Thursday, November 21, 2013

Patents: Samsung has other 290 million to Apple - WebNews

 Dollars Apple

Marco Grigis , November 22, 2013, 8:00

Another piece adds fierce struggle that sees Samsung and Apple opposed in court. Late in the evening yesterday, the federal court in San Jose California has confirmed the guilt of the South Korean group in breaking the patents Apple related to smartphones and tablets. And the sentence is the payment to rival other $ 290 million .

The court’s decision comes at the end of the second round of the process – lasted for only one week – which became necessary after the first sentence handed down in 2012. At that juncture, the courts had imposed on Samsung to pay $ 1.05 billion for breaking technologies and design features of the iPhone, then cut by $ 400 million by Judge Lucy Koh for errors in the estimate of the total damage. $ 600 million, ultimately, in addition to the 290 today.

this “retrial” – as well as the Americans call it, also to differentiate it from the second trial scheduled for next March – Apple would have expected to pay $ 380 million additional , but the judge opted for a reduction of about 100 million, also in relation to “only” 53 that Samsung initially said she was willing to pay.

Into the process seems to have been the crucial testimony of Phil Schiller , which revealed how the very first iPhone was a project “ bet-the-company “. Recently wised up thanks to the iPod from the risk of failure in the 90s, Apple had decided to invest 100% of the economic and human resources in the implementation of the first smartphone with the bitten apple, so that all other ongoing projects would suffer a stop forced to give their full attention to the iPhone. If the product is not liked, and if he had not opened a new era of mobile communication, Apple would have risked its very existence. The judgment acknowledges paternity then the Apple full of innovation touchscreen of the iPhone and iPad, and sees the launch of the first Samsung Galaxy terminals, and phones that tablets, a clear violation of intellectual property Group Cupertino.

lawsuit for years with no holds barred – to fit Samsung some email management related to “design crisis” of the company, which would then drive to provide the market with the iPhone-like – to be followed by a second episode from next March. In the spring, in fact, we will discuss the most recent models: iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3 on.

Video: Samsung , again attack the iPhone 5

link  Advertisement Samsung

Samsung launches a new boost to the iPhone 5 taunting those who are lining up to get a preview of the new iPhone.

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