Friday, August 29, 2014

SISTRI, waste management and WEEE, the novelty of the Law … – House & Climate

S Histri, simplified procedures
 recovery, use of dredged material, burning of cuttings
 and pruning, simplified recovery procedures in systems Hague,
 leaching tests for the simplified recovery procedures,
 mixing of waste. And then again: administrative requirements in
 relation to cross-border shipments, simplification for
 farmers the original producers of hazardous waste,
 environmental contribution to the management of used tires,
 Weee, secondary raw materials for
 the building.

On these matters on waste is
 tripped decree Competitiveness Decree-Law of 24 June 2014
 n. 91, coordinated with the conversion law of 11 August 2014, n. 116

 entitled: “Urgent measures for the agricultural sector, the protection
 environmental and energy efficiency of school buildings and
 university, the revival and development of enterprises, the
 containment of the costs imposed on electricity tariffs, as well as’ for
 the definition of immediate obligations arising from the rules
 European Union. ‘, published in Official Gazette 192 of 20 August
 2014 – Suppl. No Ordinary. 72, and entered in force from 21 August

Here are the latest news
 main waste as illustrated by Ecocerved – READ
 ALL – a consortium of the Italian Chambers of
 Commerce, which operates in the field of information systems for the environment.


Article 14 provides:

– the obligation for the Ministry
 Environment to provide for further simplification of the
 SISTRI, in relation to the application of interoperability and
 the replacement of USB token devices;

– the extension of the contract
 management SISTRI December 31, 2015, with the requirement that the
 Ministry of the Environment to launch by June 30, 2015
 procedures for the award of the concession of the service, in
 manner than the “Code Contracts” (Legislative Decree 163/2006),
 EU regulations in the field and the principles of “economy,
 simplification, interoperability between computer systems and constant
 technological upgrading. “

Waste Management

Article 13 c. 5 point b-bis
 provides new directions for the classification of waste, which
 in addition to those contained in the introduction to Annex D
 Leg. 152/2006 and subsequent amendments and shall apply as from 18 February

1) the classification must be “in
 any case before the waste is removed from the place of
 production “;

2) if a waste is classified with
 code Cer dangerous “absolute” (ie unique), it is
 dangerous without any further specification;

3) If a waste is classified with
 Cer code not dangerous “absolute”, it is not
 dangerous without further specification;

4) if a waste is classified with
 codes Cer mirror (one hazardous and one non-hazardous), for
 Whether the same is dangerous or not to be determined
 ownership of dangerous that the same holds.

In relation to the procedures
 simplified recovery and in particular the relationship with the
 EU regulations “end of waste”, art. 13
 c.4 intends to coordinate the activities of the types of treatment
 waste identified by the Community regulations “end of waste”
 (Consequently relating to the cessation of waste) with the
 domestic simplified procedures for the recovery of waste,
 establishing that the former are subject to the second condition
 that, “without prejudice to the maximum” provided by Dm 5
 February 1998 by Dm Dm 161/2012 and 269/2005 are respected
 also all the requirements, criteria and requirements in the regulations
 European, with particular reference to:

1) the quality and characteristics of the

2) treatment conditions;

3) requirements for health and environment,
 including minimum requirements for the monitoring;

4) the final destination of the waste
 cease to be such.

It is confirmed that the operation of
 recovery may consist in the mere control of waste materials
 to check whether they fulfill the criteria developed so that they
 cease to be waste under the conditions

Waste from equipment
 electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)


Changes are made to the Legislative Decree no.
 49/2014 in particular to the discipline concerning systems
 collective financing.

Adherence to collective systems for the
 management of WEEE is free and can be hampered by
 spilling from a consortium to join another.

The contracts entered into by the systems
 collective management of WEEE shall be in writing under penalty of

Each collective system must demonstrate
 to the SC on WEEE, before starting the activity or
 within 90 days from the date of entry into force of the measure of
 have a minimum financial capacity commensurate with the quantity
 WEEE to manage.

The statute kind of collective systems
 ensures that they are provided with appropriate control organs between
 where also the supervisory body pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001
 (Administrative liability of companies for the crime of managers and

Each collective system must
 represent a market share of EEE fed-
 on the market in the previous year by the producers that the
 represent at least 3% higher, at least one grouping.


Friday, August 22, 2014

The race of the big news of the crushed Volleyball Open – Valtellina News

[Unable to retrieve full-text content]

Valtellina News

The race of great dunks news Volleyball Open
Valtellina News
So many prizes provided by the official sponsors of the event: good buys at stores Tuttosport Mazzocchi, Centrosport, Murphy and Nye in the Leeward Garberia, gadget technology Onion offered by Electronic House, vouchers for services

more & nbsp; & raquo;


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Born in Spotorno the new technology for marine toilets – La Stampa


Born in Spotorno the new technology for marine toilets


 In Liguria the first four prototypes of the “Boxotto” container to recharge cell phones and other portable devices. In the province of Savona Bagni Olimpia and compass Bergeggi

The Boxotto was installed in 4 bathing Ligurian





It comes from an entrepreneur spotornese adoption of the Boxotto, the novelty of this year of the Italian beaches created by Eternet, a company based in San Giuliano Milanese, and operational headquarters in Spotorno. And to test the success of his product the entrepreneur Raffaele Garofalo has chosen the Ligurian coast and its sea baths.

The Boxotto is a container divided into cells, six up, each of which has a USB connection with adapters for recharging mobile phones and other portable devices. Each cell has a key so you leave your cell phone in office safe. “Four years ago I moved to Spotorno because I’m in love with this gulf – says Raffaele Garofalo – and frequenting the beach, I realized that one of the major needs of the people is to have the ability to recharge their mobile device; but they had no bathing facilities suitable support to do so. After a market survey we found that in Italy there was not a product of this kind. Then we designed the Boxotto by recording the brand. ” The first four prototypes were installed in Liguria, two of them at the Bagni di Savona Olimpia and compass Bergeggi, but the requests are coming from other firms.

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All the news for the decor of the bathroom – true class

The two-year appointment with the Salone Internazionale del Bagno in the Design Week 2012 has been an opportunity to discover all the latest news and trends of the room bath.
Today more than ever, in fact, this room has become crucial in the house and goes beyond the characteristics to become a true wellness and relaxation area. The decor of the bathroom is increasingly sought after, following the trends in design and fashion, while the tub and shower are objects of desire high-tech or fashion.

From the point of view of the lines mood hottest wants the bathroom chooses square lines with references to art deco and vintage collections like Gentry Home 2012 , ceramics from bathroom Galaxy and the rich collection Devon & amp; Devon .
The environment is characterized by style and personality, the colors that dominate only the pure white with details and accessories blacks, its sensuous shapes, rounded lines and the tank not only collected, but also in cast iron (maybe colored outer) with enameled interior sides and symmetrical or, alternatively, with raised back from one side only.

A much style a bit ‘redundant and with a strong personality, contrasts with the other fashion trend for the bathroom that prefers the taste zen, minimalist-chic as the new collection designed by Japanese studio Nendo for Bisazza bathroom . Between cubic and square shapes consoles, sinks and tubs seem origami and furnishings create dramatic scenery with pure lines, essential and refined to reflect the poetic language and the stylistic Oki Sato, the soul of the firm Nendo.

Finally, there are the baths with spectacular water features and proposals for chromotherapy. Solutions sometimes a bit ‘exaggerated but certainly of great impact. Whirlpool bathtubs and showers with special water jets transform the bathroom into a true wellness center where you can relax, while the sparkle of the details most glamorous transform the room into a small kingdom female. One example is the tanks luxury of Baldi , made of rock crystal and gold, or the more fashionable solutions such as Bathtub Diamond Bathtub completely covered with pink swarovski fuchsia or Vezzosa vascha-scapetta mosaic Sicis .


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Pazzali “Well ok Fiat, soon more news for Milan Auto Show” – the Newspaper

The world of ‘ car in Milan, a return to an ancient tradition that will be interpreted in a modern key, which is called rebirth Milan Auto Show 2014 , the international fair calendar in in the halls of Fiera Milano in Rho from 11 to 21 December 2014 , organized by Promotor of Alfredo Cazzola.

After the announcement of the accession made from Fiat a few days ago, the CEO of Fiera Milano, Enrico Pazzali , is convinced that the event will help to bring the Italians desire to buy herself a car. “For us it’s a great starting point – said Pazzali – because with the participation of Fca , a large international automotive group, will form the basis for making a Milan Car successful show. would add that these days are maturing further elements of New and notify them soon. Regarding the brands Our goal is to host them all, without exception . Certainly Milan is the place most international of our country and we believe that the new hall of the Fair is an opportunity for the right car manufacturers who want to present innovations, technological, high-performance products. “

working at the event, in short, the format and content which by the way also provide an “outside room” in the center of the city, a Milan Auto Week that promises to be exciting for the audience as events and the events at the Fair – which by the way is able to set up, as has been done for Milan Autoclassica – areas and external circuits. The Auto Show looks at the big auto shows and car International between products of the future, alternative propulsion systems, design and lifestyle in line with the claim of Milan, the capital of fashion, design and ‘ innovation. Even for the car.


More digital and more powers to the prime minister Pa, here’s the news of the reform – The Press


More and more powers to the prime minister digital Pa, here’s the news of the reform


 After the decree comes the bill delegates. Madia: “Copernican Revolution”


The Minister of Public Administration Marianna Madia



A public administration ‘modern’, leaner and technological less fragmented and chaotic. This is the state machine, which should be out by the reform of the government, defined by both the Prime Minister that the Minister of Matteo Renzi Pa Marianna Madia as a “Copernican revolution.” The bill delegation completes the new architecture, which sees “strengthened” the role of Palazzo Chigi as a hinge between the different ministries, with the power of final say in cases of disagreement.

After the decree law then comes the delegation, presented by Madia after the approval by the Council of Ministers. And it was also an opportunity for some clarification, starting with the block of negotiation since 2009 holding firm the salaries of civil servants, “thought to be” an injustice, but in this crisis we’re seeing so many. ” The solution then would not be so much in the reopening of a table with the unions, but in the economic recovery of the country.

Returning to the delegation, compared to what has already emerged in the first step in the CDM (last month), surely one of the novelties is the strengthening of the tasks pertaining to the Presidency of the Council, which will have an enhanced role ‘ in the coordination of public policies, because a government is not a set of ministries. ” Above all, says Madia, in the case of irreconcilable positions between two administrations, “is the Presidency of the Council to decide how it should be written to the measure.” Here is an office that can no longer be put in the way, preventing the solution of a practice or the provision of a service to the citizen. In short, cut short the minister, “an administration can no longer block another.”

The delegation also the whole part dedicated to the digitization of Pa has been strengthened: there shall be “the ability to access all the information about us from a PC, with our Pin – fully operational from 2015 – and be able to receive everything that you can to the domicile or residence of telematics, “emphasizes Madia, pointing out that this is really the priority, the front ‘on which we want to invest more.” On the other resources to be allocated to digital within the European debate on flexibility, reminds the minister. Indeed by passing the paper should also get savings, but nevertheless, keen to point out to the minister, “the setting is not spending review: we did not start from the savings.” Digital Agency as the minister assures that “the team will be completed soon,” with “men and women of steel” that play a crucial but difficult task.

The part about leadership seems well-established, with the confirmation of the unique role assignments completed, and the licenziabilità. Since the reform will be released as a new public manager who will be “leader of the Italian Republic, the state” and not a ministry. It also reaffirmed the close, with the reduction of the numerical weight that it has today the leadership than the rest of the staff. Now there is the parliamentary process, but Madia ago now know that the test will begin after the summer.

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 Management of the box // latest articles in opening
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 // Management related articles
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 var speed = 300;
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 TopValue = parseInt ($ j (“# containerArtCorr .LS-boxcontent-body-view”). css (“top”));
 if (TopValue


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

“Yes to the selfie Gallery attracts young” – The Nation

PERUGIA, August 5, 2014 – A BEAUTIFUL SELFIE among the masterpieces of the National Gallery? And why not? It seems to me a very good idea, perfect for engaging young people ». Technological innovations has always believed and now Fabio De Chirico , Superintendent of the historical, and ethno-anthropological artists of Umbria, can not appreciate that down the line the most revolutionary innovation of the new law on culture and tourism: the freedom to take pictures inside the museums chasing and in its own way consecrates the widespread mania for selfie.

SHORT , now it will be possible in a self-timer photo taken with a work of art and no matter if an American study has even spoken of mental disorder and if many experts have been hurled against the degeneration of morals. A Perugia goes against ….

Then you satisfied with this novelty à? Sure, especially for kids who today use the i-phone for practically everything. Always been one of my goals is to entice the guys to come to the museum, let alone if they are not happy with the chance to take a picture. So you go more and more towards the democratization of cultura».

Eppure many did not like it .. . Let’s face it, the absolute prohibition of taking pictures at the museum there has never been, was left to the discretion of the individual. Now the Decree certifies that the citizen may do so freely, but always without a flash, which can damage the work, and always for souvenir photos, personal, never for the purpose commerciali».

Insomma, only advantages? Absolutely, especially in terms of communication to the citizen who feels the museum as a place of belonging and can share the ownership of the works d'arte».

Un'altra novelty, the museum is free on Sundays. .. E ‘just begun, we are in the process of testing and monitoring, but the first results are outstanding, free admission goes especially for residents, who come back more often and more freely to museo».

E Friday extends up to 21 hours . « Here I have some doubts, the beginnings were not too encouraging. Maybe add the entry facilitated or guided tours: Need something more in the summer on a Friday night is not going to museo…».


Here comes the new legislative decree for energy efficiency. Many … – Condominium Web

You’ve just adopted a legislative decree transposing the EU rules relating to energy saving. Involved in public administration and enterprises, but great news for those who live in the condo.

Transposition of the European Directive 2012/27 / EU.

The last legislative decree approved by the Council of Ministers called public administration, businesses and consumers to make their own contribution to improve energy efficiency. This provision implements the European Directive 2012/27 / EU, providing, by 2020, an appropriation of 800milioni euro.

Goals. The press release issued by the Government clarifies that “The aim of the decree is to reduce the EU’s dependence on energy imports, using the tool of energy efficiency and implementing actions to provide stimulus to the economy in the current crisis and to combat climate change takes place. transition to a more efficient energy will accelerate the diffusion of innovative technology solutions, increasing the competitiveness of industry and contributing to the revival of economic growth and job creation high quality work in related areas. They include, in particular: a 20% reduction of primary energy consumption in the EU by 2020, and further improvements in energy efficiency after 2020. “

The word from the minister. Federica Guidi, Minister for Economic Development, said: “It is a package that, along with other measures agreed so far, lets tackle the important challenges to improve the security of supply and reducing energy costs “and hopes that” may soon become tangible benefits for consumers, businesses and the environment. “

New for condos. Who lives in a condominium will soon see the big news. In fact, it will become mandatory by December 31, 2016, the installation of a heat meter for each building where the heating, cooling or hot water supply is carried out by a district heating network or, in the case of supercondomini from a thermal power plant that serves most buildings.

Mandatory installation of the meters. Also by December 31, 2016 is required to install individual meters for each housing unit, unless the operation is technically impossible to run or if it is not efficient in terms of cost and proportionate to the potential energy savings. Such cases, however, require a separate technical report designer or engineer.

Other obligations. However, even in the presence of such circumstances, the condominium would not be free from other obligations. In fact, you will have to resort to the installation of the thermoregulatory systems and individual heat metering to measure the heat consumption at each radiator inside of the building units of condominiums, unless the installation of such systems turns out to be not efficient in terms of costs. In this case, you will need to consider alternative methods for the measurement of the heat consumption. The end customer will be able to entrust the management of the service thermoregulation and heat metering to another operator different from the supply.

Allocation of costs. According to the decree, the criterion for dividing the costs of heating, cooling and domestic hot water if produced in a centralized manner provides a breakdown of the total amount in relation to the actual voluntary levies of useful thermal energy and for general costs for maintenance of the system, based on the technical standard Uni 10200 and subsequent revisions. To date, the norm of

reference is that of 2013, for the first heating season, will be allowed to make the subdivision in accordance with only thousandths of a property. Failure to install the devices and the breakdown of expenditure not in accordance with the provisions of the legislature involve an administrative fine of 500 to 2,500 euro.

New controls on heating systems ??. And it’s already controversy

New network rate D1 for energy efficiency

Bonus for architectural upgrading and energy and support the green economy. These are the new features coming with the Tax Delegation


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

“Yes to the selfie Gallery attracts young people” – The Nation

PERUGIA, August 5, 2014 – A NICE SELFIE among the masterpieces of the National Gallery? And why not? It seems to me an excellent idea, perfect for engaging young people ». Technological innovations has always believed and now Fabio De Chirico , Superintendent of the historical, and ethno-anthropological Umbrian artists, can appreciate the line the most revolutionary innovation of the new law on culture and tourism: the freedom to take pictures inside the museums and chasing in consecrates his way to the rampant mania selfie.

SHORT , from now you will be able immortalarsi in a self-timer along with a work of art and no matter if a U.S. study has even spoken of mental disorder and if many experts have been hurled against the degeneration of morals. A Perugia goes against ….

Then you satisfied with this novelty à? course, especially for the guys who now use the i-phone for practically everything. Always been one of my goals is to entice the guys to come to the museum, let alone if they are not happy with the chance to take a picture. So you go more and more towards the democratization of cultura».

Eppure many did not like it .. . Let’s face it, the absolute prohibition of taking pictures at the museum there has never been, was left to the discretion of the individual. Now the decree to certify that the citizen may do so freely, but always without a flash, which can damage the work, and always for souvenir photos, personal, never for the purpose commerciali».

Insomma, only advantages? Absolutely, especially in terms of communication to the citizen who feels the museum as a place of belonging and can share the ownership of the works d'arte».

Un'altra novelty, the museum is free on Sundays. .. It ‘just begun, we are in the process of testing and monitoring, but the early results are exciting, free admission goes especially for of the residents, who come back more often and more freely to museo».

E Friday extends up to 21 hours . “ Here I have some doubts, the beginnings were not too encouraging. Maybe add the entry facilitated or guided tours: need something more in the summer on a Friday night is not going to museo…».


Monday, August 4, 2014

Here comes the new legislative decree for energy efficiency. So many … – Condo Web

It was just adopted a legislative decree transposing EU rules relating to energy saving. Involved in public administration and enterprises, but great news for those who live in a condominium.

Transposition of European Directive 2012/27/Ue.

The last legislative decree approved by the Council of Ministers called public administration, businesses and consumers to make their own contribution to improve energy efficiency. This provision implements the European Directive 2012/27/Ue, providing, by 2020, an appropriation of 800milioni euro.

Goals. The press release issued by the Government explains that “The aim of the decree is to reduce the EU’s dependence on energy imports, using the tool of energy efficiency and implementing actions to provide stimulus to the economy in the current crisis and to combat climate change takes place. transition to a more efficient energy will accelerate the spread of innovative technological solutions, enhancing the competitiveness of industry and contributing to the revitalization of economic growth and job creation high quality work in related areas. They include, in particular: a 20% reduction of primary energy consumption in the EU by 2020, and further improvements in energy efficiency after 2020. “

word to the minister. Federica Guidi, Minister for Economic Development, said: “It is a package that, along with other measures agreed so far, lets tackle the important challenges to improve the security of supply and reducing energy costs “and hopes that” may soon become tangible benefits for consumers, businesses and the environment. “

News for condominiums. Who lives in a condominium will soon see the big news. In fact, it will become mandatory by December 31, 2016, the installation of a heat meter for each building where the heating, cooling or hot water supply is carried out by a district heating network or, in the case of supercondomini from a thermal power plant that serves most buildings.

Mandatory installation of the meters. Also by December 31, 2016 is mandatory the installation of individual meters for each housing unit, unless the operation is technically impossible to run or if it is not efficient in terms of cost and proportionate to the potential energy savings. Such cases, however, require a separate technical report designer or engineer.

other obligations. However, in spite of these circumstances, the condominium would not be free from other obligations. In fact, you will have to resort to the installation of the thermoregulatory systems and individual heat metering to measure the heat consumption at each radiator inside of the building units of condominiums, unless the installation of such systems turns out to be not efficient in terms of costs. In this case, you will need to consider alternative methods for the measurement of the heat consumption. The end customer will be able to entrust the management of the service thermoregulation and heat metering to another operator different from the supply.

Breakdown of expenditure. According to the decree, the criterion for down the costs of heating, cooling and domestic hot water if produced in a centralized manner provides a breakdown of the total amount in relation to the actual voluntary levies of useful thermal energy and overhead costs for maintenance of the system, based on the technical standard Uni 10200 and subsequent revisions. To date, the norm of

reference is that of 2013. For the first heating season, the division will be allowed to operate on the basis of only thousandths of a property. Failure to install the devices and the breakdown of expenditure not in accordance with the provisions of the legislature involve an administrative fine of 500 to 2,500 Euros.

New controls on heating systems?. And it’s already controversy

New network rate D1 for energy efficiency

Bonus to architectural upgrading and energy and support the green economy. These are the new features coming with the Delegation Tax


Here comes the new legislative decree for energy efficiency. So many … – Condo Web

It was just adopted a legislative decree transposing EU rules relating to energy saving. Involved in public administration and enterprises, but great news for those who live in a condominium.

Transposition of European Directive 2012/27/Ue.

The last legislative decree approved by the Council of Ministers called public administration, businesses and consumers to make their own contribution to improve energy efficiency. This provision implements the European Directive 2012/27/Ue, providing, by 2020, an appropriation of 800milioni euro.

Goals. The press release issued by the Government explains that “The aim of the decree is to reduce the EU’s dependence on energy imports, using the tool of energy efficiency and implementing actions to provide stimulus to the economy in the current crisis and to combat climate change takes place. transition to a more efficient energy will accelerate the spread of innovative technological solutions, enhancing the competitiveness of industry and contributing to the revitalization of economic growth and job creation high quality work in related areas. They include, in particular: a 20% reduction of primary energy consumption in the EU by 2020, and further improvements in energy efficiency after 2020. “

word to the minister. Federica Guidi, Minister for Economic Development, said: “It is a package that, along with other measures agreed so far, lets tackle the important challenges to improve the security of supply and reducing energy costs “and hopes that” may soon become tangible benefits for consumers, businesses and the environment. “

News for condominiums. Who lives in a condominium will soon see the big news. In fact, it will become mandatory by December 31, 2016, the installation of a heat meter for each building where the heating, cooling or hot water supply is carried out by a district heating network or, in the case of supercondomini from a thermal power plant that serves most buildings.

Mandatory installation of the meters. Also by December 31, 2016 is mandatory the installation of individual meters for each housing unit, unless the operation is technically impossible to run or if it is not efficient in terms of cost and proportionate to the potential energy savings. Such cases, however, require a separate technical report designer or engineer.

other obligations. However, in spite of these circumstances, the condominium would not be free from other obligations. In fact, you will have to resort to the installation of the thermoregulatory systems and individual heat metering to measure the heat consumption at each radiator inside of the building units of condominiums, unless the installation of such systems turns out to be not efficient in terms of costs. In this case, you will need to consider alternative methods for the measurement of the heat consumption. The end customer will be able to entrust the management of the service thermoregulation and heat metering to another operator different from the supply.

Breakdown of expenditure. According to the decree, the criterion for down the costs of heating, cooling and domestic hot water if produced in a centralized manner provides a breakdown of the total amount in relation to the actual voluntary levies of useful thermal energy and overhead costs for maintenance of the system, based on the technical standard Uni 10200 and subsequent revisions. To date, the norm of

reference is that of 2013. For the first heating season, the division will be allowed to operate on the basis of only thousandths of a property. Failure to install the devices and the breakdown of expenditure not in accordance with the provisions of the legislature involve an administrative fine of 500 to 2,500 Euros.

New controls on heating systems?. And it’s already controversy

New network rate D1 for energy efficiency

Bonus to architectural upgrading and energy and support the green economy. These are the new features coming with the Delegation Tax


Jordan News and more Indian Ocean in the winter of Alidays – GuidaViaggi

07/18/2014 – 16:15

“NoFrills is certainly a strategic moment, at the end of the summer season, to meet travel agents in an ideal business to meet their needs and to present our new products. ” So at home Alidays confirm participation in the first event of the fall season, the multi-event b2b scene in Bergamo on 26 and 27 September. With regard to the current season, “we see no major changes in the trend summer and when we record a substantial stability. Regarding the destinations, the United States remains the most popular destination by travelers Italian within our programming, with an estate the application of formulas fly & drive will satisfy the desire of “vacation liberty” and a usual match-sea extensions to the Caribbean or in Mexico or Canada tour.
 Well for the summer even the East including Japan, which proved to be the real surprise of the season. Do not become less attractive even destinations such as Australia and the Pacific. “
But, looking at winter,” with regard to the product, after entering Cuba in July, Jordan will be one of the new Alidays for the winter season. We have also already provided an increase in the supply of the Indian Ocean with guaranteed allotment with Air Mauritius from November. All destinations are programmed by us constantly renewed with the introduction of new travel ideas themes, new itineraries, exclusive products, experiential tours for different targets.
 Continue, in parallel, investments in technology and the attention to the distribution network with major training events through the new format Alidays Academy, the educational tour and meetings with our product managers. ”



Porto San Giorgio. The experimentation of the bins technological … – Informazione.Tv

Porto San Giorgio. The experimentation of technological garbage bins. Libra and magnetic card on the news

‘was presented yesterday morning the island ecological technology, which allows you to make a separate without the door-to-door. There are all the bins: glass, plastic, paper, undifferentiated and moist, and it opens only one refusing to give.

Foto testo

The island’s ecological skyscraper

The island has been operational since last Monday in the space of the condominium skyscraper, whose residents and residents were given a magnetic card. By passing in front of the appropriate space activates the Mechanized voice calling on a touch screen to select the type of waste to be delivered. For example, choosing glass, the voice invites you to place the bag on the scale, which will detect the weight. At this point the machine will issue a sticker, containing the weight, and a bar-code with the data of the person who gives it. This sticker will be attached to the bag then you can just throw in the bin right, that of glass. The system enables in fact only the opening of the box chosen for the refusal. If you have to give another type of rejection or if we are wrong, the operation must be repeated again.

The adhesive is used to count the pounds of waste collection: the achievement of a certain amount in fact, you can request a complimentary beach bag, at least until August 31. After that date are to study the association agreements with merchants to get to distribute vouchers to spend in the shops. A service that, if it were to prove lasting and efficient, it could in a medium / long term lead to the overcoming of curbside collection. And to watch the first data transfer, this does not appear to be so far away: the separation in this ecological island reached 88% in just four days of use (figures for 180 apartments). All this, as pointed out by the mayor Loire, is due to the “good, effective and efficient management of Ceccarani, which has allowed us to take action to improve the service.” Loire then made a clarification on the fact that the so-called points “can not possibly be used for a reduction of taxes on a personal basis.” Of “major leap forward in environmental protection with the use of technology” spoke the deputy Umberto Talamonti, while the administrator of Sangiorgio Distribution and Services, who explained the whole functioning of the island, explained In conclusion, the reason why you chose the skyscraper: “We wanted to try it in a high-intensity housing, which greatly increases during the summer. I want to clarify that you can use the island with the tax code, but in this case you can not reclaim any bonuses. Also remember that the island is under video surveillance. “


Sunday, August 3, 2014

More and more powers to the prime minister digital Pa, here’s the news of the reform – The Press

After the decree the bill arrives delegation. Sideboard: “Copernican Revolution”

public administration ‘modern’, leaner and technology, less fragmented and chaotic. This is the state machine which should be out by the reform of the government, defined by both the Prime Minister that the Minister of Matteo Renzi Pa Marianna Madia as a “Copernican revolution.” The bill delegation completes the new architecture, which sees “strengthened” the role of the Palazzo Chigi as the pivotal point between the different ministries, with the power of final say in cases of disagreement.

After the decree law then comes the delegation, presented by Madia after the approval by the Council of Ministers. And it was also an opportunity for some clarifications, starting with the block of negotiation since 2009 still holds the salaries of public employees, “she thought to be ‘an injustice, but in this crisis we’re seeing so many.” The solution therefore would not be much in the reopening of a table with the unions, but in the economic recovery of the country.

Returning to the delegation, compared to what has already emerged in the first step in the CDM (last month), one of the novelties is certainly the strengthening of the tasks pertaining to the Presidency of the Council, which will have an enhanced role ‘ in the coordination of public policies, because a government is not a set of ministries. ” Above all, says Madia, in case of irreconcilable positions between the two administrations, “is the Presidency of the Council to decide how the measure should be written.” Here is an office that you can no longer get in the way, preventing the solution of a practice or the provision of a service to the citizen. In short, cut short the minister, “an administration can no longer block another.”

The delegation also the whole section devoted to the digitization of Pa has been strengthened: there will be “the ability to access all the information that concern us from a PC, with our Pin – fully operational from 2015 – and be able to receive everything that you can to the domicile or residence telematics, “emphasizes Madia, noting that this is really the priority, the front” on which we want to invest more. ” On the other resources to be allocated to digital within the European debate on flexibility, reminds the minister. Indeed by passing the paper should also get savings, but nevertheless, wishes to point out to the minister, “the setting is not spending review: we did not start from the savings.” Digital Agency as the minister ensures that “the team will be completed soon,” with “men and women of steel ‘that play a crucial but difficult task.

The part about leadership seems well-established, with the confirmation of the unique role assignments completed, and the licenziabilità. Since the reform will be released as a new public manager who will be “leader of the Italian Republic, the state” and not a ministry. It also reaffirmed the close, with the reduction of the numerical weight that today the leadership of the rest of the staff. Now there is the parliamentary process, but Madia ago now know that the test will begin after the summer.
