Friday, January 29, 2016

DDL SELF-EMPLOYMENT / New insufficient on VAT registration and … – The


DDL SELF-EMPLOYMENT AND WORK AGILE The Council of Ministers approved the Linked Work dedicated to self-employment and work agile. After the enabling law and the eight decrees of the Jobs Act, still focused on work “standard”, reformed so that it can return “common form” of labor relations, the government is now looking at self-employment forgotten in the last two and Read Stability labor reform and the most modern forms of performance of work permitted in particular by technological progress (known smartworking, enacting legislation become “agile work”).

The news concerning the protection of self-employed workers are not unexpected: the Government spoke on important junctions and long been known, with solutions to extend the protections of the “VAT” rather traditional technique: the defense of the self-employed in commercial transactions (prohibiting unfair terms), the deductibility of expenses for training, access to guidance services and retraining, participation in public procurement, compensation maternity and parental leave, protections for disease and injury. These are measures that will certainly strengthen the “safety” of the self-employed market, cucendogli on the forms of protection typical of the employee, with the intent to overcome some of the differences that still exist between the protection of workers ‘standard’ and independents .

With delay the government has noticed that, despite legislation opposing the Jobs Act, the growth of VAT is not a phenomenon ostacolabile by decree, because increasingly this is the only form of flexible working which accords with the methods of implementation of the new jobs, in particular those of the quaternary and services and software solutions. In other words, these collaborators are not victims of a mechanism of exploitation and precariousness, but more often for independent choice. Uncomfortable, consequently, whether regulated by legislation conceives of VAT as an abuse or a residual phenomenon of the labor market. The Government wanted to correct this “look” distorted labor law (though not being able to twist it), accepting many of the proposals that have been made over the years by professionals and by the same associations representing the industry (but have recently “strike” because they want more).

The most original chapter of the Linked Work approved yesterday does not, however, is dedicated to self-employment, but that the work agile, defined ” flexible mode of execution of the employment relationship in order to increase productivity and facilitate the reconciliation of working and living. ” With the nine articles on the Government would regulate what was once labeled “remote working” or “telecommuting”, definitions which are clearly outdated (and who have never had the real circulation). Already, tens of thousands workers agile operating result in, carry out the activities of which are in charge at a distance and on the move thanks to technological devices that allow the connection perpetual, non-business hours and have a fixed location. All this happens in clear (but voluntary) contrary to the rules of law and the provisions of collective agreements. New legislation dedicated to smartworking want to solve this hypocrisy substantial and simultaneously encourage the spread of this institution.



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