Friday, August 29, 2014

SISTRI, waste management and WEEE, the novelty of the Law … – House & Climate

S Histri, simplified procedures
 recovery, use of dredged material, burning of cuttings
 and pruning, simplified recovery procedures in systems Hague,
 leaching tests for the simplified recovery procedures,
 mixing of waste. And then again: administrative requirements in
 relation to cross-border shipments, simplification for
 farmers the original producers of hazardous waste,
 environmental contribution to the management of used tires,
 Weee, secondary raw materials for
 the building.

On these matters on waste is
 tripped decree Competitiveness Decree-Law of 24 June 2014
 n. 91, coordinated with the conversion law of 11 August 2014, n. 116

 entitled: “Urgent measures for the agricultural sector, the protection
 environmental and energy efficiency of school buildings and
 university, the revival and development of enterprises, the
 containment of the costs imposed on electricity tariffs, as well as’ for
 the definition of immediate obligations arising from the rules
 European Union. ‘, published in Official Gazette 192 of 20 August
 2014 – Suppl. No Ordinary. 72, and entered in force from 21 August

Here are the latest news
 main waste as illustrated by Ecocerved – READ
 ALL – a consortium of the Italian Chambers of
 Commerce, which operates in the field of information systems for the environment.


Article 14 provides:

– the obligation for the Ministry
 Environment to provide for further simplification of the
 SISTRI, in relation to the application of interoperability and
 the replacement of USB token devices;

– the extension of the contract
 management SISTRI December 31, 2015, with the requirement that the
 Ministry of the Environment to launch by June 30, 2015
 procedures for the award of the concession of the service, in
 manner than the “Code Contracts” (Legislative Decree 163/2006),
 EU regulations in the field and the principles of “economy,
 simplification, interoperability between computer systems and constant
 technological upgrading. “

Waste Management

Article 13 c. 5 point b-bis
 provides new directions for the classification of waste, which
 in addition to those contained in the introduction to Annex D
 Leg. 152/2006 and subsequent amendments and shall apply as from 18 February

1) the classification must be “in
 any case before the waste is removed from the place of
 production “;

2) if a waste is classified with
 code Cer dangerous “absolute” (ie unique), it is
 dangerous without any further specification;

3) If a waste is classified with
 Cer code not dangerous “absolute”, it is not
 dangerous without further specification;

4) if a waste is classified with
 codes Cer mirror (one hazardous and one non-hazardous), for
 Whether the same is dangerous or not to be determined
 ownership of dangerous that the same holds.

In relation to the procedures
 simplified recovery and in particular the relationship with the
 EU regulations “end of waste”, art. 13
 c.4 intends to coordinate the activities of the types of treatment
 waste identified by the Community regulations “end of waste”
 (Consequently relating to the cessation of waste) with the
 domestic simplified procedures for the recovery of waste,
 establishing that the former are subject to the second condition
 that, “without prejudice to the maximum” provided by Dm 5
 February 1998 by Dm Dm 161/2012 and 269/2005 are respected
 also all the requirements, criteria and requirements in the regulations
 European, with particular reference to:

1) the quality and characteristics of the

2) treatment conditions;

3) requirements for health and environment,
 including minimum requirements for the monitoring;

4) the final destination of the waste
 cease to be such.

It is confirmed that the operation of
 recovery may consist in the mere control of waste materials
 to check whether they fulfill the criteria developed so that they
 cease to be waste under the conditions

Waste from equipment
 electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)


Changes are made to the Legislative Decree no.
 49/2014 in particular to the discipline concerning systems
 collective financing.

Adherence to collective systems for the
 management of WEEE is free and can be hampered by
 spilling from a consortium to join another.

The contracts entered into by the systems
 collective management of WEEE shall be in writing under penalty of

Each collective system must demonstrate
 to the SC on WEEE, before starting the activity or
 within 90 days from the date of entry into force of the measure of
 have a minimum financial capacity commensurate with the quantity
 WEEE to manage.

The statute kind of collective systems
 ensures that they are provided with appropriate control organs between
 where also the supervisory body pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001
 (Administrative liability of companies for the crime of managers and

Each collective system must
 represent a market share of EEE fed-
 on the market in the previous year by the producers that the
 represent at least 3% higher, at least one grouping.


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