LAWN. The CREAF died. Long live the “Polo science and technology.” “It is not a question of terms – ensures the vice president of the Province Emiliano Citarella – but of substance. “The center opens – he says – and the fact that it is not yet a problem to be attributed to the policy.” What was. Why Citarella with the president (as well as the mayor) Matthew Biffoni , the question CREAF has really dedicated.
“As a business incubator – says Citarella – Prato needs like bread, there are companies ready to enter. And so were in the past years. To do quickly because if in Prato not restart the job then yes that the problem becomes serious. ” What is new? And ‘that tomorrow (Monday, February 23), in the provincial council, will reach the resolution by which it gives the green light to call for the management of the center.
The huge building in via Galcianese – the former woolen mill Marino Olmi – whose renovations departed in 2005, cost, among all, more than 22 million euro, “baptized” in these long decade, countless times: first as the center of research and higher education, then as the seat of the Italian-Chinese textile research center (strongly supported by the Region) Textech, then in 2012 as a possible extension of Prato Prong Navacchio, finally – and we have today- as Polo or science and technology park, will have a manager.
The Vice President of the Province of Prato announces a tender for the management of central Galciana and asks Univercity and economic categories to believe in the new business incubator (video Cristina Orsini) – The article
CREAF, a company owned by the Province and municipalities (to Prato with 11%) will remain as it is now just give in management “with a public announcement – explains Citarella – completely transparent which will be ready by March ‘, all the activity of the center: “That means – says the vice president of the province – that those who will have to make business attractive business, hitech rather than industrial, will have to deal with the provision of services and the organization of events» .
What benefits will the manager? That can count on a loan of EUR 900,000 in three years, 300,000 euro per year, guaranteed by the Region. Not a few, but not many. “The manager – continues Citarella – will, however, also a part of the rents that companies will have to pay.” A portion will go to the manager, another – yet to be determined – will go to the company CREAF. An important step, because it will be with the money that the company will have to repay the debts that still has: first of those 6 million euro CREAF shot in the Province who asked them for a bank loan.
“Sure – admits Citarella – are to be returned. But we plan to reorganize the company in three, four years. ” Therefore, the former CREAF today technology hub, could open soon. But the work is finished? Almost. “The lotus two (the building smaller note) – continues Citarella – is pretty much over and that’s where companies will go to technological vocation, for lot one (large sheds around the courtyard of the former factory ed) there is still a little ‘to do. ” On the front of the furniture, especially.
In this case the solution is from the lines of European funding always through the region. To complete the furnishings and services need another EUR 600,000 million, 400 thousand for the furniture and the rest for technological services: internet rather than phone. Simultaneously with CREAF Province and municipalities working with the business plan: “Of the real ones – says Citarella – At this point, the policy did what he had to do, just as we expect from the University of Florence, and especially from the economic categories of the district . The technological center is also a great opportunity to bring together production companies different. We expect – concludes Citarella – that respond to our call. “
The sole director of CREAF explains what type of companies will enter the container via Galcianese (video Cristina Orsini) – The item
In agreement with the Vice President of the Province, the opportunities offered by Polo, the sole director of CREAF Laura Calciolari , according to which “the first businesses may occupy two spaces in the lot already from June ». Calciolari, entrepreneur, in turn, followed the final stages of development of the park and has no doubts about the multiplicity of functions that the structure may offer: “The companies that will come in the park – he says – will be very different but should have one characteristic in common: they engage in innovation, research development, advanced training. The hi-tech enterprises will need to smaller spaces, those industrial, mechanical, for example, large spaces can ensure that the pole. ” “In this type of center – concludes Calciolari – Prato absolutely needs because until now lacked a place to share research and exchange knowledge.”
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