car tax and Aci: a tax that costs the pockets of Italians in every way
Sergio Rizzo, a journalist of the Corriere della Sera today published an article that focuses on waste ACI and vehicle taxes.
From Pier Luigi Bersani suffered twice the defeat of his Minister of liberalization at the hands of a real lobby. He tried to abolish the public Vehicle register, and it was always rejected by losses. The first, in 2000, the second in 2007. Italians could save a bit ‘of money on any change of ownership, and that since 1992 the Pra was an unnecessary duplication of the schedules of Motor Vehicles. Before Bersani, even supporters of a referendum promoted in 1995 by a committee headed by the former director of the Sole24ore Gianni Locatelli and consists of a number of associations and the magazine Quattroruote had had to surrender. The signatures were collected in abundance, but the Constitutional Court declared inadmissible the question. So much so mysteriously powerful, the lobby of the Pra, having escaped from the clutches of the spending review, being barely affected by the decree simplifications motorists no longer have to communicate the loss of ownership and changes of residence, which will be acquired office.
survives as one of the last remnants of fascist legislation, given that the entry of vehicles to the Pra is provided for by a decree of 1927. But what matters most, this hidden tax of about 200 million per year, a figure equal to six and a half times the budget 2014 for the hydrogeological throughout Italy, represents a formidable life insurance for a caravan called Automobile Club d ‘ Italy. The only sports federation dependent cones that in addition to managing a law for compulsory state function for the citizens of collecting a tax as well: the car tax. Obviously not free. For the collection of that tax has grossed 41 million last year, which added to 191 introitati thanks to the management of public Vehicle register are 232 million. Sum to which must be added 14 million revenues “different” from the state governments and the Regions for information services on mobility. Total public revenue, 246 million: ie 84, 8% of total revenue, amounted to 290 million. Proportions that describe the anomaly of what we’re talking about, but do not say it all. Because if a few years ago turned the money anyway, the blow that has recently taken the car market, dropped to levels of fifty years ago, has brought out all of a sudden all the weight of a mammoth structure: three thousand employees , 106 provincial structures and who knows how many companies suspended.
The first checks Sara Aci national insurance, which owns 9 other investments
21% of the tour company Valtur Carmelo Patti, finished in extraordinary administration.
10% of the finance company Zenit.
87% of the insurance Ala.
100% of Sara lives.
Nomisma, the research center of Bologna founded by Romano Prodi.
ACI computer, which had been assigned to the IT architecture of the expensive tourist site national, star of countless mishaps.
a company that designs, studies and consultancy (Aci Consult),
the corporate owner of the circuit of Vallelunga near Rome (ACI Vallelunga),
a firm ‘technical assistance for vehicles and health care to the person “(Aci Global),
a real estate (Aci Progei),
a sports club (Aci Sport)
travel agency (Ventura).
the joint venture to 50 percent with the publishing house of Silvio Berlusconi (Aci Knopf), established in 2000, the last year’s budget ended with a loss of 257 thousand euro. It was not the only hole.
then count the deluge of subsidiaries and affiliated to ACI province. Finding them all is a grueling job search: their number is on the order of a hundred. There is everything, the Monza Racetrack to real estate companies, to tourism businesses, to companies that manage parking lots. One of “Aci service” if they are sixteen diverse.Da budgets this sieve, the distance is short. On Republic Antonio Fraschilla said last year that 106 of those over 57 local associations were at a loss. From 6 million to Palermo 4 of Lecco, on the 5th of Rome, on the 2nd of Venice, one million of Cagliari, Catanzaro, Padua … But it’s nothing compared to the ACI national chasm. And here attentive to the games. The 2010 budget closed with a loss of 30.3 million, but would have been no more than 41 to 11 million non-recurring income: 9.8 of “use of funds provision” and a million of cancellation of arrears. That of 2011 has gone on for 26.6. On purely accounting terms, achieved thanks to gains totaling 48.8 million. Also purely accounting, because obtained from the sale for almost 53 million of a building in the Pearl street in Rome at the group’s real estate Aci Progei. Translation, sold himself. Dare: without that curious game of spin the budget would have ended in the red for 22 million? The pattern was repeated in 2012, with capital gains accounting for 7.6 million: the sale of offices in Rome and Palermo at the usual ACI Progei and land to the company, always controlled by ACI, which manages the racetrack Vallelunga. But this time the ” ammuina “is not served if not mitigated the dramatic bottom: 28.7 million net loss. Result, without considering those singular extraordinary income in the last three years in the accounts ACI would open a chasm than a hundred million. And this year? Cut here, cut there, the quote says it will end in a draw. Already. But even here with the expectation of a gain of 8 million: now that it must be scraped off the bottom of the barrel with real estate, which is expected to yield here is a slice of the insurance company. But no one has bought.
Faced with such a situation, any government would have intervened a long time with proper decision. Even more so after the solemn slapped the Court of Auditors. In addition to highlighting some irregularities, the Audit Court did not fail to point out the blatant certain amount of emoluments of the vertices. The Secretary-General Ascanio Rozera, powerful all-rounder for 41 years ACI employee, traveling around 300 thousand Euros per year. While the president Angelo Sticchi Damiani, who was appointed at the top of the institution as he told the daily show on the eve of a decision of the Court of Auditors has sentenced at first instance to pay 21,986 Euros for an alleged loss of revenue caused to its’ Aci about some sponsorship for the championships Italian car many years ago, I touch on 236 000. And to the three vice-three? The Court says that each of them is entitled to € 105 799 per year. A small donation, judging by the caliber of the triad, which stands a name: that of former powerful Pasqualino De Vita was born in 1929. For 18 years, even before being appointed to head the Union Oil, occupying the seat of the President of the Automobile Club of Rome. And it was also president of Aci Aci computer and Mondadori, then counselor Sara. A typical case, his, how things work in that world closed and self-referential in which power groups tight and timeless are the good and bad times, moving from one task to another summit. Rosario Alessi, born in 1932, became President of ACI at fifty, in 1982. After 18 springs, in 2000, he passed his hand: “I think I am a man with a sense of proportion and I think you can not stand sitting eighteen years at the same place.” In April last, near dell’ottantunesimo birthday, was confirmed as president of the Wing insurance. In 2012 he was appointed president of Sara. Even before Sara Life, Sara properties, Banca Sara, Sara Holding Bank … must be said that sometimes there is also some spectacular new entry, as when he arrived in Milan ACI Commissioner Ermolli Maximilian, son of the Bruno Ermolli among the most trusted advisors Berlusconi. And as commissioner he became President, here’s land in council Geronimo La Russa, the son of the minister Ignazio and former adviser of Premafin family Ligresti, along with Eros Maggioni: the consort of Michela Vittoria Brambilla, then Minister of Tourism. After all, what’s missing are not just ICA places. Each of the 106 provincial structures has a board of directors, as a rule consists of five people (in Milan are seven), plus a panel of three auditors. Do the math: overcome altitude of 800 seats is a snap. Governments, said. Perhaps this explains why ACI has been treated with kid gloves. Just think about the last gift: the ministerial decree which have been prettily rates increased ICA in oxygen debt due to the estate of the useless Pra. It was 21 March 2013, and the government of Mario Monti author of the measure, who resigned three months ago, shuddered to pass the baton. But except for the reaction of Unasca, the association of driving schools, which appealed to the TAR moaning citizens bled further by at least 30 million (disputed by ACI), no one said a word in the Palace.
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