Friday, February 27, 2015

34th Fair of Agricultural mechanization of Savigliano –

It was 1952 when the Granda, by registering his tractor number 4000, became the province of Italy with the largest number of machines agricultural nationwide, earning definitively that name of “agricultural province” that has always distinguished.

On the other hand it is not a coincidence that Cuneo has the most important agricultural trade associations for the number of member companies of the whole country and still in this land border there is the largest concentration of manufacturers of agricultural machinery in Italy, with a number of types of machines that has no equal in Europe. A record of excellence that the city of Savigliano celebrates the 34th National Fair of Agricultural Mechanization returning, March 13 to 15, at the ‘Trade fair Borgo Marene.

An exhibition of three days dedicated to the technologies in agriculture, which covers an area of ​​44 thousand square meters and houses more than 350 exhibitors of farm machinery and equipment new and used, for the plain, the hill , the mountain, the garden as well as companies operating in the field of alternative energy, renewable, biogas, ecological solutions. The Fair is also the occasion for years of study on the latest industry news: there are many steps forward made by the scientific and technological research, the result of continuous innovation of companies in the mechanical sector, which are helping farmers in the difficult economic situation , often combining work efficiency with maximum attention all’incolumità worker and environmental protection.

In terms of sicurezzae environmental protection, in fact, much has been done in recent years, improving more and more tractors and agricultural machinery, and right from the Fair of Agricultural Mechanization of Savigliano have arrived in recent years interesting food for thought and debate. Innovation and application of research characterize these companies at all levels in their “mission” of sustainability. One aspect of the first order that is realized with the “Technical Innovations Contest”, an initiative launched and followed directly by CNR -IMAMOTER, which aims to enhance the realization of PartOf Italian machine or components that present improvements suitable to ensure technical progress in the field of agricultural mechanization, with particular attention to the impact on the environment. An orientation, that of the care of the earth and of quality production and linked to the territory, which would seem to ensure greater profitability over the long term.

The winning companies will be awarded Friday, March 13 at 11.00 at the opening of the Fair and the reasons for the award will be published in leading journals with clear advantages in terms of visibility for the company through innovation rewarded. As always, a great attention to issues of greater relevance to the industry, developed through meetings and discussions that will begin already a few days before the event and will continue until the closing.

The first event is scheduled Saturday, March 7 starting from 09,00 at Crusa Neira with the fourth day of meteorology. Theme of this year ” Meteorology: hailstorms and floods. the impact on the territory. ” A journey through the extreme events of the past to understand the present and plan for the future. Both farms, since the organizations involved in transport and logistics, energy, the environment are confronted with a fundamental aspect of the entire production cycle: the weather.

In the morning there will be a short course aimed at all on meteorology in the Province of Cuneo. In the afternoon, there will be a panel discussion that will have as guest of honor Fabio Galbiati as well as other experts in the field. The conference is organized by Datameteo Weather Network Onlus and with the collaboration of the Manifestations of Savigliano. Follow Monday, March 9 at 20:30 at the Crusa Neira (Piazza della Misericordia -Savigliano) the Conference organized by Confartigianato Companies Cuneo and ARPRO.MA – Association of Chartered Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers and titled: “THE NEW COMMUNITY PROGRAMMING. What opportunities for the agricultural fabric and artisan Piedmont “.

During the meeting, addressed both to farmers and businesses active in the field of mechanization and tools for agriculture, the focus will be opportunities related to the new RDP, the Rural Development Plan of the Piedmont Region , the implementation of which will hopefully have a positive effect on the revitalization of the local economy.

The new Regional Agricultural Policy, in fact, set in the context of the “Europe 2020 Strategy”, is designed to get the EU economy over the next decade, channeling attention and resources on employment, innovation, education, social integration and relationship climate and energy.

To encourage the competitiveness of the agricultural sector becomes a priority, to be implemented through the enhancement of the profitability of farms and the promotion of innovative technologies collegate.Interverranno: Giorgio Ferrero (Regional Minister for Agriculture), Domenico Massimino (Provincial President Confartigianato Companies Cuneo), Luca Crosetto (President ARPRO.MA -Association Reviewers Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery), Andrea Chiabrando (expert on rural development, trade associations of the agricultural world).

Wednesday, March 11 at 21:00 at the Crusa Neira the noted mathematician Piergiorgio Odifreddi will give a lecture entitled “The Museum of the numbers: What is the number, that ‘man can understand? And what the man, who can understand the number? ” To ask these questions was in 1960 the neurophysiologist Warren McCulloch, apparently dissatisfied with the rigid and empty many definitions that were tumbler until then by philosophers. In this conference Piergiorgio Odifreddi addresses two questions in a more fluid and practical: instead of trying in vain to tell us what is the number in the abstract, we usefully shows a series of numbers in practice, explaining how they were born and what they represent small large numbers from 0 to 9.

Friday, March 13th at the always Crusa Neira from 18.00 to 19.30 will be held “Agrimonitor +: control soil moisture, when and how much to water.” The meeting, organized by the company in collaboration with G. Magnano Agrimil Tech Ltd., will the presentation of a simple and reliable system to optimize irrigation management.

The program of thematic meetings will end with a cocktail convivial between entrepreneurs agricultural machinery and equipment to be held Saturday 14 marzoalle 18:00 at the restaurant area of ​​the fair. (Event invitation. For info: -tel. 0172 712 207).

They will be present at Andrea Coletti, newly elected president of the Manifestations of Savigliano, who will explain to published guidelines and planning entity, and the surveyor. Renato Delmastro, known and experienced expert on the subject, researcher of CNR-IMAMOTER (National Research Council -Institute for agricultural machinery and construction equipment), which will update those present on the latest industry regulations.

Another interesting project, which is proposed for the fifth consecutive time, is that of BusinessToBusiness, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Cuneo and the Foreign Centre Sea Alps (Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Cuneo ).

During the day Thursday, March 12 foreign operators from the Baltic countries, Denmark, Kazakhstan and Ukraine will meet at the Library of the University of Savigliano some manufacturers of Piedmont, in particular in the Province of Cuneo. The Fair of Agricultural Mechanization of Savigliano becomes every year more and more a showcase of relief for the sector on a national scale and in fact increase the exhibitors, the area devoted to it, relations with trade associations and the visibility given by the media. A Fair that year after year, while maintaining a strong link with the tradition in which the agricultural world is connected, has been able to innovate, adapt to changes and incorporate laprofonda reorganization in recent years is affecting agriculture.

If not all of the individual companies are able to withstand the blows of the crisis, many have opted for the consolidation of their structures, expanding in other legal forms. A dynamism that is not only important national markets, it is also essential to increase the capacity of internationalization of companies in the sector.

All of these issues will be addressed and discussed at the Fair of Agricultural mechanization of Savigliano which is a tangible sign of how agriculture follow innovative paths promising for this strategic sector in Italy and in mondo.L’ingressoin fair is free gratuitoe and during the three days visitors will have lunch at the Osteria of the Wayfarer.

For information, please call 338 1464156 or send an e-mail: At the bar of the restaurant, under the project “The trades of taste” of Confartiginato Cuneo will be offered “Panini of Taste”, made exclusively with raw materials craft Cuneo.



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