Monday, October 20, 2014

Ham without pork for Coldiretti could be … – WineNews

Milan – October 20, 2014, 13:35 hours

 Hams Italian DOP false ” Here comes the ham without pork, but which may contain more water and chemical additives hitherto banned, to the detriment of consumers and farmers Italian “is the warning issued by the President of Coldiretti Roberto Moncalvo in commenting on the draft ministerial decree revising the regulations on the preparation of meats,” introducing a series of mind-blowing news, “says Coldiretti, in a sector, the production of sausages and pork, which goes from the barn to the distribution in Italy € 20 billion. The Ham says Coldiretti, can now also be done using meat from other species by creating confusion among consumers about the actual content of the product they buy. One possibility that, as demonstrated by the recent investigation, in Europe, on horse meat passed off as beef in sauce and meatballs, also feeds the risk of fraud in an area such as the meat where the beginning of the crisis in 2008 to the present are seizures increased by 150% according to the data of the Carabinieri Nas in the first nine months of 2014 over the same period of 2008 to a value of no less than 92 million euro. Fraud as that which saw the Prosecutor of Turin close an investigation that investigation involves 28 people for conspiracy to commit fraud on the market and for the fake meats sold as organic, but in reality from the treatment of pigs raised in a conventional manner. In particular, it adds Coldiretti, with the decree revising the legislation on cold cuts, increases the water content allowed to be paid by the buyers as if it had meat in a time of severe economic crisis. The increase in humidity expected for the three categories of ham, cooked ham and cooked ham chosen high quality will “undermine the quality of the product itself at the expense of Italian pork, the meat of which have a higher quality than those of pigs imported from northern countries, penalizing our farmers. ”
The decree then deletes the prohibition of use of chemical flavorings, “thus opening the door to the possibility of correct taste and flavor of sausages made with inferior raw materials and of dubious origin.” Paradoxically, says Coldiretti, is maintained, however, the possibility of using frozen hams to produce the cured ham. Precisely because of this rule 2 out of 3 hams sold today in Italy come from pigs raised in the Netherlands, Denmark, France, Germany and Spain without this being clearly shown on the label where it is not yet compulsory to indicate the origin. Another novelty of the measure, said Coldiretti, is the inclusion in the decree of Culatello, far away, “but even here it opens a” industrialization “of the product (use of artificial casings instead of the traditional natural gut …) which will eventually lower the quality. “
” Rather than revise the worst laws governing the sector of sausages – emphasizes Moncalvo – it would be helpful to our economy work for the implementation of the law with the compulsory indication on the labeling Italian origin, of paramount importance, especially for processed products. We can not commit an own goal that damages the credibility gained by the heritage of Made in Italy in Italy and abroad where we need to gain market share with policies of transparency and truth. ” But the European Union also allows for the possibility of certain categories of meat, Coldiretti, not to indicate the addition of water up to 5%, but for some products (sausages, mortadella) This may be circumvented and may even be excluded from the requirements of indication of the quantity of water.
Meanwhile, the maxi-investigation by the prosecutor of Turin, the police of the Nac Parma coordinated by prosecutor Raffaele Guariniello, they found tens of thousands of animals that the organization would provide to companies that specialize in organic foods Italian and foreign oblivious to everything. According to investigators the leaders would not have been bred as they did believe in a certified organic farm, located in Chiusa di San Michele, in Torinese and which is headed by one of the suspects, but in other firms having no certifications. The pigs were then loaded onto trucks and taken to slaughterhouses in Mantua, Modena and Orvieto. During the journey, with the help of some drivers, it would be done replacing documents in order to prove its origin from farms certified as organic. The pigs were slaughtered eventually resold to companies like actually organic and paid as such. For a German company, has accertat the survey, 23,000 were sold garments. According to the prosecutor Guariniello to be damaged were the consumers of the products and selling companies. The suspects threatened penalties of more than seven years in prison. This scam concludes Coldiretti, it affects the confidence of nearly half of Italians who regularly or occasionally, bring organic food in the shopping cart. In contrast to the general trend in the table only increase purchases of organic products which recorded a record increase of 17.3% for packaged products in supermarkets, according to the processing Coldiretti Ismea based on data relating to the first 5 months of 2014 from which it is clear that the substantial increase in the organic results to be even higher in the last twelve years. A business which in Italy is worth 3 billion in terms of turnover. In Italy in 2013 are kept less than 8.7 million pigs (there were 9.3 million in 2012) for 70% of the production of the 36 meats that have been awarded by the European Union recognition of the designation of origin (PDO / PGI ). According to an analysis Coldiretti on Istat Italian families spend about 280 euro per year for the purchase of sausages.

Focus – The replica of Assica (Confindustria), “the ham without pig is the last buffalo Coldiretti. Regrettable that, just to get some titles in the newspapers, do not face any problem to denigrate, once again, a significant chunk of Italian agro “
” The president of Coldiretti, Roberto Moncalvo, launched incredible hoax that threatens to do serious damage to agricultural and Italian. According Moncalvo ham can now also be done using meat from other species (or even, absurdly, “without meat”) “creating confusion among consumers about the actual content of the product they are purchasing.” Unfortunately, the president, who clearly do not have the time to read the draft of the decree, it was done very poorly advice. The decree says exactly the opposite: it imposes on those who cooked hams using meat from other species (for example, “turkey ham” that you find in the supermarket) to indicate clearly in this circumstance, and to use only the thigh. In this way, the consumer will know with ever greater accuracy what they are buying; if the consumer has written only “ham” will be sure that is the classic ham made with pork leg. ” And ‘the hard replica of Assica, the Industrial Association of Meat and Charcuterie of Confindustria, the alarm raised by Coldiretti on the news that, according to the organization, would bring the draft ministerial decree on the salami.
“In Second – explains Assica – President Moncalvo accused the producers to aim for “hams full of water.” Here, too, a reading of the text and a chat with a technical preparation would have made it clear that the modification of the technical parameter (UPSD) is limited to 1%, and that this parameter measures, according to precise scientific criteria, the amount of water contained in the raw material, omitting the one eventually used for production reasons. The change dell’UPSD is due to the fact that the pig meat and in this case, thighs – that Italian breeders provide – are increasingly lean, rightly in line with the demands of the consumer. But leanest meats are naturally more humid. As the president Moncalvo know (or should know have seen the role it plays) the amount of water contained in the meat depends directly from the muscle (lean) of the animal, which is precisely the part that the consumer pays and appreciates. If a breeder of Coldiretti could provide both thighs thinner and less humid producers of cooked hams would just be happy. But this miracle still failed to none. The changes introduced in terms of ingredients used – said the Assica – represent a mere adaptation to European legislation in the field of flavors and additives and produces no “green light to the use of synthetic flavorings” before not allowed.
“The amendments to the decree demands, finally – concluded the association Confindustria – not a whim offhand, but are the result of scientific studies and multi-year technology audits carried out at the Experimental Station for the Food Preserving Industry in Parma, known entity in the world for the quality of research in the food industry. It is somewhat regrettable that Coldiretti, just to get some titles in the newspapers, do not face any problem to denigrate, once again, a significant chunk of Italian agro, which so praises when he speaks of the desire of Made in Italy by consumers of worldwide. Recall that our exports is always positive because we guarantee quality, food safety, excellence and link with the territory. We also remember that our producers every day put their faces on what they produce, they sign their products, proud of what they offer, proud to be made in Italy “.

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