History Article
This entry was posted on November 28, 2013 at 10:51 am.
The last amendment is November 28, 2013 at 11:24 hours.
There are those who curse your opponent during a game of Fifa 14 and whoever confesses morally strong pulling on his nose. The worst players in dishabille oo with intent to interpret flah mob of living will come soon. For now, to expose themselves on video – thanks to the share button that allows you to share gaming sessions on social networks – there are only Americans but starting tomorrow there will also Italian and European, which only means that on Twitch.Tv and Ustream will see some good. The spectacle of “YouTuber” or exhibitionist video if you prefer practicing the gameplay is the novelty of this new console from Sony that leaves the forward-looking, hypertrophic and expensive fantasy play of Ken Kutaragi (father of the Playstation) for a more prosaic task of realpolitik. Ps4 (399 €) is a console designed to appeal to “gamers” and to offer developers more options. E ‘but a gaming machine that looks to the present, which aims to make ends meet without launching into betting too bold (as it was in its time was the 3D).
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power 10 times greater than that of the PS3, full HD resolution and promises smooth 60 frames per second. As similar as architecture Ps4 has a Ram slightly more powerful than the Xbox Kinect One that also has to manage an operating system and more cumbersome. The design of the “box” seems to be sculpted. Sony waiver to the curves of the old Ps3 for a look from Dark Knight. The sharp, black lacquered and iridescent strip of LEDs make it a gadget worthy of Batman. The Dualshock 4 (the new controller) has improved, but besides being slightly heavier than the Ps3 has a limited autonomy (after 4-5 hours of play it is better to recharge the battery). Next to the “share” on the controller is a tactile surface and an LED light, all options designed to sharpen the wits of the game designers and to offer new forms of gameplay. Even the interaction with PS Vita, not the lucky Sony handheld console has been designed to offer a “second screen” to the game on the model of the Wii U or Xbox One who has the technology SmartGlass. We must understand, however, how many studios decide to imagine new functions with PS Vita. Same goes for Playstation room, the device has four microphones and two 3D sensors (there is not one infrared) that allows you to capture the movement and recognizes voice commands. The gadget from Sony is less sophisticated than Kinect (Xbox One) and was born as optional gadgets (49 euro) and then before being taken into consideration by the game developers will have to reach a certain number of sales. The user interface has been revised. And ‘more modern but still far from those functions for speed and Xbox One. Even the offer of non-gaming content for now is not comparable to that of Microsoft. The manager of Tokyo but have never made any secret of wanting to focus on gamers. And in this respect have designed a machine best suited to interpret the needs of lovers of video games.
the future.cable will offer perspective through the platform Gaikai game streaming (and compatibility with titles Ps3). The service will start next year in the U.S., over here there is not even a date. Remains to be seen what will be the life cycle of the product console. Both Ps4 and Xbox One for the lack of support Ultra Hd mainly due to the Commercial Times (the first 4K TVs are now just arrived on the market but at prohibitive prices) and the cost is likely to make these machines at least in terms of graphics less efficient than a new generation of devices (from the iPad to smartphones) that are attezzando to the new standards. Of course, as has been shown at the time the success of the Wii, the games are not just graphics for this tradition of games and fantasy author who owns Sony will be a winning asset in the long term. Games.
The promise of the manager Sonuy are 20 exclusive games, including 12 new IP in the first year of life PlayStation 4. Dozer is the fourth installment of Killzone, technocratic shooter developed by Guerrilla Games. The graphics and environments are not discussed, instead the story is a bit ‘of water, the rest of the small Dutch software house have never distinguished themselves as storytellers sublime. More fun although a bit ‘babyish is Knack, a platformer by Mark Cerny, one of the architects of Ps4. To overcome pass, during the launch phase, the PS4 version by paying a discounted price. Basically, who will buy the disc version or digital game for PS3 will be entitled to a discount on the version of the same for PS4. Other exclusive launch phase are Driveclub, Infamous: Second Son and The Order 1886. But the revelation already disposnibile on PSN Network is Resogun of small and talented team of Finnish Housemarque. It is a colorful, fast-paced shoot’em up in the wake of Super Statdust. They are small jewels copyright that may in the future become a strong point of the console.
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