacts necessary to develop faster their business . “
” For the third consecutive year we are happy to coordinate the project, an initiative focused increasingly on the use of capital human being of our country and of our universities – echoed Mariella Enoc , and vice president of the Foundation Filaret Cariplo Foundation – the creation of high-tech startups that exploit efforts and results of the research and together produce effective results in terms of youth employment is the goal of the partnership. This project has been in recent years and continues to be a positive example of positive relationship between profit and nonprofit , together with the goal of generating a positive impact on society and especially on young people, leveraging on the characteristics and geographic of the project partners and strengthening activities . “
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