They will arrive in 2015, the first smartphone with holograms. Even as a little ‘time in the main manufacturers of this technology was rumored futuristic technological innovation . With a start up (by chance) in California will be able to project directly from small-scale devices, such as smartphones, 3D images and holograms but mostly you will be able to admire without the glasses.
The Ostendo Technologies , thanks to substantial funding from the U.S. state, has managed to produce a chip that allows you to project images directly from your smartphone . The product of high technology, it is also the smallest chip ever made , and because of its size to the extent possible could find use in the market more “important”: the mobile phone. It will also be small, but it is capable of projecting holograms of good quality on a screen of 48 inches .
The news is most interesting, however, is in times of commercialization of this technology . Hussein S. El-Ghoroury , founder and CEO of Ostendo Technologies, said that a version of the chip, however, able to project images in 2D only, may already be available as of ‘ next year . For the 3D there are still limits as to the resolution of the images to be projected, so we have to wait a bit ‘of time. The Ostendo Technologies, in fact, aims to launch on the market a product perfect in all its parts.The chip will also have a very low cost, they speak of about $ 30 . When they say that size does not matter. The possibility exists that one of the giants of mobile technology (and not) take an interest in the project and the company itself by focusing so exclusively on the factor. If we think of the technological innovations of the past decade with objectivity, The news of smartphones with holograms does not leave us completely stunned is an example of evolution of the species.
Benedetta Tubaldo
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