smartphone spy-proof that self-destructs, here Boing Black 28/02/2014 – A trial of 007 here is the new found Boeing . Famous for its aerospace activities, as it is known to give names to the most important aircraft for civilian transport, Boeing now is going to launch the smartphone in fact inaccessible to any light or some malicious ready to steal data and anything else that is important is to be defended in the name of the policy that today, in a world dependent on technology, it is almost a veritable utopia. In fact, the new smartphone is destroys if it falls into the hands of persons other than the owner. I mean, if someone even in jest is allowed to suddenly pull out of your pocket smartphone or if you leave it around because of an oversight, here is that the data is secure. Sure, maybe it goes back into money, because in fact you heap for ever the smartphone , but the data, especially the most sensitive, are quite safe.
It’s called
The smartphone spy-proof. Photo source:
Boeing Black the new type of smartphone . Those who dream by trafugarvi data, perhaps out of jealousy or for bad and less than noble intentions, will be screwed. It will remain only with a pile of fragments of Boing Black in hand.
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