Marina Crisafi – It will be a year “digital” what is to get for PA Among the political ads for “transparency” as a keystone and the needs of the spending review, the government goes through measures which will come into force gradually, starting from January.
Although the 2015 will be a year of “seeding” the fruits of which will be seen especially in 2016 , is long list of small and big revolutions that will affect the PA facilitating relations with citizens and beginning to realize the framework outlined over 10 years ago by Cad.
From invoicing digital identity, dall’anagrafe unique health, through the Sistri, here are the main new digital agenda for the coming year:
– Broadband
The infrastructure plan “ultra-wideband” will give its fruit in 2015, especially in southern Italy.
The aim is to reach European targets in 2020, with a coverage of 100% to 30 Mbps and 85% to 100 Mbps.
– Document unique digital identity
The digital document and the unified digital identity are among the “old” agenda of the PA
The first aims to bring together in one document the functions of the electronic ID card, health card and national services card, will be free and intended to start in 2015.
Digital identity provides, however, the distribution of Pin only required to allow each citizen access to public and private services through the Spid (Public System for Digital Identity Management).
The project should see the light by the first half of 2015 reaching, by the end of September, 3 million users and at least 10 million by 2017 .
– Population unique
The national register of the resident population ( ANPR ) will be on an interoperable platform that can accommodate from 2015 data of 8,100 registries of Italian municipalities .
The ANPR, an infrastructure supporting the Digital Agenda, will be a large database, which will engage the other (Istat health, from schools to justice) to retrieve all the necessary information (the data to those civic census, certificates of birth and death, etc.) instead of having to bounce from one office to another.
– Invoicing
Already fully operational since last June for PA central, from March 31, 2015 e-invoicing will be extended to all local authorities.
From that date, therefore all suppliers of PA must necessarily send the electronic document.
The billing data can then be crossed with those SIOPE (system on which it is based portal soldipubblici. showing the spending of public money) enriching the information available and allowing the carrying out further research on public spending going into a greater level of detail.
– Payments telematic
In addition to the 730 precompiled and stamp online , from 2015, the agenda for the simplification plans, among its objectives, the introduction (gradual) of electronic payments throughout the PA .
You can pay online fees, fines, taxes (etc.) Via institutional sites, by check or credit card, as on any portal and -commerce.
– Sistri
By the middle of 2015, will be launched by the Ministry of Environment procedures for the award of the concession service Sistri, in accordance with the Procurement Code (Legislative Decree. n. 163/2006), the EU rules and principles of economy, simplification and interoperability between computer systems.
At the end of 2015, therefore, cease the effectiveness of the management contract Sistri, in favor of an innovative and constantly updated from the point of Technologically, for which there is also the interconnection with the Forestry Department of State.
– Digital School
Broadband in all classes, shift in investment from digital tools essential to the teacher training , the method “ bring your own device ” (that brings the device from home) in order to reduce hardware costs, coding also the primary.
These objectives digital that aims to realize the plan “ The Good School ” to make the transition to the School 2.0 , still remained largely unimplemented (except for mandatory online registration and the register in electronic form).
– Healthcare Digital
The plan for the digital health plans, short-term, or gradually between 2015 and the end of 2016 the possibility of the Reservations of health services via computer in all regions and access to reports online or at pharmacies.
To complete an already started and never finished, will put in place a series of actions to homogenize the platforms of electronic health records and the replacement of recipes printed with digital ones.
– Justice Digital
Already launched since June 30 for the “new” causes, the Electronic Civil Trial which aims to achieve a reduction in the time of the causes and increase efficiency in the digital sense Civil Justice, has been extended from 31 December to all causes, regardless of the date of registration on.
From from June 30, 2015 , the PCT will also be extended to processes in appeals court.
– Italian Login
Italian Login, the House of the Citizen is an initiative introduced in the strategy for digital growth, with the goal of equip every citizen of an Italian Civic profile online through which access to information and public services that concern him, so profiled.
First, however, the PA will have to bring their services within the portal online.
To implement this initiative, strictly connected to the system of digital identity (Pin only) it includes a first step viable by the end of 2015, concerning profiling and login via Spid system and registry only, while the second phase will be carried out progressively from 2016 until 2020 and with the increase of available services.
– Smart Cities & amp; Communities
From next February will be presented the plan of the Digital “City and intelligent communities “ that moves with a view to concreteness and enforceability.
Until now, in fact , Italy has funded (for over 800 million euro between 2011 and 2014) research projects remained, mostly at the level of territorial laboratories, without bringing in a concrete development for PA and therefore benefits for citizens.
Once closed accounts, therefore, with the two calls Miur of 2012, with the disbursement of funds (for a total of 318 million euro ) this time will seriously.
The plan aims to achieve a fact p iattaforma to ensure scalability, interoperability and applications of projects , the preparation of a repertoire of resources and financial instruments and a citizenship status intelligent , and the construction of a ‘ infrastructure for measuring the benefits.
The funds amounted to 400 million, from national and regional operational plans and resources Horizon 2020 .