Thursday, February 26, 2015

Taxi, NCC and ports. Who led the liberalization (missed) in … –

26-02 – 2015Valeria Hatched

Taxi, NCC and ports. Who led liberalization (missed) in transport

Continuing insights on what it contains, and does not contain than the draft, the draft law on competition approved by the government. After examining the text of drugs and pharmacies, that’s what has happened to transport …


There were all recommendations sent over 2014 from ‘ Antitrust Authority to Parliament in early drafts of the bill Competition landed Friday in the Council of Ministers. But the text has been even lighter than expected. (Read all the news of liberalization).

Among the great absent, or the extras, there are transport. The stop at the reorganization of the sector was partly advocated by the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Maurizio Lupi . “The opening of the market provided by the bill competition is one of the objectives of the government, but where there are processes of reform of individual sectors in place, the rules on are merged in the individual bills,” said Lupi.

Meanwhile, the Transport Authority of taxi and NCC is convening stakeholders, a sign that the game is not yet closed.


The bill Competition, according to widespread advances in the previous weeks, he should change the regime relating to taxis and chauffeur dating back to 1992, first by abolishing the requirement to locate the seat of the driver of the vehicle and provided only in the territory of the municipality that issued the authorization. A fall would also have to be an obligation for which the rental car with driver can receive reservations only at the garage. A measure that has been read as a favor to services NCC as Uber, offering applications that replace bookings via radio and telephone taxi traditional.


As in the past, the only possibility that the adoption of these standards had made the “full substitution” between taxis and NCC, has triggered the reaction of the taxi drivers, who on February 17 in Turin attacked the headquarters of ‘Transport Authority. “It took half a day to block Turin to send to” those of Rome “a clear message that you want to block the country in the year of the Expo? Having said that, the article had to do down the barriers that hinder the activities of Uber or rental with driver is gone, “said Paul Baroni The print .

Transport Minister Lupi assured, however, that the measures on a car with driver will be returned to an enabling law already provided by the Milleproroghe.


The match between taxi, Uber and similar services, then, it seems only postponed. The Transport Authority has listened last week taxi drivers, Uber and companies NCC, ANCI and the State-Regions Conference. Thursday will touch instead to consumer associations and Friday at companies that manage technology platforms of transport.

The Authority chaired by Andrea Camanzi will verify the offer of the taxi service, rates, the criteria for granting licenses. “According to sources – we read on the BBC – by Easter should have fixed rules sull’autotrasporto non-scheduled and sent reports to Parliament to adapt the law: born 23 years ago when smartphones were not there. “


Of Antitrust annual reporting, which has been a guide to work of the technicians of the Ministry of Development, has been postponed also another in terms of transport:
in the final text of the bill competition jumped reform of ports that pointed to a clear separation in the head with the port authorities, of ‘business activities from that of regulator and controller of the port, limiting the latter exclusive scope. The remaining assets should have been put to tender with public evidence. Again Lupi explained that he had in the pipeline an ad hoc law.


A protest were the unions Filt- Cgil, Fit-Cisl and Uiltrasporti , who judged “disturbing the diatribe of powers between the Transport Ministry and the Economic Development.” According to the unions, “the system of rules in force in the ports should be retained, as it ensures stability and qualification of labor, safety of all employees, and users of navigation and the current regulation of services is a guarantee for the technical nautical security in our airports. “

To say no to the rules laid down in the ports bill Competition was also Assoporti . The association has instead assessed “positively the work that the Government and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport has started to define the national strategic plan of the port and logistics.”


The bill would also have provided for the possible entry of individuals in the local public transport, rationalization of public companies and services to them, and clearing obligations of any income-statement of public service contracts of rail transport.

“The measures to increase competition in the public sector, at first sight – wrote Carmine Fotina on the Sun 24 hours – would did well at the competition in the industry. “

The fact Antitrust stressed” the need to intervene in local public services and public companies in order to overcome the “public capitalism” that does not allow to reach adequate levels efficiency and quality of services. “

The Authority’s proposal was to open to undertakings other than authorized public agencies, some services such as transport and tourism links with ports, airports and railway stations, or overlaying lines operated on an exclusive basis.

“Nothing to do in this case is not difficult to see the hand of the ‘party of Mayors’, always jealous of the activities of the subsidiaries,” said Baroni on Press.

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