Friday, November 14, 2014

Jobs Act, Article 18 of the reorganization of the contracts: the innovations planned … – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published November 14, 2014 at 13:08.
The last change is the November 14, 2014 at 13:43.

In the yard of the delegation of the Jobs Act overlooks the agreement reached in the Democratic Party. What’s new for the Jobs Act that have seen a tense confrontation with Ncd. The rules, reiterated Renzi, will come into force on 1 January 2015. Article 18 is passed, there will be a reduction in the contractual forms and with remote controls may be only on machines. There will also be the arrival of more funds for social safety nets (2000000000-3.4000000000). Voting on amendments (there were presented 550) from Sunday 16 to Thursday, November 20th. The provevdimento will arrive in the classroom in the House November 26 and then go back to the Senate for third reading. What’s new at a glance

The resources for social safety nets should increase from 2,000,000,000 to 3.4000000000 . In this figure are included or 700 million for the IGC notwithstanding. The resources are also expected to fund the system of unemployment benefits and mobility as an exception, with the danger of collapse even before the debut of the new protections provided in consistency or after the loss of employment for a wider audience of beneficiaries.

Article 18, to court for dismissal disciplinary
On the face of Article 18, the change would be in the order of the day voted in late September by the direction of the Democratic Party. Redundancies will be included in the text of the delegation could be reinstated in some cases of disciplinary dismissal and confirmed for those discriminatory. On the economic dismissals there is a certain economic compensation and increasing with seniority, eliminating the possibility of reinstatement.

Conciliation time living and working: enhanced monitoring measures
Monitoring enhanced package of measures under the Jobs Act concerning the reconciliation of working and living. They include measures ranging from the extension of maternity benefit to women also parasubordinate for which no contributions were paid in form of a tax credit for working women (including self) Dependent children with disabilities.

Contracts: Towards pruning
The purpose of the delegation is the reorganization of the existing contract types. For new hires there will be a single contract at increasing protections on the basis of seniority. While pointing to a reduction in other forms of contract, from cocopro that are defined in the agenda approved by the Democratic Party leadership a “unique Italian.” Instead preserved the true relations of cooperation, that is, those dictated by the needs of workers.

Remote Controls
The new rules laid down by the delegation to the “discipline of controls distance “of production activities are soft. The government will open the use of cameras or other technological tools in the workplace today are expressly prohibited by the Statute of Workers. But the controls have to be on the machines. Expected role of the special parliamentary committee on the verification of the texts of the decrees.

Duties: the new discipline
Article 13 of the Statute of Workers provides for today ” the employee must be used for the duties for which they were hired, or those corresponding to the parent category that has subsequently acquired. ” The delegation includes, however, the possibility of a new discipline of tasks, adapting the interest of the company to profit employment of staff in the event of reorganization, restructuring the interest of the worker to protect place and professionalism.



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