February 28 expires the call of the United Nations and in Italy is reflected in the new procedures for the status of social vocation
According to Luis Chiozza, internationally renowned psychoanalyst, the vocation is healthy (that brings benefits in terms of individual well-being) when activity that I do respect three conditions: I like it, is necessary to the community in which I live, is made with solvency and therefore effectively. The social vocation of a startup is potentially an element of individual and collective welfare, and since 2012 is also good for finance due to the tax benefits that are obtained investendovi.
As of today almost 40 startups registered with the status of innovation in social vocation in the register which was, however, recently updated by the new procedures. The idea of social vocation puts inevitably comparing the third sector and sharing economy, technology and volunteering. Article. 29 paragraph 7 of Decree 179/2012 grants to individuals who invest in this particular type of startup innovative tax benefits more advantageous than those already assigned to individuals and legal entities that invest in other types of innovative startups. In the case of so-called SIAVS personal income tax deduction for individuals increased from 19 to 25%, for legal persons the deduction of taxable IRES grows from 20 to 27%. To understand what happens we start from the definitions. The Decree “Growth 2.0″ defines both the innovative startups that the social vocation, recognized the startup operating exclusively in some areas, from social and health training and cultural services. The novelty is that the new procedures will untie sectors Ateco codes, allowing even those who work in a seemingly unrelated code, such as telecommunications, to obtain the status of social.
On 20 January, in fact, , given the advantages of that status and the risk of depletion of the term “social”, the Ministry of Economic Development has in fact issued Circular 3677 / C expecting.
– enrollment in the special section of the Register of firms covered article 25, paragraph 8
– self-certification (to be presented to the chamber of commerce) which states operate exclusively in one or more of the areas listed in Article 2, paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 24 March 2006, n. 155 and do it with general purpose
– the obligation of drawing, according to the guidelines, a “Document description social impact”
Beyond the formalities and procedures to report that emerges from the guidelines is said as an extension of the boundaries. The Ministry takes as an example (for the document description social impact) the case of Pedius that leverages the technologies of synthesis and voice recognition to allow communication he who lives a condition of deafness. According to the Ministry, despite the code Ateco “J61 Telecommunications” is not explicitly attributed to any of the areas covered art.2 paragraph 1, of Legislative Decree 155/2006, the activity can be traced back to health care, ensuring the status of social vocation. Technologies to social use more and more (examples among others are Horus who is concluding a crowdfunding campaign and Diogenes) and, despite fatichino to receive funding, intercept markets and unmet unrealistic and potentially safer. More tax benefits for investors may be the lever to finance a more forward-looking. The goal is to emerge from the register of innovative startups “false negative” and push the technology to a social use. Steps to achieve a proper balance between the vocation of service and technological innovation are still many and possible synergies between the third sector (traditionally competent in understanding the social needs) and startups able to raise capital are to be built, at least that’s what emerges from those who closely follows social innovation
“If you look at the budgets, social cooperatives are labor-intensive while the technology start-ups are capital-intensive. – Explains Luca Bessero of ItaliaCamp Liguria – The third sector has not yet capitalized intangible assets and though I am convinced it should be done by transferring his skills, often embedded in networks, and enhancing them. In this sense, the SIAVS has the right to exist, perhaps as a “spin-off” of the third sector. It ‘a major challenge: we can imagine offices of “skills transfer” within the cooperatives. But the third sector is ready? “. Meanwhile, also on the part of the cooperatives there are attempts to open up to the technology: the case of Genoa Social Hub that until 28 February hopes to involve innovators in social challenge, but that does not hide how difficult it is to collect proposals tech. For Bessero despite some positive elements remain open questions “Who will judge the consonance or not the social vocation of Document Description of Social Impact? What are the penalties, if any? Also, is the ratio of the standard not have thought to outcome (ie the long-term consequences such as a change in behavior, knowledge and skills of the individual or the community; the growth in the number of people reached, or in the use of the service etc .) in a broader sense? To read the measurement grid an ‘innovative company aimed at providing employment for disadvantaged people (see cooperatives type B) would be excluded. ” Meanwhile there are many stimuli to better understand what is in the word “social” and to propose innovative projects related to sustainability: the arrival in Italy of ‘ Association Ashoka that yesterday presented his fellow International and launched the search for Italian excellence, the call of the United Nations # Ideas4Change expiring February 28 , the contest launched by Vodafone not to mention Scholars’ Lab initiative Vatican.
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