Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Cell phones, yellow on the tax Bray denies the increase - The Messenger

Not everyone knows this, but when we buy a mobile phone, a tablet, a flash, an MP3 player, computer or any other device with a digital memory we pay a contribution to copyright. Why? Why could serve to create a legal copy, for private use, a movie, a music file, a text or whatever. In short, a kind of implicit tax a bit ‘like when you buy the TV and triggers an obligation to pay fees Rai on the assumption that you will use.

Well, around the’ ‘fair compensation for private copying, “as it is called the contribution to the SIAE on digital devices, it is consumed yesterday a little yellow, which ended with the denial of the Minister Massimo Bray:” There will be no tax on smartphones and tablets and the hypothetical rates published about the cost increases are unfounded. “

Denial necessitated by the possibility that the Minister of Culture was about to double the fair compensation as requested by the SIAE time, the public company that protects the copyright. An increase so strong as to raise 175 million (estimate SIAE) or even 200 million (estimate Confindustria digital) compared to about 100 obtained in 2013 and which has been ongoing for months, a tough tussle between the companies of information technology-telecommunications- electronics on the one hand and the SIAE other.

The increase would be distributed in different ways: over 5 times more smartphones (from 0.90 to 5.20 euro) and tablets (from zero to 5.20 euro), from 29 to more than 32 € on the decoder; extent articulated sticks and hard drives. Of course, any of these figures are triggered then the VAT at 22%.

This is not new. At the President took to the field in defense of the increase SIAE Gino Paoli asked to remunerate authors have replicated before Christmas, the big telecoms protesting vigorously against inflation. “And ‘unjustified and harmful to the development of the Digital Agenda Italian,” said Stefano Parisi, president of Confindustria digital.

One of the two litigants, the Minister Bray about a month ago and decided to suspend all of the open consultations between the parties involved that are still in progress. “The previous decree of 2009 has already expired – says the statement of Culture – and the Minister Massimo Bray is working on a shared solution, respecting and defending the value of copyright, listening to all stakeholders in order to achieve a balanced decision in the interests of authors, producers of smartphones and tablets, and most importantly, the citizens of the users themselves. “

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