July 6, 2013
The Mediterranean is flooded with an estimated number of waste 3 billion, of which about three quarters are plastics, waste inevitably going to cause damage to marine ecosystems, and that are anything but easy to fish out. The plastics contaminate the fish that then, day after day, arriving on Italian tables (or at least, that part of the fish that are actually caught in the Mediterranean).
Siena comes now the project Plastic Busters: a ship that will grab the plastic waste and that will, thanks to the laboratory and scientific personnel on board, also a new in-depth data on distribution, dissemination of plastic waste, and its consequences. The ship of the project Plastic Busters should support a long journey, starting from Tuscany and then up to Gibraltar, returning to the South, to the coasts of Tunisia, then in the waters of Egypt and Greece, and then finally, after about three months at sea, returning to Venice.
Into The project is organized by the Department of Physical Sciences, Earth and Environmental, University of Siena: the direction is in the hands of Maria Cristina Fossi. The project in the course of time has seen the membership of some 30 international research institutions. The ship Plastic Busters, in addition to collecting and studying samples of plastic and carry out research on this kind of pollution, will also deal with disclosure in the various ports that will stop, raise awareness and seeking solutions that can mitigate the serious problem of plastic waste in the Mediterranean.
Into Photo credits | demoshelshinki on Flickr
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