Tuesday, September 30, 2014

SAVER: what’s new on #recupero to #SAIE the fiftieth – Edilio

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On the occasion of the fiftieth also SAVER, Tuscan company with over a century of history, will be present at SAIE, privileged meeting point with the market. “Every day, the company is present on the territory, compared with the market – they say – but with the occasion of the fair, which for years we participate, you have the opportunity to meet and deal with the whole range of market participants and evaluate in real-time reactions to the innovative solutions presented to us. ” From October 22 to 25, stand A 45 in Hall 25, you will discover the new products the company aimed at professionals such as building products, renovation, waterproofing, flooring, sand and decorative solutions: a mix of technology and tradition, which guarantees the quality of staying abreast of regulations and market requirements. Open to foreign collaborations, SAVER since 1997, has signed an agreement with Hahne, the primary Sevieret German company of the Group, which specializes in waterproofing materials, introducing alternative products in the market for waterproofing. Let’s see some new features in an exclusive interview.

At SAIE which new products will expose?

will exhibit materials to recover, through the reconstruction of the joints of the paving-shovel of cobblestone-paved. The range includes environmentally friendly products to be used with water ready for use in vacuum bags and products from having to mix on site.

When it comes to innovation, we immediately think technological innovation. For you, what is innovation and how it can be useful in your market?

We intend to innovation the ability to make simple, safe, and then in the result, the use of products with high technology offered by us. In the specific case of the latest generation resins are used capable of generating mortars draining high-compression, resistant to freezing and de-icing salts, easy to clean, also applicable in the presence of a damp substrate.

@ edilio_it


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Travelport brings its innovations to NoFrills – GuidaViaggi

09.24.2014 – 17:33

Travelport participates with a stand edition 2014 NoFrills. Among recent innovations is DB RailMaster , the booking tool dedicated to railway Deutsche Bahn, to issue tickets directly on smartphones passengers, by means of a ticketing solution for new design. The “tickets on mobile devices” are allowed on trains Deutsche Bahn in Germany. “DB RailMaster is not the only news from Travelport to discover NoFrills – deepens Silvio Paganini , general manager of Travelport for Italy and Malta -. I would like to highlight in particular the VAN eNett, the electronic payment solution, integrated with the Travelport, which generates a number Virtual Account Number (Van) for each new booking or transaction – Travelport and Ancillary Services, the solution that allows agents travel to sell airline ancillary services, such as pre-allocation of seats, meals and baggage within their normal workflow rather than by booking on the website of the carrier. ” The visit to the Travelport stand (B05 A04) will be attractive to travel agents who are not yet customers Travelport – which can get a voucher to take advantage of a free consultation at 360 ° and optimize all the technological aspects of their business.

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Thursday, September 18, 2014

All the news of the university Avogadro shown tomorrow at the Open Day – La Stampa


All the news of the University Open Day tomorrow Avogadro illustrated


 At a didactic San Giuseppe di Vercelli

college students





For the academic year 2014-2015 are provided for important changes to the university Vercelli. Will be presented tomorrow morning, from 10 to 13, at St. Joseph’s teaching center (Piazza S. Eusebio 5, Vercelli) during the Open Day during which the University of Eastern Piedmont will present its training. Will be presented all active courses in Vercelli and you will know the teachers, students and administrative staff of the university. But what are the main changes?

On the scientific front, the Department of Science and Technological innovation has doubled the home to two courses of Bachelor, Life Sciences and Informatics, which this year will be offered both in Alexandria is in Vercelli. A Vercelli will be active the first year and in the coming years will be added to the second and third. Will also continue the three year course in Materials Science (Chemistry), which completes the training offer scientific Vercelli. It is thus repeated the experiment last year has doubled in Novara Law and Business Administration in Alexandria, winning by over three hundred new freshmen.

On the humanities, however, the collaboration between the Department of Humanities and the Department of Studies for the economy and the company has created the new master course in inter-Language, culture, tourism, which will be activated in the first year in Vercelli.

The training offer Vercelli is completed with traditional polo humanities courses: Philosophy and Communication, Humanities, Modern Foreign Languages ​​for the three-year degrees; Modern Philology, classical and comparative philosophy and to the colleges. For information, please write to or direzione.dsu@unipmn.it scienzevercelli@unipmn.it.

Printing with you wherever and whenever you want.













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Photokina 2014, the all new Fujifilm – Wired.it

Two new cameras and two new objectives here is the latest news from Fujifilm just presented in Cologne

  • Fujifilm X-T1GS

    Fujifilm X-T1GS

    (Photo: Alessio Jacona)

  • Fujifilm X-T1GS

    Fujifilm X-T1GS

    (Photo: Alessio Jacona)

  • Fujifilm X-T1GS

    Fujifilm X-T1GS

    (Photo: Alessio Jacona)

  • Fujifilm X100T

    Fujifilm X100T

    (Photo: Alessio Jacona)

  • Fujifilm X100T

    Fujifilm X100T

    (Photo: Alessio Jacona)

  • Fujifilm X100T

    Fujifilm X100T

    (Photo: Alessio Jacona)

  • Fujinon Lens XF50-140mm R LM OIS F2.8 WR

    Lens Fujinon F2.8 XF50-140mm R LM OIS WR

    (Photo: Fujifilm)

  • Fujinon Lens XF50-140mm R LM OIS F2.8 WR

    Lens Fujinon F2.8 XF50-140mm R LM OIS WR

    (Photo: Fujifilm)

Cologne Fujifilm arrives in grand style at Photokina in Cologne , where he presented two new cameras and as many goals to the delight of professionals and enthusiasts. Present appeal, there are cameras X-T1GS , where the two letters stand for graphite siver edition, and X100T , the third incarnation of a model so far much appreciated. In terms of the goals we have instead the new high-performance telephoto XF50-140mm R LM OIS F2.8 WR , which debuted along with the bright XF56mm F1.2 R APD . But first things first.

X-T1GS, more beautiful and with a new electronic shutter. The retro charm and specifications of the Fujifilm X-T1 have always been among the strengths of a product that knows how to merge appeal to tradition and advanced technology solutions. Today returns to the public in the GS version updated with the new look achieved thanks to a three-layer coating process, a electronic shutter to 1/32000 seconds and the new film simulation mode ” Classic Chrome “.

The electronic shutter works by deactivating the mechanical one, allowing for a completely silent operation and a speed that you can take advantage of the FUJINON XF lenses fixed focal length also in full light with maximum aperture . The “Classic Chrome” offers soft colors and beautiful muted tones that refer to the reversal films of the era.

Fujifilm X-T1 Graphite Silver Edition will be on sale from November 2014 the suggested retail price of 1499.99 VAT included .

X100T, the third edition of a successful . With the X100T, Fujifilm presents the Third Generation of what defines that the Japanese sets without false modesty “ the model that has revolutionized the way we take pictures “. Strengths of the new camera are l ‘ Electronic Rangefinder (electronic range finder) that facilitates the manual focus; l ‘ electronic shutter fast , up to 1/32000 sec (as the X-T1GS), which allows the use of optical bright in broad daylight and with maximum aperture. And then the X-Trans CMOS sensor with 16.3 MP II combined with image processor EXR Processor II , the goal FUJINON 23mm (35mm format equivalent) and F2 l ‘ Intelligent Hybrid AF for a fast and accurate focusing in any shooting opportunity.

The rear display is LCD 3 “1.04 Megapixel , the video shoot are in the full HD 60-50-30-25-24fps , with a view through the optical viewfinder. Also here is the new mode of film simulation “Classic Chrome”, while the Wi-Fi built-in offers broad connectivity and enables remote management of the machine via the free application “ FUJIFILM Camera Remote . “

Photographs and video footage can be sent to devices, such as smartphones, with a simple” one-touch “. It is also well can navigate between images and videos in the camera, select it and import it using your smartphone, all without the hassle of having to enter ID or password. The images can be added to the geographic location information acquired from your smartphone.

Available in November 2014, the X100T will be on sale at the suggested retail price of 1249.99 € VAT included .

The family Fujinon widens. Finally, the two new goals: L ‘ XF50-140mm R LM OIS F2.8 WR is a zoom weatherproof, dust and low temperatures down to -10 degrees Celsius. The brightness is F2.8 throughout the focal length and this is the image stabilizer. The focusing distance kelp is one meter over the entire focal length, which makes it suitable for shooting macro. L ‘ XF56mm is instead an autofocus lens with a brightness of up to F1.2 is ideal for portraits and for those who want to emphasize facial detail using all ‘effect “bokeh” .

L’ XF50-140mm R LM OIS F2.8 WR will be on sale from December 2014 to suggested retail price of 1549.99 € VAT included . While the ‘ XF56mm F1.2 R APD will be available already from November 2014 at the suggested retail price of 1349.99 € VAT included .


Monday, September 15, 2014

The manufacture of ceramics becomes digital, all crazy for … – Affaritaliani.it

Innovation and technology are the theme of this edition of Tecnargilla 2014 appointment world for a sector, the ceramic and brick, which is mainly on the foreign market for Italian companies growing data.

For the first time we will present the new technology that allows the enamelling digital array will be the printers to be inserted directly into the production line. Already over a thousand bookings from abroad to experience this new production technique.

Housed in the Exhibition Centre, the event, now in its twenty-fourth edition, is organized by Rimini Fiera in collaboration with Acimac, and is the only occasion where they are concentrated under one roof, the major companies active in the supply of processes, machinery and aesthetic solutions for the production of tiles, sanitaryware, tableware, tiles and ceramics technique.

The most qualified international operators are waiting to discover the fact Tecnargilla latest news – some world premiere – to be applied to its production lines.

Tecnargilla 2014 will thus be an important event for those working in the ceramic and brick industries and aims to replicate the excellent numbers edition 2012 has rallied to Rimini 450 exhibitors from 29 countries and 30,458 visitors which 14,822 came from 110 foreign countries.

The new technological proposals will be divided into the usual thematic sections: Tecnargilla, dedicated to technologies for tiles, sanitaryware and tableware, Kromatech, a showcase of color and creativity in ceramics and Claytech, the section dedicated to technologies for the brick.


Presented the new Cersaie news and events – Edilio

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The 32.ma Cersaie 2014, the Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings, will open its doors Monday, September 22, at the fairgrounds in Bologna, between the new openness to new areas and materials such as marble, natural stone and hardwood floors, and a discussion on the theme of beaches with CER_SEA ItalianStyle Beach Concept.

The conference presentation last Friday, moderated by Director General of Confindustria Ceramica, Armando Cafiero, hosted the Regional Minister Luciano Vecchi, President of Confindustria Ceramica Vittorio Borelli, the President of the Committee for Promotion Emilio Mussini, the TV presenter Paola Marella, Prof. Francesco Dal Co and Valerio Castelli Bologna Water Design. Absent, for a commitment in China, the President of BolognaFiere Duccio Campagnoli which, however, did not want to miss his greetings and congratulations for an event – confirmed at Bologna until 2017 – the flagship for the Fair and for the ‘entire city.

“Cersaie is a powerful tool of industrial policy at the service of these sectors and Italy – begins the president Vittorio Borelli – because next to installers, architects, interior designers and consumers, is one of the tools available to companies to come out of the doldrums of the crisis. ” “Number record for this edition – continued Borelli – Exhibitors, which will cover the entire exhibition area of ​​166,000 square meters, are 942, 41 more than last year; these exhibitors come from 38 countries of the World, +3 compared to 2013 Of these, 339 are foreigners, up 11.6%, accounting for 36% of all companies participating in Cersaie “.
President Borelli recalled as “one of the main novelties of this edition and ‘opening a new exhibition sectors, such as parquet and marble , for which we already have from this first edition received important feedback, and whose presence is concentrated in Hall 22. “

The intervention of the President of the Committee for Promotion Emilio Mussini has been focused on the program of events for the next Cersaie. “We are in the sixth edition of ‘Building, Dwelling, Thinking’, the cultural program designed for the world of architecture and interior designers, to whom we offer a calendar of events of international stature. The lecture by Toyo Ito for Thursday, September 25 – thanks to the collaboration of Professor Francesco from Co – is the sixth prize Prtizker participating in Cersaie “. “This year – continues Mussini – we will have as protagonists conference Carme Pinos, Paul Portuguese, Riccardo Blumer, Javier Corvalan, Alessandro Sistri , just to name a few. New this year is that the National Order of Architects has granted credits to the professionals who will participate in the meetings, a further confirmation of the high profile and quality of meetings scheduled. “
” An important event relation Cer_Sea .: in Hall 33 on a surface of 1,200 square meters will be played two bathing establishments, one in the second winter and summer version: also a reflection on how the tourism industry can make a positive contribution to ‘employment and increase in GDP. “” Finally – he concluded Emilio Mussini – I remember the’ Cities of the Lay ‘in Hall 33, the event’ Cersaie Draw your own house ‘at the Service Center Fair and exhibitions at the Gallery of Architecture, which ‘Ceramics and the Project’, and Ceramic Futures ‘Beautiful Ideas’. “

” The ceramic industry is a pin extraordinary on which rests an important part of the economic system and the regional territorial – said Regional Councillor for Productive Activities Luciano Vecchi taking the word – and the Cersaie is the most important fair in the world these areas, which is resistant to international competition and economic crisis with great results. ” “We are working now to programming for the allocation of European funds – said Vecchi – amounting to one billion euro for innovation, research and technology transfer in favor of the construction, the materials for the building and the whole dell’Abitare chain: the ceramic is one of these. “

” I’m very proud to be at Cersaie – said Paola Marella , television host of Real Time TV and godmother of the “Cersaie paint your house” for the second year in a row – to be in contact with consumer , who is taking more and more to Restructuring your home while not having professional skills of the great designers. The pottery has had a great development in recent years and the value is also perceived by the final consumer, who always likes to put his hand over his own house. For me it is a pleasure to be godmother to this activity of free advice and I will be present at the fair on Thursday September 25. “

” Also this year continues the collaboration with Cersaie – says Valerio Castelli di Bologna Water Design – is realized in the beautiful location of the Palace of Bastardini and is centered around the events on the theme of water. Alongside the big names of world architecture, as Daniel Libeskind, we invest in young people with “new ideas” and invited the Italian universities with the hope of finding young talents at the service of the Italian companies. ” Our program – said Castelli – takes place during the five days of the fair, in the time period 12-24 and will end with the Water Night along Via D’Azeglio in the evening of Friday 26 September “.

E ‘was finally the turn of Prof. Francesco Dal Co who emphasized the collaboration with Cersaie expanding the horizon to the cultural aspects that are deeply interconnected and linked to the industrial development of our country. “The cultural program” Building Dwelling Thinking “goes in this direction – said prof. Dal Co – why focus on culture also means focusing on the industry. The internationality of Cersaie and its global dimension are reflected also in its cultural aspect as well as in the economic and business “.

@ edilio_it


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Low cost 3D printers and watches 30 gadgets Ifa – The Press

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low cost 3D printers and watches 30 gadgets Ifa
The print
It opened yesterday at the Berlin ‘ Ifa, the grits European exhibition of consumer electronics. Will continue until September 10, bringing in the German capital over 1200 exhibitors from all over the world. Here is a small review of curiosity and news views


Sunday, September 7, 2014

30 new technologies coming into our lives – La Stampa

[Unable to retrieve full-text content]

30 new technology coming into our lives
The print
It is open the IFA in Berlin yesterday, the most grief European exhibition of consumer electronics. Will continue until September 10, bringing in the German capital over 1200 exhibitors from all over the world. Here is a small review of curiosity and news views


Friday, September 5, 2014

IFA Berlin 2014, technological innovations luxury – Luxgallery

September 5, 2014

IFA Berlin 2014, technological innovations luxury

From August 5 to September 10 Berlin is home to the leading trade fair in the field of consumer electronics and home appliances, IFA 2014 .

The most well-known international companies in the industry are ready to present a preview of the the latest news for the joy of tech-addicited home.

On the occasion of ‘official start of the German festival we took a look at the products the most glamorous that will characterize the next season digital.

The tip devices launched by the South Korean giant Samsung during the keynote Unpacked 2014 September 3 tablet are the 4 Galaxy Note, Galaxy Note Edge and the smartwatch Galaxy S Gear.

HTC has unveiled yesterday Desire 820 , the successor of ‘ HTC Desire 816 . With its large display from 5.5 “ and the two high-definition cameras (one front by 8 megapixel camera and the main one from 13 ), the new smartphone helps users to live with style your own business and mobile on-the-go. The new HTC Desire 820 will be available in Italy from January 2015 .

At the booth Sennheiser you can find a preview of the latest headphones family MOMENTUM and the brand new series of headsets for mobile devices, CX . The CX range consists of 4 models – CX 1.00, 2:00 CX, CX 3:00 , and the top of the range CX 5:00 – all characterized by an acoustic design eye-catching and newly designed driver that deliver compact and lightweight models are able to offer exceptional quality and performance.

This year Hisense not only present new smartphones, tablets, refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioning systems, but also the technology ULED TV, and the first laser TV model developed in cooperation with technology partner Loewe .

The curtain fell to IFA 2014 will be Apple to shake the world of technology with the presentation of New iPhone in program for September 9. Most fanatics are already camped out in front of ‘ Apple Store in New York.

Apple Store New York


Monday, September 1, 2014

Ifa, the new hi tech coming – La Stampa


Ifa, the new hi tech incoming


 Smartphone, tablet, smart watches and bracelets, and then TV, 3D printers and gadgets of all kinds: part two days in Berlin the largest European exhibition of electronics. Here’s what to expect



For the maniacs dcella technology, if not heaven close enough: from the tv with curved screens and a high-resolution clocks who call and measure your blood pressure, which arise from the 3D printers in food and shoes, the toaster is turned on with the smartphone. From 5 to 10 September in Berlin back the Ifa, the most important exhibition of consumer electronics in Europe, which celebrates the fifty-fourth edition with over 1200 exhibitors from five continents.

To attract the attention already in the days of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be the wearable devices, largely the smartwatch, watches with thousands of functions: detect pressure and heart rate, count the steps, mountain barometers, UV detectors and interact with smartphones. If you see the iWatch will have to wait for the Apple event on September 9, Berlin parade the G Watch R of LG, the new circular design unveiled by Motorola Moto 360. Also expected Gear S from Samsung, with curved display and a Sim card which makes it independent from the phone for the phone, the ZenWatch of Asus, which at the moment we only know the name, and the Smartwatch 3 from Sony, so far appeared only in promotional image.

Another area is that of the great rise in connected home: smartphones, tablets, PCs and smart TV that will exchange photos, music and movies, but also the Internet of things, ie refrigerators, ovens, washing machines and coffee machines that are operated and controlled remotely via mobile devices, to move forward with the housework and monitor energy consumption.

Inevitable in a showcase of consumer electronics – along with endless supply of smartphones, tablets, and PCs phablet by all companies – are the tv in their latest forms: huge curved screens and Ultra HD, features packed, for example in the new Lg 65 and 77 inches. IFA in a roundtable discussion with representatives from Philips and Panasonic will take just about 4K, the standard for digital TV also called Ultra HD.

high resolution also affects the audio sector, which is the ability to reproduce the full range of sounds that have been recorded, with a higher quality than that of the CD. In Germany, along with an extensive catalog of headphones, come the new music players designed to play audio tracks in formats which, unlike the more common MP3, are without loss of quality, as Wav and Aiff.

A arouse curiosity will also be 3D printers, you become a new technological trend, thanks to ever-lower prices: in Berlin will be seen, for example, Mon model XYZprinting from 599 euro.

Printing with you wherever and whenever you want.




 alberto abburrĂ , tiziana Cairati and matthew de santis













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