Frascati. “Never stop.” This is the advice that the astronaut Luca Parmitano launches from space to the project Intercultural 500 children, from Frascati in connection with the International Space Station, ISS. Hailing from all over the world, young people in Italy for a year of study, they asked the astronaut in orbit 400 km above the earth if feels fear at the thought that on Tuesday, “walk” for the first time in space, as it has never happened before to an Italian
“is not afraid – clarifies Parmitano – but emotion, the emotion that drives you to do new things.” Even for Parmitano Intercultural all started with the project, which started at age 17 from Catania for California , was hosted for a year in a family: his “father” for that year was a military pilot. Coincidence that crowned the dream of the Sicilian student. And so the desire that Luke had had as a child to fly in space took shape . The signal bounces in space and passing through Houston comes through loud and clear to the John XXIII Centre of Frascati, thanks to amateur radio dell’ARISS and the European Space Agency.
From the station that orbits for 13 years and as big as a rugby field, Parmitano urged the youth to continue to travel, new experiences, recalling that “you have arrived in Italy as ambassadors of your country and return home as ambassadors of Italian culture.”
But over the connection many questions that remain in the air: but how he sleeps if there is no gravity, bind you? And to eat? And the shower? The water does not fall “straight.” But the question that makes us remember that we have in front of adolescents still is, and if is homesick and wants to return, how?
Young guests , such as’ Italian astronaut twenty years ago, have experienced new environments, have created friendships that will carry with them throughout their lives. How Adbelhram, 15, welcomed by a family without a mother: “We were all men, there was so much confusion but also lots of fun “And just in search of happiness that Lans arrived from Denmark:” I chose Italy because here everything is so orderly and boring. “But after this experience and after Parmitano Luke’s account of his year in California, would host also their foreign students? Laura from La Paz would with all my heart but has some doubts: “Maybe when you will be great with my house now because I have three brothers older than me that do not go away, the house is already so crowded . “John, Irish, throws himself:” Even from tomorrow: I can not wait to host with my parents a few foreign friend. This experience with Intercultural has been outstanding. “
But one thing is for sure, Tuesday, when Luke Parmitano will make his first spacewalk, and 500 will all be with their eyes to the sky.
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