In 2014 93.5% of Veneto enterprises with more than 10 employees was equipped with broadband connection: all data in the area of ICT.
Gradually increase the number of Veneto companies with free band wide and other ICT , resources to enhance competitiveness and revenue. This derives from the relationship shown in the regional conference “Digital and competitiveness. The challenges and scenarios of Veneto 3.0 “held in Padua, during which were announced percentages very positive.
= & gt; ICT Companies: SMEs online but little social
ICT and businesses
According to the report, in 2014 99% of Veneto enterprises with more 10 employees had an available connection Fast Internet . 93.5% has adopted a fixed broadband connection, a figure that has value especially when compared with the national average and European, of respectively 93.5% and 92%.
One of the main purposes of these technological resources include access to banking services and financial management and administrative procedures electronically.
= & gt; Read all news for SMEs in the Veneto
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