Sunday, October 26, 2014

You’ll not only Italy among the new by-laws, there’s news … – Ghirlandaio

 Recently, the crisis is severely affecting several sectors, and in an attempt to put a stop to this trend, we introduced the decree Unlock Italy, which gives a range of benefits aimed at different sectors from investment, with the in order to revive the economy for years now, has begun a dangerous descent in the financial statements. At the same time have also been introduced decrees, which are expected to become operational in the near future, relating to the rules of the road, to decrease the number of accidents and increase the safety standard of the roads while driving.

 Particularly affected by these changes are cyclists and motorcyclists, who are the most vulnerable on the road, constantly exposed to possible adverse weather conditions and the risks of uneven roads, as well as being those most at risk in the event of an accident. Precisely for this reason it was decided to work on the rules of the road, with new provisions that relate closely to the bikers, who can also travel on the lanes, and will limit the presence of fixed obstacles such as poles and warning signs, which in case Fall sbalzamento with the bike, are a source of considerable danger.

 Similarly, recently, it has been proposed a new bill to further change the rules of the road, as you can read in the article published by, this time dedicated especially to motorists, who distraction or indiscipline, often represent the greatest danger to motorcyclists on the march. The new proposals involve a tightening of criminal and civil penalties for those who cause accidents with greater severity, especially with regard to the removal of the license.

 The continuous innovations made to the rules of the road match of the technological innovations that are implemented on the bike and biker gear, fit to travel in a more safe and secure, keeping in mind, however, that in the absence of compliance with the safety standards, the degree protection offered from clothing will no longer be sufficient to ensure the safety of the rider. In recent times, in fact, have been produced a wide range of accessories that give the rider greater protection, such as the introduction of a new airbag jacket that no longer connects with a cable to the bike, but it uses a wi-fi the control of the bike, increasing and maximizing functionality.

 The degree of protection acquired by the new clothing has been well received by the bikers, a trend confirmed by the data of sales of motorcycle accessories released by specialized portal In fact, according to the Florence store, section dedicated to motorcycle helmets, seems to be one that has had a more positive effect on sales, a fact due in large part to the last technological innovations which have affected this accessory, which can now be connected to your smartphone or navigation system via Bluetooth. Moreover, recently, it has been developed a new accessory to complement the helmet visor, which acts as a display, providing data like the state of motion and limits in force in the road traveled, being able to see the information without taking your eyes off the road.

 While the law Unlock Italy aims to revive the economies of the citizens, come in, so even new valuable to improve the safety of urban and suburban roads, giving priority to vulnerable targets such as motorcyclists and cyclists and pushing for greater foresight to guide motorists at risk more revocation of the license in the event of serious violations of the rules of the road.


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