Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hello Barbie, Mattel presents the new speaker. Controversy … – The Daily


Maybe for Ken is not good news, but for millions of young girls is an absolute novelty. Barbie speak. Technology has also contaminated the legendary doll of Mattel that in the fall will present the new model, Barbie Hello , with the word, at a price of $ 75. Looking for something that could revitalize a product that feels the weight of years Mattel has turned to ToyTalk , a company specializing in making talking toys.

“Chat with a device Mobile is a matter of course for those who have ten years – said the CEO Oren Jacob – much less for high school students. ” For this it is time to give the speech to the doll with the physique of the pin up that until now has spoken only by the imagination of children. Founded in 2011 thanks – the daughter of Jacob, seven, wanted to talk via Skype with his toys – ToyTalk produces solutions that enable children to weave complex conversations with puppets . In the case of Barbie the system analyzes the words of children to produce answers to tone.

“When the solution is ready we hope that Barbie will have thousands of things to say and can talk for hours with the girls” is the hope of Jacob. The system, however, is a bit ‘more complex and is creating some concern. Barbie, which connects to the Wi-fi , speaks with software behind which there is an algorithm that learns from the words of the child, remembers what she says and calibrates the tone to adopt. Discussions are then stored on the servers of the company.

And ‘the new frontier of the Internet of things that creates a problem of privacy. “A creepy doll that records what happens in our house without our knowing?” Asks Nicole A. Ozer , director of the technological area of ​​’ American Civil Liberties Union Northern California interviewed by New York Times . But Ozer has other questions. “What is recorded, how long it is kept, who can access or share this information?”. For its part, the company ensures that all the information recorded by the microphone of the doll will remain private and still some measures to protect privacy has been adopted.

Toytalk has developed a procedure that pemette parents to control in part the situation. A child under 13 can use the conversation only after a parent has given permission to be confirmed by mail. When children want to interact with a character must press a microphone button on the app as a walkie-talkie and parents have access to the recorded conversations of their child and can delete them.

However, all this seems not enough. The CCFC ( Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood) that seeks to protect children from advertising in their products has asked the stop of production new Barbie. Because in addition to the dialogue recorded there is also the influence that the doll can have on children. A study of the Georgetown University has compared two groups of children who used the same character. But while the first had available the puppet can say the name of the child over to the TV and favorite song, the second showed the same name and gave different directions. Then when the puppet he performed in a small test mathematical children who had the toy speaker reacted better than the other. It ‘just a test, but Sandra Calvert , Director of the Children’s Digital Media Center and Georgetown study author is convinced that the effects could be even more.



X Makers, here is the new program for children of John … – The Daily


When you invite to a trip-print for the presentation of a new TV show, you never know whether to accept it or not. Travel and accommodation paid for by those who airs the program, all perfectly organized, a couple of days frankly pleasant in the company of colleagues and a commitment required certainly not exaggerated. And then you also have to write that program, with all the scruples of the case. That’s what happened with DeA Kids , the satellite channel for children of De Agostini who organized a trip to Barcelona to present X Makers, ambitious new program hosted by John Muciaccia (yes, that’s Art Attack ), broadcast from Friday, April 3 to 20, once a week on channel 601 of the Sky bouquet. Fortunately, however, this time we passed the usual reluctance and we queued to the company. Fortunately, because X Makers is a nice program. And since children’s programs are often an unbroken series of verses and songs, as if the kids were all idiots , this format our eyes seemed almost revolutionary.

is, in practice, the first television format in Europe that brings children to the digital fabrication , the robotic and the world of 3D printers . With a language course suited to smaller, Muciaccia guide young viewers to discover the latest in that within a few years will be the stars of a new technological revolution. At his side, between fiction and popular science, the physical Maximum Temporelli (responsible for one of FabLab Milan) and young Francesco Marchioro and Julia Palaferri . Rounding out the team, then, there is the android iCub , small humanoid robot created by the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa, and this time it provides its bolts on TV . In the first episode, for example, X-makers take a normal scooter and transform it into something much more attractive and up to date. With a 3D printer will be made of the aesthetic embellishments that will make it look like a Tyrannosaurus , while a very small drill (with battery attached) it will move effortlessly. Last but not least, a small computer device will allow the child to turn to “call” the scooter with a whistle, a little ‘how did Zorro with his horse.

3D Printers are perhaps the most interesting feature of this program. And just in the two days in Barcelona, ​​we had the opportunity to visit the Fab Lab of the Catalan city, first in Europe and then followed by many others in our country. In a huge space that looks a lot like an old workshop a bit ‘messy, young and brilliant “makers” have told a handful of reporters Italian incredulous how the gimmick, printing some small items to enhance the effect amazement. From what these visionaries have told us, it really seems that we must prepare to ‘ yet another technological revolution , that will forever change our habits. All this in a much shorter time than we can imagine.

It is also why X Makers is a useful program: preparing our children to the inevitable, allowing them to not get caught off guard when everything change (because seriously and will change for the better). The regret is that a format like that should not be aired on Rai, who still propina children low-quality products and who look to the past, not this one of the newest generations. Who Sky, do not miss the chance to watch the program with their children (is magnetic for adults too, trust me). Who does not have a subscription to satellite TV, do not despair: you tell about what the Fab Lab closer and spend an afternoon exploring the 3D printing and a thousand other newfangled technology that fun (and will educate) adults and children.



Thursday, March 26, 2015

Technological innovations gold – Luxgallery

March 26, 2015

Apple news gold

It ‘started the ” gold rush “ in high tech world .

world giants of the technology have chosen the champagne to coat their devices luxury, launched in recent months: from ‘ iPhone 6 and iPad Air 2 to the new MacBook Apple , the Galaxy S6 Samsung (on sale from next April 10) to ‘ HTC One M9 .

Bang & amp; Olufsen has even launched a collection total gold to celebrate its 90th anniversary. The Love Affair Collection offers limited edition 6 products icon of the Danish company, specially created in collaboration with fashion designer Stine Goya .

The first is the majestic BeoVision Avant 85 , recently launched, which are queued entertainment solution all-in-one BeoVision 11-46 and BeoRemote One. The range also includes the well-known music system from the magic touch BeoPlay A9 and headphones BeoPlay H6 , elegant and light. Finally, the collection includes the speaker BeoLab 18 , classic, sleek and linear with a new front in lamella walnut cabinet and a more elegant version Rose golden.

The Love Affair Collection

” We see this exclusive collection as the living representation of the love affair that has lasted since our origins, where passion and dedication to the quality and craftsmanship of the two Danish engineers, Peter Bang and Svend Olufsen have attracted the attention of people around the world “ said Marie Kristine Schmidt, VP Brand, Design and Marketing.

house in Cupertino is ready to bet on gold rose even with the ‘ Apple Watch , arriving in Italy in the next months.

Model Apple Watch Edition


Monday, March 23, 2015

Startup Revolutionary Road, the third edition – Wired.it

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Over 50 thousand young people involved from training activities and 280 startups blossomed thanks to the program with Microsoft foundations Cariplo and Filaret

 (Photo: Corbis)

(Photo: Corbis)

The third edition of Startup Revolutionary Road , the project signed by Microsoft , the foundations Cariplo and Filaret to support young people through targeted training and real job opportunities in a thick calendar of events spread throughout the country.

The budget of the first two rounds is remarkable: 50 thousand young people touched by training, more than 5,500 boys participated in the Startup School, 280 startups blossomed thanks to the program and 1,500 job opportunities produced.

Even for 2015 Startup s Revolutionary Road ‘fits within the broader range of YouthSpark , the Microsoft program dedicated to the new youth entrepreneurship. Several news. First three new partners that lead to nine hubs network initiative. A ItaliaCamp, Filaret, Techgarage, Polihub, I3P Turin and InnovAction Lab are added Talent Garden, Center for young and family enterprise and Technology Park Po.

We will continue to provide thousands of young people in Italy the opportunity to create your own startup through training and mentorship free, developed in collaboration with the best partners in this field – said Carlo Purassanta such Microsoft Italy – The second edition has seen considerable success. In particular, we have seen triple the number of startups born thanks to Startup Revolutionary Road , a sign of how our country is full of young talent that they need to be supported and directed. Once launched, the startup, the boys have the opportunity to join the program BizSpark through which they have free access to the latest technology, useful to grow their business, and also to network of contacts necessary to develop faster their business . “

” For the third consecutive year we are happy to coordinate the project, an initiative focused increasingly on the use of capital human being of our country and of our universities – echoed Mariella Enoc , and vice president of the Foundation Filaret Cariplo Foundation – the creation of high-tech startups that exploit efforts and results of the research and together produce effective results in terms of youth employment is the goal of the partnership. This project has been in recent years and continues to be a positive example of positive relationship between profit and nonprofit , together with the goal of generating a positive impact on society and especially on young people, leveraging on the characteristics and geographic of the project partners and strengthening activities . “

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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Vinitaly: Enolitech, technological innovations – ANSA.it

(Reuters) – VERONA 22 MAR – Aggregate Vinitaly there Enolitech, salon anticipating technological innovations applied to the wine industry and dell’olio.L’indirizzo that is emerging is that the winery or olive oil will be designed to be more environmentally friendly, automated and interconnected. Enolitech also offer the most advanced computer systems developed for the cellars or 2.0 mills. (ANSA).



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The ‘Trentino’ cries Sergio Molinari – Trentino Alps Courier

  RIVA. Sergio Molinari, for almost 35 years and signature column of this newspaper, died yesterday. “I do not know how many weeks I have left to live. But I know that I want to live with the affections that are dearest to me. ” Sergio Molinari, for nigh thirty she signed and column of this newspaper, news editor at Rovereto and Riva, died yesterday, a few days after his sixty-first birthday (he was born on March 30, 1954), in the home of Diaz Street, in the heart the historic center of “his” city.


 Sergio just died surrounded by those affections in which he had sought warmth and protection from the day in which, it was the winter of last year, the hospital had diagnosed the disease. He fought like a lion, passing as it were on a roller coaster emotional – as often happens to those who follow this path – from hope to disappointment, from good to bad news. Then the bad news has become an unfortunate judgment, before which the medicine has had to give up. A ruling that Sergio had agreed with incredible serenity, worried more than for himself, for the people who were dear. They donated the latest energy and the last thoughts.


 We like to say that Sergio has remained himself to the last. Until the last moment not lost the pleasure for irony and self-irony. And even when the disease has pressed, when made it difficult even the word, has not lost the pleasure of fulminant joke to give to those who stood before him. Here, in a perhaps Sergio appeared turned to those who knew him for a long time. Restlessness that sometimes turned into furious outbursts and oversized (and balanced by the ability to repent and apologize) was honed by the experience of the disease. And the unrest has turned almost into sweetness, which donated to those who have had the privilege of interacting with him at this particular period of his life.


 He was aware of his condition and for that he was aware of how precious the time he had left. It is the reason why in the last period he preferred the intimacy of his home, the meetings in a “protected”, far from the gaze embarrassed of who does not know what to say in front of the disease.


 Professionally, Sergio was – as well as responsible for many years of the newsroom of Rovereto and Riva – a chronicler free-range, of a generation that has looked askance at the new spreads, to digital platforms, social networks and all those technological innovations that today make this job so profoundly different (and in some ways still indecipherable) from what it was just ten years ago. We were somehow, we “new” journalists, as “tecnoredattori”. And when he retired, just over two years ago, was probably happy to have nothing more to do not so much with journalism – who continued to practice until his health allowed – but just with that ” new “that he just could not stomach. His social network was the bar Rome and when I called to ask him about some piece of news had a search engine entirely personal: “ Speta, ciamo el Giovanni (John Torboli, the owner of the bar Rome) and you phage saver. ” Five minutes later, punctual, came the answers to my questions.


 Sergio journalism meant more as an art than a science by strict rules sometimes. He could not bear the boundaries and when he was forced into a closed room elbowing, breaking some glass. The best gave him when he could liberate broad brushstrokes, telling and describing being guided by his personal feel. I remember the day – were now seven in the evening – arrived in the newsroom of the death of Nerino Versini. I immediately called Sergio and found the jacket already worn and ready to go out to dinner, “Ostia … el Nerino? I was drio to nar fora … Va bem, bem goes! Te mando somethin … “. Twenty minutes after the piece was ready. An extraordinary portrait came from the heart and from that visceral relationship that he had with Sergio Riva and Rivani, and in particular with “his” district, the District Degasperi where he was born and grew up.


 Really loved – in his own way, of course – Riva, a love that was professionally translated into some headings as “Rivanità”, “Bread to bread” and “Nicknames”. With Sergio, therefore, goes not only a journalist, but an interpreter of the most genuine essence of Riva del Garda.


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Murder Lanzino, hunting is open to “the Unknown one” New investigations … – The Daily Della Calabria

PAOLA – will hunt for “Unknown 1″, the murderess of Roberta Lanzino. The prosecutor of the Republic of Paola is already ready to go with the new investigation following the sensational news of the murderer’s DNA, isolated after 27 years from the crime. According to rumors leaked, we will start with traditional surveys to narrow the circle of suspects, as in the case of Yara Gambirasio, in which it has come to reduce the radius of the checks to be made by developing specific controls on “hooks” recorded by the different cells of the network mobile telephone, at that place and in the given time interval.


In the case of the murder Lanzino, which occurred in 1988 , it will not be possible to operate the narrowing of the circle in the same way. But a beginning more traditional and less technology, it is not excluded to be revisiting the positions of all people initially suspected. Just for all, even those who were the least suspected. Probably, in fact, the first “buffers” of this new and complex investigation, aimed at giving an identity to “Unknown 1″, could be executed precisely according to this criterion. The company is investigating difficult, but not impossible. I am convinced the public prosecutors of Paola, who are going to reopen the case on the murder of nineteen Cosenza. At the time, for example, did not exist in a systematic way the mobile phones, which were very few indeed.

There were, however, many public telephone booths in Cosenza, that at some point, after the murder, were put under control, as part of a trail that led to conduct an inspection in the city: the track otherwise known as the “Cosenza well.” Investigators of the time waiting for a call according to a letter arrived at the prosecutor who addressed the suspicions of more prosperous city. Today, perhaps, in the light of the sensational discovery of Ris of Messina, could be reviewed printouts of those public phones.

The prosecutor Paola, Giordano Bruno and alternates and Sonia Maria Camodeca Nuzzo, are already planning to first steps to enhance what is called the “Queen evidence” provided by Ris during the trial in the Assize Court. Evidence that exonerates the two defendants in the trial, since the DNA identified does not coincide with their genetic profile.

News summary report that, already a few days ago, the three judges of the Tyrrhenian prosecutor would do compared to the situation, in view of the opening of a new inquiry into the murder Lanzino, all focused on the DNA evidence isolated, belonging murderer.


Volkswagen Transporter – Debuts April 15 the new Transporter T6 – Quattroruote

On 15 April, the Volkswagen will present the world premiere of the sixth generation of the Transporter , in the year in which the model is celebrating 65 years of honorable service. To anticipate the launch, today comes a sketch depicting the back of the “T6″, apparently intended to propose a style quite classic in the tradition of the model.

Features. Al beyond the headlights LED and different cut of the rear window, you do not see in fact substantial differences in the side than the outgoing series, while the front could take some of the ideas advanced by the Concept E-Co-Motion of 2013. Announcements of Volkswagen Transporter, then, will be mostly technical and technological. The new platform will welcome new TSI and TDI engines (yet to be confirmed, however, the arrival of the hybrid), while the interior will incorporate safety devices and infotainment last generation.

On sale later this year. The Volkswagen will bring the sixth generation of the Transporter and Caravelle and Multivan models derived in dealerships by the end of 2015.

Editorial online


Friday, March 20, 2015

If you have a controversial idea to tell the boss? – Wired.it

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(Photo: Corbis)

The transparency is the area of ​​data and events, the ‘ honest regards interpretations and desires. We must be open on both sides “. Sacred commandment. To pronounce it, as expected, is not the director or the CEO of some company but Italian Rochelle DiRe , chief people officer at Quirky, platform founded by Ben Kaufman that gives an opportunity for inventors submit their ideas and see them supported and marketed.

The point, however, is very clear: it helps the culture of transparent communication in the company? What Fast Company in an article called honest communication . And above all, it is an attitude applicable to the Italian?

In the United States, according to a survey by 15Five , 85% of workers are basically dissatisfied with quality of communication in your workplace. And even a slightly lower percentage, 81%, they would gladly go in a group that would enhance a different approach , even giving up other benefits such as insurance plans or free gym.

In short, the problem exists mainly in a reality, as the United States, marked by a labor market extremely fluid . In which, to put it in other words, if there is, if the tune does not click, you are greeted immediately and without too many problems. After years of demotions in fact, low efficiency, perpetual frustration and bad relationship with the managers and the boss, it’s time to ask yourself the same question in Italy . Considering also the innovations introduced by Jobs Act just entered into force, that move not just the patterns of our labor market to the North American traits. Outlines of a scenario where even this kind of elements, first in our context schivabili merely doing their job and go home without asking too many headaches, become essential to the future of their jobs.

We always ask our employees to express their opinions, even if controversial ” DiRe adds, explaining how the company where he works takes not only the meetings of the entire staff on a weekly basis but also a kind of general meeting of all workers every three months. “ Nobody leaves until it’s been answered in each reflection .”

Question: I am ready to marry Italian realities a report of this type with their employees? And above all, what is technically possible in a production constituted 95%, especially in industry and services, from small and medium enterprises under ten employees ?

These elements are then added to the ownership structures of these micro-groups, which often have a management mono or multi-family , then linked to the balance of other and often work in which relatives, children, friends . The honest communication room, where anyone with a concern or criticism about the project of a higher, the principal or another function of the company – where is sufficiently structured to have multiple sectors – may make sense?

And yet, other imperatives typical of this drive efficiency and transparency – never hide the bad news or their ideas although in opposition to the generally used and train in comparison , as he says to push the American company Kalypso toward a culture of openness – meaning that may have in a system where SMEs employ 80% of the employed?

In other words – and leaving out the few, large groups that deserve a separate discussion – an important net, heart button of the national GDP , but that often presents considerable gaps in many ways, the skills of the staff to the size of capital and technological dynamism, to what extent can have the flexibility to deal with the mutual openness among workers? Especially when the main one is the son of the nearby desk and your job is blown out through a friendship common?

Via 8th May in Rome to the Master of political journalism … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published March 19, 2015 at 13:43.

To form an information professional political and economic, with innovative multimedia skills in the field of public information and political-parliamentary, able to deal with the technological innovations that have revolutionized the media, imposing new rules and a different organization of work. It is the goal of the sixth Master of Journalism political-economic and multimedia information, which will start on May 8 in Rome, organized by the Business School of Il Sole 24 Ore in collaboration with the editors of the main Italian financial daily. A faculty of excellence, represented by journalists from the newspaper, Radio 24, the Sole24Ore.com, joined numerous testimonies of professionals of the largest national and international media groups, major institutions and politics. For the purposes of continuing vocational training the master is accredited by the National Council of the Order of Journalists and 8 credits are recognized.

“The great speed with which change scenarios economic and political – emphasizes Roberto Napolitano, director of Sole 24 Ore, in the presentation of the master – the new technologies, the expectations of readers and all citizens are imposing to the publishing world uanrapida and thorough review in order to produce and deliver information. ” For the director of Il Sole 24 Ore today “serve journalists can follow the reasons politia economic, to penetrate the secrets of a budget of a local authority or a large public company, to perceive the implications of common interest in the activities of authority and regulatory bodies. ”

“We want to teach – explains Fabrizio Forquet, vicesirettore Sole 24 Ore and director of the master – to young graduates and young professionals the secret information of the Sole 24 Ore. Give them the ability to follow the laws in their training and to explain its content being careful what really interests the reader. Teaching to look beyond the polemics of politics, to go to the actual content, what we can change the lives of millions of Italians. ”

The route includes a frequency of four or six days per month (Friday and Saturday twice a month), for eight months, for a total of 37 days of lessons. Between a classroom session and subsequent sessions are provided for distance learning (277 hours of lectures and 135 hours of online training). Many laboratories provided, from writing for print media communication radifonica, the multimedia lab in collaboration with The Sole24ore.com financial agency with Thomson Financial. Also provided operational sessions on TV and web-TV.



Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Microsoft confirms: Internet Explorer soon scrapped – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published March 17, 2015 at 21:31.
The last change is the March 17, 2015 at 22:26.

A 20 years after its launch, Microsoft says goodbye to brand Internet Explorer and welcomes a new browser. The official name is not ‘yet been chosen and it’ still under development as “Project Spartan”. The news, which had been circulating for a few weeks, was confirmed yesterday during the conference Microsoft Convergence in which they were given some information on the new operating system, Windows 10, which will be available in the second half of 2015.

To reveal some of the great innovations that are part of a process of restyling of the brand Microsoft was Chris Capossela, marketing manager of the company’s Redmond, Wash. Most likely the new browser will contain the name of the Microsoft brand, a marketing move to increase brand recognition and forget the season Explorer. As announced Explorer (in Windows 10) should remain active only for some business customers that may have compatibility issues. The move ends a very difficult period for a browser which in recent years has continued to lose ground giving way to Google’s Chrome, Apple’s Safari and Firefox. In fact, nothing is served attempts to relaunch it: the collapse started with Explorer 6, called one of the worst technology products ever brought to market.

Internet Explorer has not in fact been able to overcome the “challenge mobile”, addressed instead so successful especially by Chrome, the Google browser that currently has a market share of around 50%. M Explorer Internet, despite being pre-installed on all computers with Microsoft operating system, now stops at about 20%.



News Aused 2015: innovation lab and academy – MilanoToday

The observatory ICT Governance AUSED directs some initiatives to develop the new strategy of the association which aims to become the reference point for the “community ICT” also recognized by the institutions, in Italy and in Europe.

In his thirty-ninth year of activity, AUSED proposes to all its members with an ambitious plan that essentially aims to invest in young people, do research and innovation and generate value for the member companies. This program, created by the Observatory ICT Governance AUSED is developed in part with the help of the School of Management – Politecnico di Milano and SDA Bocconi School of Management .

“One of the priorities of AUSED – said Joseph Ingletti , Director,” Corporate ICT Systems “Fiera Milan and coordinator of ICT Governance AUSED – is to strengthen the bridge between knowledge (school and theory) and its application (practice and experience) and communicate at the same time, with the institutions to be heard and become a recognized landmark. “

To achieve these objectives, AUSED fielding l ‘ AUSED Innovation Lab , which will handle the research, young people and the creation of value for companies and l ‘ AUSED ACADEMY , or an activity targeted training, dissemination and communication.

“These innovative projects – said Ingletti – are designed to collect and enhance our efforts in research and dissemination / training on all topics that working groups will want to develop associative during 2015, with the collaboration of the SoM of the Polytechnic of Milan and SDA Bocconi, who have enthusiastically to our call. “

The AUSED Innovation Lab , where research and development dell’AUSED thus promotes the path Digital Innovation and adoption of ICT solutions in companies. Will be responsible for research, benchmarking (with special working groups of the practice , with indicators and results in relation to the key issues for the development of organizations) and Open Innovation Workshop , or seminars for innovation and development of technological scenarios that facilitate the identification of opportunities and approaches to digital innovation. The work carried out within dell’Aused Innovation Lab will be preparatory to communication and dissemination activities of the results of the “laboratory”, to promote the generation of innovation ideas favoring the comparison between the shareholders, the network of sympathizers, the World University and stakeholders in the sector, but also to increase the communication initiatives and ensure visibility to the group and associates, with the aim of increasing the authority of the association and become increasingly influential in institutions and demand.

“The priorities of the association – continued Ingletti – are the following topics:

  • opportunities for prudent management of licensing agreements: the novelty of the software used to the benefits of negotiating the terms unfair, team coordinated by Stefano Perfetti – IT Manager – A2A;
  • To outline the paths of transformation “Digital & amp ; Cloud “, identifying new roles ICT and becoming ourselves agents of change: [view Organization & amp; HR-ICT], team coordinated by Giuseppe Ingletti – Director, Corporate ICT Systems – Fiera Milano Group;
  • investigate new ways of outsourcing of digital services (cloud computing services) and new ways of acquiring IT products and services: [view Legal], team coordinated by Gabriele Fagg – Adjunct Professor of the MIP;
  • To study the impact of new digital technologies on products, methods of communication and adoption services “Cloud”: “new business opportunities” [view Technologies, Products and Marketing], the team coordinated by Luigi Pignatelli ICT Manager – Carl Zeiss Vision;
  • Experience the digital evolution of the administrative, management and related processes operating team coordinated by Alessandro Caleffi Group Software Application Manager – Falck Renewables). “

As for the ‘ AUSED ACADEMY , it is intended as an educational initiative of high-profile, large, multidisciplinary, which combines classroom lessons with numerous experiential activities on the field, integrating training as part of a larger project for the development of skills and innovation for the management of ICT management in organizations.

“Specifically – commented Ingletti – the purpose for which it is born the Aused Academy relate to bridge the cultural divide , integrating training as part of a larger project to develop culture and skills for the management of Innovation Digital in companies, and set up a training center and qualification permanent, supporting the theoretical and methodological contribution to moments of confrontation and experiential activities, allowing managers to accompany the ICT in a process of evolution and empowerment . “

They will be identified and designed, in collaboration with partners and in synergy with the research dell’Aused Innovation Lab, development paths ad hoc to the new professionals that meet the needs of organizations and the development of ICT. Are included in this catalog, with access granted to the members, even the courses in ICT area MIP & amp; Management and SDA Bocconi.

“The training program dell’AUSED ACADEMY – concluded Ingletti – will be enriched by opportunities for discussion with several managers and opinion leaders in the field of ICT management in Italian and international level, evidence of Manager of the member companies or from the network of sympathizers and supporters with a significant role among stakeholders industry, as well as Company visit designed to observe field experience of organizing work, laboratories or innovative ICT services in organizations of members and / or brought by those who come from the network of sympathizers in the world University and all stakeholders in the industry. “

The target dell’AUSED ACADEMY Manager is primarily aimed at operating within the Departments and figures technical and operational considered high potential within the Departments ICT. The collaboration with leading business schools and universities Italian lets give participants access to the largest pool of training on management and innovation management ICT on the national market.

Note – This information has been published in its entirety as an external contribution. This content is therefore not an article produced by the editors of MilanoToday


BlackBerry joins forces with Samsung and IBM for the tablet-proof light – The Press

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BlackBerry joins forces with Samsung and IBM for the tablet-proof light

The three producers partnered to create SecuTablet, a reinterpretation of professional Galaxy Tab S. Thought for governments and companies, protects from prying eyes sensitive information and data

The Samsung Galaxy Tab S: aesthetically identical to SecuTablet

The name does not should leave no doubt: SecuTablet is the product with the BlackBerry, Samsung and IBM will raise the level of protection of personal data and computer professional of thousands of people. The presentation of the new tablet was expected during CeBIT 2015, the technology fair which is being held in Hanover, but was brought forward by one day so as to leave the visitors Teutonic all the interest around the stand of the Canadian who recently is relaunched on the smartphone market with the BlackBerry Classic.

At least aesthetically SecuTablet is not new since it is based on the Galaxy S Tab from Samsung and it takes shapes and sizes. What changes is under the body where, thanks to SECUsmart, the BlackBerry company specialized in computer security, there are devices that allow you to read emails, surf the internet or just chat with your Facebook friends with much more confidence.

There are two main features that differentiate the SecuTablet from the rest of the competition. First of all, a more advanced encryption system that allows files stored on the device to be unreadable if extracted and read from a tablet other than the source and then the distinction between the personal content such as photos and videos to Facebook from those produced by app Professional, including email attachments and conversations BlackBerry Messenger that physically reside on a different partition of the memory.

This is more complicated for hackers and security agencies to spy and monitor the behavior of some applications because even managed to crack passwords of social networks or public email (Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) would have greater difficulty to intercept communications that took place on dedicated app for the BlackBerry which offers a higher level of protection. In the case of BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) for example the data physically pass through the company’s servers and when used specific accounts of companies or firms BlackBerry offers its customers all the tools needed to control traffic in and out, and notice when an intrusion occurs.

The technology is already used SECUsmart by the Canadian government and the German one, one of the intercepted in Europe according to documents provided by Edward Snowden from July of 2013. The first will be released within the SecuTablet ‘ summer and will be a gadget only possible for institutions and companies; it is said, however, that it can also appear on store shelves to become a product to everyone. The risk, however, is high: when an object becomes popular attention of hackers and snoops grows governments, as well as their ability to cross walls and digital defenses.

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